Teen Bulk or Cut?

You can have that opinion and it can be wrong. Both of those things are occurring here. It’s like saying, in your opinion, you’re short. You can think it and you may believe it, but it’s not a truth.

You’ve been offered guidance. And you’ve dismissed it.

Like everyone’s said, losing 15-20 pounds is the last thing you need right now. You’ll end up with abs and weaker lifts. But… you will do what you want.

“I clearly have some body fat man. There is no doubt about that.”

“I just feel like I should cut to 155-160 and see what I’m looking like”

“I figure if I got lean enough now it would be nice to slowly bulk back up”

“Now that I think of it, my current short term goal is to look good”

“I feel like my numbers are good for my weight right now.”

“My numbers are intermediate to my body weight in my opinion”

“I’m an intermediate”

You’ve wanted to cut this entire time and aren’t interested in hearing anyone suggest that you should spend more time building strength.



Chris would you prefer that I stand down
On this? Since you have already made my point.


According to some googled strength standards, sure.



Sit, stand, stay, play. 100% your call.

But we both know, from being online and from raising teens, they’re already the smartest thing on the planet and we know nuthin’.


Yeah. I’m more amused by the comments to be honest if anything else.


I just love it how @Chris_Colucci comes in with his proverbial belt in his hand and everybody sits on the couch so as not to get a whipping!! :joy:


my standards. You’re speaking to strangers on an internet forum, all of whom have different opinions. The opinion I shared is my own, and you are entitled to your own opinion as well.

You also said your numbers are good for your weight right now, not your age. And they are definitely not good for your weight.

You’re 17 years old. That makes you essentially an adult, physically. AND you have a better hormone profile than guys older than you. You’re in your physical prime. No excuses.


Your OHP is ‘novice’ according to internet strength standards.

There are people here, giving you advice, that are ‘elite’ or ‘world class’ according to these strength standards. What makes you think you’ve earned the right to have such a shitty attitude?

More importantly, what does ‘being an intermediate’ have to do with the question at hand and why does it mean you somehow know better than people much more experienced and stronger than you?


Not sure what your point is here

Well this thread turned sour quickly.

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This is the greatest analogy and I love it so much haha


Thanks! My mother (and many others here, I’m sure) used this very tactic a lot when I was young LOL

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This thread is yet another great example of why I stay away from this section. Why do people bother posting a question or asking for advice if they are not going to listen or accept the value of that advice.




The thing about science is it’s true whether or not you believe in it.

Not according to solipsism!

Haha, I had to look that one up. But what is the self, and can’t it be stripped down enough to reveal that there truly is no self? Is the sense of self not an evolutionary construct to protect the organism?..

…Sorry, it’s a rest day for me. Colorado sells incredible “recovery” products.