That Big Weak Guy

PX struggled with weights “close to 15kg dumbbells” on the bench?

You and the OP should go have a beer together.


I was joking about the whole 10-20% anyway…

don’t you love the revisionist history?

It’s literally been years now since X last posted here, and we still have guys that want to trash him. Truly incredible.

Haha yeah I got it and thought it was funny.

Yup. I understand he may have pissed off a lot of guys and they’re entitled to their opinions about his character but if you want to thrash him at least don’t make silly shit up that can easily be disproved.

X was kind of a wank sometimes, but to his credit I seem to remember him overhead pressing 225lbs in one of those videos he was in. That shit’s not easy to do.

God damn it @usmccds423 look what you did, dick. :scream:


LOL!!! This was an interesting thread indeed!

On the lunge…yeah

yeah, my favourite bit was the warlock/wizard chat.

It’s been an interesting take on the classic “I’m skinny but I totally lift heavier than the big guys at my gym” thread that we all know and love.

Wow. You found ONE set of ONE exercise out of the entire series of videos. An exercise he had never done before and which he performed awkwardly due to his knee problems, an asthma attack without an inhaler and what looks like a lack of balance or shifting of his bodyweight to avoid pressure on his knees but obviously not muscular weakness and you decided to bring that up.

People like you never cease to amaze me.

I think I may have found a photo of the big weak guy.

This could explain the difficulty in judging weight and bodyfat %, but that’s still a big dude no doubt.


And the functional strength crowd hasn’t even spoken yet.

I didn’t find it, I just remembered it. And this thread reminded me of it. You’re going to be alright, Bud. It’s going to be OK.

Lol. A silly retort like this was not unexpected…:relaxed:

I said he was struggling near the end of his sets, I may have left out that they were quite high rep sets I’m not sure . if so my mistake. Either way no lies here

Also I would like to add that I have not lied about anything I’ve said here, also maybe I have misjudged his size ,either way he lifts weight much lower than his expected ability, I started this to see peoples opinions on how it was possible. I’ve been advised to speak to him which I will attempt to do in the future , maybe after that I could give you guys some exact stats and more of an explanation of how he trains. However I can’t guarantee when this will be. I’ve found this whole topic interesting throughout so thanks .

Well it’s not unless he’s a warlock. There’s your answer.


You’re making a conversation with this guy seem more challenging than I’d expect it to be. Does this brute only communicate in grunts and hand gestures?

No its a lot simpler than that he’s not always at the gym when I am and he’s usually with about 4 other guys and I would hate to be that person who spoils their training by sparking up conversation. At the end of the day I’m sure I will speak to him at some point until then I going to have to follow people here’s advice and presume its magic lol