The Flame-Free Confession Thread

[quote]anonym wrote:
Saying shit like “abs are visible, but blurry”, is totally weak sauce when used as an attempt to convince other people how lean you (think you) are.[/quote]
lol yeah

[quote]DanielDJ wrote:

[quote]DanielDJ wrote:

Conventional Deadlifts arent an overall mass builder, they do nothing for your lower body.


After recording my form the other day I take this back!! My deadlift form is terrible. Surprised those 220kg ‘hyperextensions’ haven’t killed me. No leg drive whatsoever.[/quote]
Sink those hips, bro

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
I believe that posting your workout or photos of your meals on facebook is anabolic. There’s tons of science to support this, I just can’t be bothered to find it at the moment.

If I see one more person post online their ‘clean bulk’ pancakes orgy and 5 lb Chipotle burritos and relegating them as such l, my head will blow.

[quote]Dr. Pangloss wrote:

Oh, it’s real alright.[/quote]

[quote]IamMarqaos wrote:

[quote]jskrabac wrote:
I don’t believe Mountaindog, or DC, or Smolov, or Big Beyond Belief, or any kind of training program is “hardcore.”

I don’t believe any lifter is hardcore for what they do in the gym, because it’s your choice, and you’re doing it for your own benefit.

The guy who gets his legs blown off overseas and finds a way to play competitive wheel chair basketball again at the elite level…that’s hardcore.

A woman who loses her husband in a car accident and raises two kids while working two different jobs…that’s hardcore.

There hasn’t been a better post than this since the inception of T-Nation.[/quote]

Thank you. And Jake, great f’ing post man. Couldn’t agree more man.

[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:
I think mens physique at pro level has way more quality physiques than people like to admit

Are people really discrediting the physiques of physique competitors? At any level?

The problem with the physique competition is the competition is self. The board shorts covering the thighs, the way they are presented as stage too. After actually watching a video for the first time of one, I was thinking i would be embaressed if someone saw me watching this and I would have to defend my hetero street cred.

Keep in mind I will most likely end up doing physiqe over BBing cause im Extra Smedium.

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[quote]Waittz wrote:
Keep in mind I will most likely end up doing physiqe over BBing cause im Extra Smedium. [/quote]
You’re a solid XXM dawg :wink:

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[quote]Waittz wrote:

[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:
I think mens physique at pro level has way more quality physiques than people like to admit

Are people really discrediting the physiques of physique competitors? At any level?

The problem with the physique competition is the competition is self. The board shorts covering the thighs, the way they are presented as stage too. After actually watching a video for the first time of one, I was thinking i would be embaressed if someone saw me watching this and I would have to defend my hetero street cred.

Keep in mind I will most likely end up doing physiqe over BBing cause im Extra Smedium. [/quote]

I can’t openly quote those who discredit physique cause this is flame free thread remember…

[quote]Waittz wrote:
The problem with the physique competition is the competition is self. The board shorts covering the thighs, the way they are presented as stage too. After actually watching a video for the first time of one, I was thinking i would be embaressed if someone saw me watching this and I would have to defend my hetero street cred. [/quote]

but yet standing on stage in a tiny little glittery thong doesn’t ring the same alarm bells?

[quote]rds63799 wrote:

[quote]Waittz wrote:
The problem with the physique competition is the competition is self. The board shorts covering the thighs, the way they are presented as stage too. After actually watching a video for the first time of one, I was thinking i would be embaressed if someone saw me watching this and I would have to defend my hetero street cred. [/quote]

but yet standing on stage in a tiny little glittery thong doesn’t ring the same alarm bells?[/quote]

Yeah, but less hair highlights and more legs. Much less homo, bro.

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:

[quote]rds63799 wrote:

[quote]Waittz wrote:
The problem with the physique competition is the competition is self. The board shorts covering the thighs, the way they are presented as stage too. After actually watching a video for the first time of one, I was thinking i would be embaressed if someone saw me watching this and I would have to defend my hetero street cred. [/quote]

but yet standing on stage in a tiny little glittery thong doesn’t ring the same alarm bells?[/quote]

Yeah, but less hair highlights and more legs. Much less homo, bro. [/quote]

I dunno man, I’d choose board shorts, quarter turns and spice-boy hair over thongs any day…

I dont think I could ever do a bodybuilding show even if I were to obtain a physique that was stage worthy. I have no disrespect for bodybuilders, I have so much respect for what they do. I just honestly don’t think I could get up on a stage in front of people while wearing a thong and take myself seriously. I don’t mean this as an insult, and def respect keeping this thread flame free, just my own honest confession.

[quote]rds63799 wrote:

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:

[quote]rds63799 wrote:

[quote]Waittz wrote:
The problem with the physique competition is the competition is self. The board shorts covering the thighs, the way they are presented as stage too. After actually watching a video for the first time of one, I was thinking i would be embaressed if someone saw me watching this and I would have to defend my hetero street cred. [/quote]

but yet standing on stage in a tiny little glittery thong doesn’t ring the same alarm bells?[/quote]

Yeah, but less hair highlights and more legs. Much less homo, bro. [/quote]

I dunno man, I’d choose board shorts, quarter turns and spice-boy hair over thongs any day…[/quote]

Must be my inner stripper calling…

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:

[quote]rds63799 wrote:

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:

[quote]rds63799 wrote:

[quote]Waittz wrote:
The problem with the physique competition is the competition is self. The board shorts covering the thighs, the way they are presented as stage too. After actually watching a video for the first time of one, I was thinking i would be embaressed if someone saw me watching this and I would have to defend my hetero street cred. [/quote]

but yet standing on stage in a tiny little glittery thong doesn’t ring the same alarm bells?[/quote]

Yeah, but less hair highlights and more legs. Much less homo, bro. [/quote]

I dunno man, I’d choose board shorts, quarter turns and spice-boy hair over thongs any day…[/quote]

Must be my inner stripper calling…

unleash it! Let you spirits soar!

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

-peri-workout nutrition is only for those who use pre-workout insulin [/quote]

Really? could save a lot of money on bcaa/hydrolyzed whey and vitargo then…

[quote]sh3 wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

-peri-workout nutrition is only for those who use pre-workout insulin [/quote]

Really? could save a lot of money on bcaa/hydrolyzed whey and vitargo then… [/quote]

Yeah, and a few inches on your waist.

BTW this one is for you walkway. I made it so you can save it on your hardrive and save yourself all of that time you waste typing.

I love to bro talk when me and my buddies lift, its fun as fuck.

[quote]Waittz wrote:

[quote]sh3 wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

-peri-workout nutrition is only for those who use pre-workout insulin [/quote]

Really? could save a lot of money on bcaa/hydrolyzed whey and vitargo then… [/quote]

Yeah, and a few inches on your waist.

BTW this one is for you walkway. I made it so you can save it on your hardrive and save yourself all of that time you waste typing. [/quote]

Well I have lost 29 pounds since february. I have been sipping of 30-60g vitargo and 15g bcaa during every one of my workouts.

I only have a couple of servings of vitargo and bcaa left, and it seems I should not bother buying some more then?

If for beginners programs, the speed of the rep was emphasized more as opposed to just telling them to ‘add weight to the bar’, it would help a lot of people.

The concept of being explosive and really CONTROLLING a weight as opposed to just grinding out another rep is something I wish I had picked up on earlier.

[quote]Spidey22 wrote:
If for beginners programs, the speed of the rep was emphasized more as opposed to just telling them to ‘add weight to the bar’, it would help a lot of people.

The concept of being explosive and really CONTROLLING a weight as opposed to just grinding out another rep is something I wish I had picked up on earlier. [/quote]

Good one!