Terrorist Attack - World Trade Center & Pentagon

The primary option right now would be (in my view, w/ current details, like 90% certainty of Bin Laden) would be w/ UN approval, to annex Afgahnastan, occupy it, and register citizens, Sooner or later Bin Laden will be forced out of his hole. Getting the UN to back this is a whole other problem. Isolationism is not the answer either, but the US hopefully will atleast re-examine socail policy. Almost finally, the supposed “muslims” that do this are the biggest hippocrites in the world, right up w/ the Catholic Church of centuries ago. Their religion is indoctrinated in peace yet the terrorists adulterate it so much that it becomes a calling to arms… Finally i wonder if anyone else has seen “The Siege.” Not to make light of the current crisis, that movie has striking similarities to this event.

Aikicita is right. My fear is that the voices of reason & measure will be drowned out by the cries for blood. May it not be so.

To the Libertarian: being somewhat of a conservative – a very paleo-conservative, mind you – I share some of your sentiments. However, I can’t get around that old adage that “government is necessary to govern those who are not fit to govern themselves.” I don’t think I need that much governing, but I confess I’m worried about the other guy…

4 planes but anyway, we should hunt and kill ALL terrorists!! their not involved in this one, ooops. so what, I am not singleing out a race or country I am saying ALL terrorists, while we are at it if say the PLO even gave bin laden or any other terrorists a nickle for a cup of coffee they go too. if any leader ever hid any of them GOODBYE to them too. if you want to end it you have to KILL the people in charge. stop talking bullshit about “lets see who did it first” BULLSHIT. the PLO ARE terrorists so get rid of them, laden is still responsable for alot of inocent peoples deaths so he should die (yes even if he is NOT responsable for these acts). even notice these scum bags get someone ELSE to die for them? gee, since we went after hussain(sp?) how much have you heard about him (and we should have got him and not just tried)? start hunting them down and this shit will stop. someone takes ladins place? they die too, next one dies too, next one also!!!

Breathing is necessary. Eating is necessary. Healthcare is necessary. Causing suffering (more like mass death) in thousands by flying airplanes into skyscrapers is NOT necessary. I don’t respect any political or apolitical agenda that advocates as necessary the suffering of innocent citizens.

I know we shouldn’t be pointing fingers right now, but I thought I’d let you know that Bin Laden did bomb the World Trade Center back in 1993. Also, in 1998 (or was it 1999), he attacked a US Navel Ship. Sometime before that he bombed a US Embassy in Kenya. Now if Bin Laden is behind this tragic event, I think that Congress will declare war! This is something that our political leaders are not taking too lightly. I want to know what you guys think. Oh, and our presidant will give an address at 8:30 eastern time.

I can’t imagine the pain and horror that is being experienced by relatives, survivors and the American people as a whole, all I can do is send my love and prayers.

I’ve read and seen everything on the news last night(10 pm, 9-11, phil. time.) My prayers and condolences go out to all the American ppl. This is a truly mind-boggling, depressing incident. God Bless us all.

Do you have a fucking brain, CC? I NEVER STATED ONCE THAT SUFFERING WAS NECESSARY. Rather, I claimed that terrorism cannot exist outside the medium of government. Stop putting sick, twisted words inside my mouth.

I know there are lots of arguements on this, it was bound to cause them, it’s a highly charged subject, but just a thought. To the people discussing killing Bin Laden, might be time to think a little bit before you speak. Imprisoning him, yes, but killing him, that’s just going to leave us with a network of killers with no leadership, so they’ll kill at will, instead of having someone with an agenda at the top. Making this madman a martyr would cause WWIII. Just remember, what would T-man do? He might not do the most popular thing, but he’ll do the best thing for himself in the long run, lets hope our politicians keep this in mind.

like to get confirmation on this, but i heard american airline was fined a few months ago, for failing to meet airline security measures-fox news

There’s no Biotest supplement which can
cause even the slightest problem in donating
blood, so don’t worry about that.

Personally I think the retaliation must be
so severe that no terrorist anywhere will
ever want to try anything like this ever
again. This means more than just getting
Bin Laden. It means that damage to all
the terrorists find valuable – their
friends in particular – must be intolerable.
For example, let’s say the Palestinian
terrorists did not do it. But whatever
terrorists did do it are comrades of
the Palestinian terrorists and vice versa:
so we should destroy all Palestinian
terrorists with no need to find out first
if they were directly involved. There should
be no remaining PLO tomorrow. No remaining
Taliban. No remaining Afghan training centers
(we know where their headquarters are: they’re
US-built, originally to protect the Afghan
rebels from Russian attack.)

The terrorists must be destroyed.

i’d just like to give my prayers and thoughts to anyone who may be directly or indirectly affected by this tragedy. We need to put an end to this bullshit and stop resorting to innocent violence as an answer to things. The people responsible for this need to be torture d endlessly. Most importantly we need to stick together and be supportive to each other. God has a masterplan and i’m sure he’ll see that this issue is taken care of properly. Last, i’d like everyone to not take anything for granted as your life may end any second.

I was only stating what is probably going on in a majority of Americans minds, and that is personally bringing to justice the persons or persons responsible for this heinous crime. I’d much rather take someone out, figuratively speaking, one on one, than stoop to their level in a cowardly manner and literally stab someone in the back. Say what you will Erik, I had relatives that were personally involved in today’s incidents, and I, like so many others who were affected by today’s events, would love the opportunity to take this prick out.

I agree, Im not adverse to tactical nuclear weapons if it can be justified. No more pin prick cruise missles on near deserted training camps. They brought war to us and we need to take it right back.


You surprise me with your answer. I have always thought of you as a very rational thinker. I think your plan would involve the killing of many innocents. Yes they killed innocent people, but does that make it right for us to do the same? It just continues the cycle and they will attack again in retaliation(It gives them one more reason). It make take them 20 years after the U.S. razes them to hell and beyond but they won’t forget. The result more innocents killed. I know what many are thinking. NUKE EM!!! Well that would be stupid. Yes we would never have to worry about them again. But that area would be unliveable for thousands and thousands of years. No too mention the countless lives lost and how the damage would spread to other innocents. Also I think the whole UN, NATO etc would have something to say about that. Do I think we should give in to there demands? Of course not. Should we stand by and do nothing? Absolutely not. But our action whatever it maybe, should be a wise and carefully thoughtout one.

No offense Bill. I’m sure not taken. :slight_smile:


Nkeago, no one who has chosen to be part
of a terrorist organization is “innocent.”
He’s a criminal, end of story. Knowingly
and willingly participating in an organization that
murders people makes one also guilty of
the crimes of that organization. If a few
thousand individuals who voluntarily chose
to join and participate in terrorist organizations are killed by our military,
they’re just getting what they deserve.
And no response less than that is going
to end these kinds of attacks.

Do you think that our “response” to the
USS Cole attack, or to the WTC bombing
attack, was the slightest bit effective
in deterring today’s attacks? Obviously
not. It seems clear that the weakness of
our response, nowhere near in proportion
to the crimes though we knew for a fact
(in the case of the WTC bombin) and
with reasonable suspicion (in the case
of the USS Cole) who was responsible,
encouraged the terrorists to commit
today’s atrocities. If they take the
past as a guide, expecting us to follow
the doctrines we have in the past, they
expect that any response they might suffer
will be trivial. Instead they need to find
it is at the very least equal to what they
did to us, and preferably more.

That means that at least 10,000 terrorists
need to be killed. Guess what, after that
the remaining cowards will not try any
such thing against the United States ever

We should have made this kind of response
before. We were never sufficiently outraged,
and were too concerned about the “individual
rights” of terrorists who aren’t even US
citizens. We now have to change our approach.
I’m finding it hard to see how you can
disagree? Do you think our response as with
the USS Cole is the right way to go?

Listening to news reports tonight was sickening. To think that people were making frantic 911 calls on these airplanes as they were hijacked. They were talking about how people were being stabbed on the planes. How horrible is that? To know your life is about to end??? This is a hideous crime. Before we think retailiation, we need to help our neighbors in need. Please, donate blood, send money to the American Red Cross or United Way for disaster relief. If you are in the immediate area, please volunteer to help rescue survivors tomorrow. Everyone else, whether you are religious or not, please say a prayer for all those affected.

Normally, I am unaffected by anything that doesn't immediately affect me, my friends or family. But today's events are just horrid. I have had chills many times throughout the day watching the footage and realizing how many innocent people lost their lives. Retailiation will come. For now, do what you can to help those in need.

I hate all things Palestinian and most things
Arab. I make no apologies for this. And
if that makes me a “racist” I am guilty as

But seeing the Palestinians eating candy and
celebrating this horrible evil has forever
changed me today. I know longer view them
as human, but as simians, as apes or monkeys.

Because nothing human could find joy in this
horrific day of evil.

These radical Islamists need to be taught
a severe lesson. They need to be made
to scurry about the earth with no home for
generations, despised by all, scurrying on
their bellies like crawly things.

Perhaps, in many generations, they will come
to realize the error of their ways and they
can then be readmitted to the human race.

But until then, I will not mourn nor grieve
over any Palestinian deaths. -


I was wondering,couldn’t nations like Russia and China rally behind US in the efforts to abolish terrorism? But I also mean ALL countries but since those are powerhouses…

These people are messed in the head. There’s no civilized way to deal with them. As much as I hate violence and believe that the US would only end up lowering themselves to the same level as the terrorists. I really do think it’s the only way to show them who’s boss. Wipe them out of existence, destroy their government and all the terrorists. It’s sad to see that the human race is regressing more and more everyday. Technology progresses but humanity does not. Who knows if this is the end or not.
“In the City of God there will be a great thunder, two brothers torn apart by chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb.”, “The third big war will begin when the big city is burning.” - Nostradamus