What Business is it of Yours Where I'm From, Friendo?

K really good workout yesterday too

Front squats
95lbs x 5
115lbs x 2 sets of 5
120lbs x 3 sets of 5

military press
65lbs x 6
70lbs x 3 sets of 6
75lbs x 6

one arm landmine press
10lbs x 10
15lbs x 10
20lbs x 10

front foot elevated DB split squats
17.5lbs x 3 sets of 8

Bulgarian split squats
BW x 1 x 15

seated DB press
25lbs x 2 x 12
1 drop Arnold press
15lbs x 10

leg spreader
70lbs x 12
85lbs x 12
100lbs x 12
115lbs x 12

leg squisher
100 or 115lbs cant remember x 4 x 8

single leg ext.
30lbs x 2 x 12

ass kick back
x 3 x 10

cable rear delt fly SS bent over DB rear delt fly SS Db lateral raise
x 3 sets of a bunch of shit


Anyway ,

Some not-so-interesting news :

I developed feelings for an adult human male. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS. I legit really liked/was attracted to someone that wasn’t Marshall shit bag.
He is just a guy who works out at my work and he seemed funny and unique to me. I realized that maybe the reason I have a hard time getting into relationships is because of my selective woman parts only becoming attracted to a very few people. It’s not like I only go after perfectly hunky Thor-type, quite the opposite in fact, it’s just very rare and random .

But yeah because I cant even talk to guys I told the evening staff if he comes in to tell him that morning desk girl says hi LOL, he came in last night and said that’s very sweet, but he’s not available .

but I could just be insecure and paranoid
I COULD be those things

WElll I mean I KNOW im those things, but in this instance I don’t know if I know if im those things


Bottom line is I am not dead inside, just dormant



I think it’s code for he’s not single.


YES normally I wouldn’t be so doubtful, BUT in this case I have literally never ever seen him with a girl and nobody else has either. Wouldn’t a girlfriend at least one time try the gym out with her boyfriend at some point ?

Maybe I’m just too wrapped up in the gym world to believe someone wouldn’t want to partake in lifting with their man !

No. When I used to train outside my garage, I always worked out solo. Wife was on a different schedule and worked out at home.


I’m not available either - but that’s because I’m not emotionally ready to be in a relationship, not because I’m not interested in someone or because I’m not single. I am just not prepared to be supportive of another person right now.

He might be saving you from another Marshall type situation.

Trust me, it’s not you.


Ok thanks for saying so buddy.

I just think like well ya, I look like crap at work like I mentioned before starting before 5am doesn’t give me much time to make myself look good . Not to mention my work shirts are less than flattering 

And I can’t wear contacts for extended periods so it’s glasses all day every day.
Also, my face gets really shiny

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Ugh. Absolutely not.

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My wife has never once set foot in my gym.

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Ok well I guess I feel semi better and less rejected :rofl: thx guys


You’re good peeps.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes dudes are just unavailable, for whatever reason. The dude might be gay. Or maybe celibate to heal himself up from a traumatic relationship.

Love yourself!


Not really. Last year when i was going to the gym i could never imagine going to the gym with a girlfriend. It was annoying enough if they called while i was training lol. Unless they had a genuine interest to go of course but otherwise



Hey guys good workout yesterday

paused squats
135lbs x 6
145lbs x 6
155lbs x 4
165lbs x 2 sets of 4

paused bench
95lbs x 5
100lbs x 2
105lbs x 3 sets of 2
weak af

DB row
40lbs x 10
45lbs x 10
50lbs x 10

front foot elevated BB split squat
x 10
x 2 x 8
Bulgarian split sq
BW x 12

single leg ext
20lbs x 15
30lbs x 15

db lateral raises
10lbs x 20
12.5lbs x 20
15lbs x 15
7.5lbs x I forget

hammer curls
15lbs x 10
20lbs x 10
25lbs x 6
15lbs x 10

leg spreader
leg squisher

seated row cable SS straight arm pull down
x’s stuff


oh cable tri ext. x more stuff

My bench sucks so bad . it used to be my best lift
Like I was warming up with 115lbs now 95lbs feels heavy
I don’t think its just the weight loss I think it’s the weight loss mixed with not training it for a year because my squat is still decent



K good today

135lbs x 5
145lbs x 5
155lbs x 6 sets of 5

Bench press
95lbs x 5
105lbs x 3 sets of 5
110lbs x 2 sets of 5

Close grip bench blockz
75lbs x 10
80lbs x 2 sets 8

Bulg split squats
Lateral raises
single leg ext
One arm flat db press
Wt 124.4



135lbs x 3
175lbs x 3
185lbs x 3
195lbs x 2 sets of 3
200lbs x 2 sets of 3
205lbs x 3

Bent over row
95lbs x 3 x 10

Two D handle lat pull down ss foot on seat lat pull
85lbs / 55
X 6 x 8
X 6 x 8
X 6 x 8

Kayak row ss straight arm pull down
20lbs / 20lbs
X 12 x 10
X 10 / 12
X 12 x 10

T bar row
Bar +
X 6
X 6
X 2 x 6

Wide d handle lat pull down
70lbs x 3 x 8

Rope curl
2 x 15

Front lat pull down
27.5 lbs x 8
35lbs x 2 x 6

Bb curl
30lbs x 10, 10, 12

Awesome. Missed my belt haven’t used it in 10months .

Interesting what 20lbs can do. Those pants on the left are a M and are snug. On the right it’s the exact same pants but in size S and fall down a bit.

Shits too great right now, for realz . You don’t know freedom until you’ve been trapped .

I’m just so grateful to be happy. I still have bad days obvs. Anxious days, emotional days , horrible sleeps , off workouts , etc 
 but it doesn’t affect me like it used to. Like it doesn’t ruin my whole day or cause me to make poor decisions . I feel fantastic for the most part, and doubt myself far less than I used to.
Keep on rockin


Fuck but I’m happy to see you post this


Hey Jenn

Would have quoted the same as Mark.
I don’t really know you, but after tagging along here for some time I fell I do.
This post made me really happy Jenn.


thanks guys !!

Another great workout today, i had to change my paused bench to this workout and move my military press to my paused squat day because on that day i stay at my work gym and the benches/bars there suck and my strength there was way down for benching .

Front squats
95lbs x 4
115lbs x 4
120lbs x 4
125lbs x 4 sets of 4

paused bench
95lbs x 4
100lbs x 2 sets of 4
105lbs x 4
110lbs x 2

front foot elevated DB split squats SS one arm landmine press
x 8. x 12
x 8. x 12
x 10/ x 12

bulgarin split squats SS seated DB press
x 8/ x 8
x 8/ x 8
x 10/ x 10

cable ass kick back SS db lateral raise
x 10/ x 20
x 12/ x 20
x 15/ x 30

leg spreader SS leg squisher

rear delt DB fly

stepmill x 20 mins


two rest days now, Thank G.

I saw Jurassic World yesterday . This might be the only place i am willing to admit this because surly i could never tell my son, but it wasn’t very good.

They kind of just combined the first 3 jurassic park movies. Some scenes were even like identical (on purpose)
also this one kid in it that was supposed to be like there for comedy was a bad actor and wasnt funny
also not enough t rex too much velicoraptor
not enough jeff goldblum
also stupid story line
and stupid ending
not enough of the theme song

it was bad.

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k another gooder and i am on the rollllll of a lifetime!!

paused squats

135lbs x 5
155lbs x 5
160lbs x 5
165lbs x 5
170lbs x 2 sets of 3

military press
65lbs x 5
70lbs x 5
75lbs x 4 sets of 5

DB row
45lbs x 2 x 10, x 12

single leg ext
40lbs x 2 x 8

db lateral raises
10lbs x 15
12.5lbs x 15
15lbs x 15
17.5lbs x 15

seated row cable
x 12, x 8, x 8 for weights i cant remember * Ramped

front foot elevated DB split squat
x 2 x 8
bulgarian split squat
17.5lbs x 8

straight arm pull down
2 x 15

reverse grip d handle tri ext
2 x 12 or some shit

cable ass kick back
x 15
x 12

hammer curl
x 2 x 10
x 15

leg spreader
drop set
x 8, x 8, x 8

ya losta shit
shoulda done rear delts damn i just remembered
No jenn this is annoying


K so im on rest days now until Saturday . This week I had four rest days instead of three because last week I only had two instead of three. Just had to switch it up a bit with my long weekend last weekend.
AND THIS WEEKEND cause im top desk person and I can book off randomness to enjoy extra time over the summer with my son :smiley:

I have to say, going from one or two to 3 consistent rest days a week is a huge life changer for me. Stuff that used to be chronically tight is now only tight after workouts for a while and then it seems to sort itself out MUCH faster.

I’m still pretty crooked , but shit doesn’t feel so trapped anymore, it’s wonderful. Not to mention the mental aspect of it. I find it taxing just to prepare my gym stuff to take to work . it’s like UHG I have to carry three pairs of shoes!! Work shoes, squat shoes and chucks . So not having to do that very often makes the week seem less daunting.

Anyone who is like how I used to be with hating rest days/always feeling like more is better, I am just letting you know I have crossed the path and the grass is def greener on the other side!!!

I am officially off my probation period at work now (3month mark) and I feel really settled. I guess I should have already, but now I find I am peacefully organizing my office and what not to make it my own which I wasn’t really allowing myself to do before.
And everyone I work with is so awesome!! We got a new hire who is named Jennifer and she is short and has brown hair and guess what!!! She talks really fast because she has high functioning anxiety, LOL . INSTA BESTIE !!!



Hey Jenn happy to see life is smiling at you again :slight_smile: