Physique Like a Martial Artist or Football Player?

I an thin male currently, but I don’t want to train weights and look like a bodybuilder with bulky muscles.
I wanna look like Adrian Peterson or Dolph Lundgren.

I don’t know how to describe, but their muscles just look so perfect.
What training program gets that Goldilocks Physique, if you will. Not too huge, not too small. Just right.

Train martial arts or play football.


Not every football player / martial artist looks like that. Take a look at Tom Brady. His muscles don’t look that great.
I wanna look something like those two specifically.

So instead of a football player or a martial artist, your question is more “How do I look like Dolph or Adrian?”

You have to pick better parents next time. Right now, you only have the genetics you were dealt. All you can do is look like a more muscular and defined version of yourself.

If you find you are getting TOO muscular, stop eating and training so much.


Should only take 20 years and $50 000 worth of drugs.


In my experience, most martial artists don’t look like football players or vice versa. Mostly.


He’s not a troll. You just asked a dumbass question.

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I didn’t ask a question. I’m not the op

The answer is pretty simple. Lift heavy weights consistently, for a long period of time. Lift with intensity and purpose. Pick programs that involve every major muscle group in your body. And eat at a caloric surplus until your desired results are achieved. Once that happens, you can stop getting bigger if you stop eating at a caloric surplus and just keep training hard.

Also, don’t get injured or miss major time from the gym. Staying healthy is key.


With the caveat that if your goal is to look like AD or Lundgren, you may never achieve it (because genetics, as mentioned upthread).

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oh, of course. nobody knows what they’ll actually look like, or how far they can go.

Goals change too. I still remember, when I first started training at 125 lbs, 18 years old, that if I ever got to a lean 170 lbs, I’d look amazing, and that’s as far as I would ever need to go to be happy. And I felt like that was probably out of reach anyway. Now I’m 200 lbs, leaner than I thought I could get at 170, and all I can think about is what it would be like to hit a lean 220.

I think it’s good to have a goal physique in the beginning, because it’s motivating. But it’s certainly important, after you have some training under your belt, to be willing to adjust those goals as necessary.


Remember the movie Memento? Guy Pierce’s physique in that was, at one point, my lifetime goal.

Only bits and pieces of it.


I did, forgot about it 20 seconds later. Damn short term memory.

Reeeeaaaaalllll original, boys

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Damnit I had that on lock how did I come in second?


One of my all-time favorite movies.

If you want original, my work had a 3 CD player at work that was ALSO a DVD player. That meant it had a shuffle function. We put Momento in on shuffle and it made way more sense, but then we also took that out, put in all 3 Karate Kids on shuffle and made the craziest movie ever.

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aw yeah it’s a masterpiece

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