My Latest Video, 'Light' Chest Day

In this one I’m showing all the flat bench press sets I did (except the warm up) and then only one of each exercise afterwards so you can see exactly what I do. I do each bodypart once a week, lot’s of sets and always high intensity light or heavy day. I do light days when I’m getting tired or to change things up a little once in a while. On the last exercise I like to really crush and bang the handles together, since I started doing that my chest has grown a little and I always get a massive pump! Yes I know I’m benching all crooked if you went through all the shit I have in my life, so would you!

if you are going to use such awful form, might I recommend using safer exercises?

say…floor press for example.

Please elaborate on my ‘awful form’ or better yet post a video of you and educate us, show us all the meaning of ‘proper form’ lol

Elbows tucked, ass on the bench, didn’t crack his sternum wkth each rep, what was the matter with it?

[quote]chobbs wrote:
Elbows tucked, ass on the bench, didn’t crack his sternum wkth each rep, what was the matter with it? [/quote]

Please elaborate on my ‘didn’t crack his sternum wkth each rep’ or better yet post a video of you and educate us, show us all the meaning of ‘didn’t crack his sternum wkth each rep’ lol

[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
Please elaborate on my ‘awful form’ or better yet post a video of you and educate us, show us all the meaning of ‘proper form’ lol[/quote]

you say in the original post that your bench form is “crooked”.

ive seen guys tear their pecs/rotators/triceps using better form with less weight on flat bench.

you can be cute all you want, but im just trying to look out for you.

Flat BB bench is quite possibly the most dangerous lift there is… and to have “crooked” form is asking for something to tear.

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
Please elaborate on my ‘awful form’ or better yet post a video of you and educate us, show us all the meaning of ‘proper form’ lol[/quote]

you say in the original post that your bench form is “crooked”.

ive seen guys tear their pecs/rotators/triceps using better form with less weight on flat bench.

you can be cute all you want, but im just trying to look out for you.

Flat BB bench is quite possibly the most dangerous lift there is… and to have “crooked” form is asking for something to tear. [/quote]


OP I bet you have sex with women too, just setting yourself up for false rape accusations?

Ha, obviously a fool setting yourself up for failure both inside AND outside the gym!

Thanx for looking out for me but I don’t need your help and I didnt ask for it either. There’s plenty of reasons why I’m crooked, I didnt want to get into it but here it goes, I have a stage 4 brain cancer wich makes the whole left side of my body at least 50% weaker than the right side, that’s right I’m doing this with half my left arm power gone, I’ve had many surgeries that went bad over the years and messed up my shoulders and from the wear and tear of years of benching 500lbs or more almost every single week when I was training for strongman many years ago. Its not this little 3 plates a side that’s going to hurt me but for little 150lbs trolls well I might agree with you! Oh and this is the bobybuilding section not the powerlifting section before some of you start with that!

get more details here I don’t want to repeat myself too much

ive read about your circumstances in the steroid section before…

doesn’t change the fact that lifting “crooked” on the most dangerous lift is incredibly dangerous for your tendons, ligaments etc…

but hey, if you don’t care, then I don’t care… have at it.

hope the brain cancer turns out alright

Keep doing you brah, 315 x 10-12 isn’t anything to snub at. I used basically the same form today at my meet and I went 2/3.

[quote]chobbs wrote:
Keep doing you brah, 315 x 10-12 isn’t anything to snub at. I used basically the same form today at my meet and I went 2/3. [/quote]

Yeah it’s ok but for me it’s total crap, during my strongman years I once did 32 reps with that! lol But considering all I’ve been through and that I’m on chemo right now with a terminal cancer in my brain, it’s damn good, I’d like to see the trolls do the same! lol

Keep fightin brother

Got this present tonight, half a pound each of Reese’s goodness, I ate one, and I like in this picture, how I look so much like a guy on chemotherapy! hahahaha

[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
Got this present tonight, half a pound each of Reese’s goodness, I ate one, and I like in this picture, how I look so much like a guy on chemotherapy! hahahaha[/quote]
Saw those for the first time ever yesterday. I love Reese’s. Gonna get out and find me some when the roads clear. Damn strong lifting.

Serious strength/endurance OP.

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
Please elaborate on my ‘awful form’ or better yet post a video of you and educate us, show us all the meaning of ‘proper form’ lol[/quote]

you say in the original post that your bench form is “crooked”.

ive seen guys tear their pecs/rotators/triceps using better form with less weight on flat bench.

you can be cute all you want, but im just trying to look out for you.

Flat BB bench is quite possibly the most dangerous lift there is… and to have “crooked” form is asking for something to tear. [/quote]

You probably take 2-3x the amount of steroids he takes and I am sure you are at best struggling with 315.
Please stop giving advice on everything.

Now I know why you called that light, 5 plates in other vid.

[quote]jasmincar wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
Please elaborate on my ‘awful form’ or better yet post a video of you and educate us, show us all the meaning of ‘proper form’ lol[/quote]

you say in the original post that your bench form is “crooked”.

ive seen guys tear their pecs/rotators/triceps using better form with less weight on flat bench.

you can be cute all you want, but im just trying to look out for you.

Flat BB bench is quite possibly the most dangerous lift there is… and to have “crooked” form is asking for something to tear. [/quote]

You probably take 2-3x the amount of steroids he takes and I am sure you are at best struggling with 315.
Please stop giving advice on everything.

I’m having trouble seeing how Walkway was out of line here. Circumstances of the OP aside, the form isn’t good. He knows this. And most of us know that barbell bench pressing falls on the more dangerous end of the spectrum, as far as the various lifts go.

I understand that the OP has a serious condition that prevents him from bench pressing with better form. That’s why I think Walkway’s advice to maybe alter exercise selection was reasonable. This is the bodybuilding section. If the OP was a powerlifter, obviously the advice would be different. Hell, even strongmen don’t necessarily have to do much flat bench work. Just some thoughts.

As others have said, best of luck DFRELAT. We’re all brothers in iron here.

Good work in here man! Keep doing what makes you happy.

don’t ever ever give up!

Have you noticed with your supplementation that your able to handle the chemo affects better now?

Quality of life perceived is better than quantity of life observed.

Stay Strong,

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

I’m having trouble seeing how Walkway was out of line here. Circumstances of the OP aside, the form isn’t good. He knows this. And most of us know that barbell bench pressing falls on the more dangerous end of the spectrum, as far as the various lifts go.

I understand that the OP has a serious condition that prevents him from bench pressing with better form. That’s why I think Walkway’s advice to maybe alter exercise selection was reasonable. This is the bodybuilding section. If the OP was a powerlifter, obviously the advice would be different. Hell, even strongmen don’t necessarily have to do much flat bench work. Just some thoughts.

As others have said, best of luck DFRELAT. We’re all brothers in iron here.[/quote]

lol precisely… I’ve just given up on replying to all the mental midgets on this forum… don’t really have the desire or the time.