New Muscle Pump Coaching

My triceps are probably the most sore they have even been. Definitely ready to hit workout two tomorrow and can’t wait. I also have to say lemon drop is damn good and much better than wild berry but wild berry is still good.

Your weight gain is surprising . . . to a degree. My son, Tyler, who is 20 years old, started the exact same Surge Challenge on May 2, 2022. He had been consumed with taking his final exams at FSU and had not trained in three weeks. After his first three workouts, his body weight was up 7.8 pounds.

I believe we are going to see some major body-weight increases among the guys who do the program with focused precision.

You’re thinking is spot on. You want effective options. And our goal is to provide the most effective and efficient training options for achieving elite fitness.

How many calories was Tyler eating a day?

Note that I used the prescribed, non-strength day dosage (1 scoop in 1.8L) and drank throughout the morning at my Crossfit class. Hadn’t eaten yet (class is at 7 am PST), and had drank a Surge before bed last night as well. Had the best time for the WOD in the gym so far today by a long shot (12:04 vs second best at 14:11). Also, I’m turning 49 in a couple weeks and many others are in their 20’s and 30’s. Can’t say to what degree the Surge helped as I usually do pretty well on these types of workouts (assault bike, pull ups, wall ball throws), but I definitely felt plenty of energy and was able to sustain a good pace.


I wanted Tyler to consume 4,000 food calories a day, plus another 480 calories of Surge. It was everything he could do to get 3,000 food calories down. Gradually over the next two weeks, and with my pushing, he was eating 4,000 calories per day.

I hit the 4,000 calories yesterday, including Surge. I also weigh 242 (today), so it’s a ~5% increase

Ice cream doesn’t count!


Ice cream is gains fuel!

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lmao! I’m 3 months clean and sober!

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If ice cream was included, my calories would be 2,400 higher. That’s what two pints of ice cream equates to…

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You can eat almost all the ice cream you want on the Surge Challenge eating plan. And I’m not kidding.


You just spoke right to my heart, coming from someone who has a habit of having ice cream every night.

How about a bowl of Blue Bell Cookie Two Step, with a little malted-milk powder sprinkled on top?


Silly question, my gym has a pullover machine…No problem with using that is there?

I am on call, and on site…I can start Friday… Maybe go Friday, Sunday, Tuesday for the weirdest split ever? off Wed Th

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My wheat intolerance wouldn’t like it but looks delicious!

@dchris Stay strong buddy! It’s your cryptonite.

Yes, you can use the Nautilus Pullover.

Cookie Two Step is one of the best ice cream flavors I’ve ever had in my life. I imagine mixing it with malt would be amazing.

I’ve certainly been eating like a machine so far. Doubling portions at restaurants and every meal. Enjoying two Tim Horton’s steak, egg, and cheese sandwiches with an iced coffee as we speak!

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