Lordstorm88's Progress Log

man those leg presses totally killed my legs haha. they havent ever been so sore.but that means more new muscles right? :smiley:

[quote]lordstorm88 wrote:
man those leg presses totally killed my legs haha. they havent ever been so sore.but that means more new muscles right? :D[/quote]

Not necessarily. Depending on how long it’s been since you last performed the exercise, it may just be a sign of not being conditioned. Muscles become deconditioned after a few days. Doing an exercise once a week is guaranteed to get you sore but it will not get you strong. Muscle soreness is not a sign of effectiveness.

first of all i wanna say that i decided instead of counting reps and stuff that ill try to just do reps until i cant do anymore, not at every set but at most sets, so instead of counting reps ill concentrate more on breathing, so the reps arent exactly as they were but its an average

well i finally got a new program that at least includes bench and leg press, oh well ill keep it at least till christmas

1st day)

10 minutes bicycle

normal bench with barbell
45 degrees bench(makes sense?) with barbell
45 degrees bench with dumbells
pec deck machine

bendings using barbell while standing up
dumbells bendings with curve
bendings using self concentration(ive no idea where they came up with that name but its a common exercise anyway)

4x40 crunches
3x25 machine for abdominal sides
2x30 abs machine
3x10 some other ab machine lol

30 minutes running

so yesterday when i went and did this… or knida

18 minutes running 8.8km/h average
normal bench with barbell : 5x8x50
45 degrees bench with barbell: 5x8x50
45 degrees bench with dumbells: 5x8x40
pec deck machine: 1845

bendings using barbell while standing up: 5x7x30
dumbells bendings with curve: 5x8x12(Each hand)
bendings using self concentration: 5x10x10

like 55 crunches total… next time i go ill try starting with abs cause apparently my abs are pretty weak
3x25 machine for abdominal sides
2x30 abs machine
3x10 some other ab machine lol

well it certainly sped up. 91.9 kgs lowest reading. 11 days passed since i was 93.9 kgs. guess eating more meat and even less carbs fixed it :wink:

ok well i never got around to posting but no i didnt give up training… i gave up posting haha so here it is

i changed so instead of doing tons of cardio i’d rather do the sprint thing which seems to make me lose more weight anyway! plus i am far more awake during the weight lifting and can do more.

so its something like this

15 minutes sprints (1 minute sprint 1 minute walk)


shoulder press (inner grip) 310
shoulder presses with dumbbells 4
side extents with dumbbells 410
front extents with dumbbells 4
standing rowing with barbell 3*10 (dunno what this is yet)

leg press 312
leg extentions 3
leg bendings 3*12

10-15 minutes sprinting

3rd day

15 minutes sprints

pulley back, behind the neck 410
pulley back, close grip 3
rowing , low height 310
rowing machine (outer grip) 4

pressures on the pulley 48
some french exercise with a weird barbel haha: 3
extends with pulley 3*10

10-15 minutes sprinting

so anyway i went 3 times again

first day

15 minutes sprints (1 minute sprint 1 minute walk)

i forgot my program home so i did some random exercises

leg press 58150
leg extentions 5890
leg bendings 5690


shoulder press (inner grip) 11045
shoulder presses with dumbbells 5832

and of course

bench press 5860 or so

10-15 minutes sprinting

then the 2nd day

15 minutes sprints

pressures on the pulley 5840 (ive really increased the weight here yay)
some french exercise with a weird barbel haha: 51020
extends with pulley 5920(each hand)

pulley back, behind the neck 4660 + 1565
pulley back, close grip 5670
rowing , low height 5655
rowing machine (outer grip) 5650

did abs too

10-15 minutes sprinting

went for basketball friday … i sucked at basketball since i havent played in over a year haha but i got tired least of all

then saturday:

15 minutes sprints

bench press barbell : 5x7x(65, 70, 75, 75, 70) … the 7 reps is average
incline bench barbell: 5x7x60
incline bench dumbbells: 5x8x32
pec deck machine: 5850

bendings using barbell while standing up: 5x7x32.5
dumbells bendings with curve: 5x6x16(Each hand)
bendings using self concentration: 5x5x16

leg press using feet only: 420200

10 minutes sprint

7 sprints


standing rowing with barbell 5737.5
shoulder presses with dumbbells 4748
side extents with dumbbells 5836
front extents with dumbbells 3628
shoulder press (inner grip) 3650

leg press 58220
leg extentions 5695
leg bendings 5690

about 100 crunches. btw my neck and throat kinda “hurts” when i do lots of crunches… its almost as if im training the neck and throat muscles. is this normal?

did 3 more sprints

[quote]lordstorm88 wrote:
7 sprints


standing rowing with barbell 5737.5
shoulder presses with dumbbells 4748
side extents with dumbbells 5836
front extents with dumbbells 3628
shoulder press (inner grip) 3650

leg press 58220
leg extentions 5695
leg bendings 5690

about 100 crunches. btw my neck and throat kinda “hurts” when i do lots of crunches… its almost as if im training the neck and throat muscles. is this normal?

did 3 more sprints[/quote]

No it’s not normal. Are you holding the back of your head when you do the crunches? You may be straining your neck. Of course you will tense your neck muscles anyway and that’s OK.

I know some your routine is given to you but doing 100 crunches is fairly useless. The best ab exerices are squats and deadlifts. In order to do these exercises properly you need to use your abs for stabilization. That’s what abs are for. In order to build them stronger you should train them with added resistance, the same as any other body part. If you can, switch to weighted decline sit ups or hanging leg lifts bringing your knees to your chin.


nope im not holding my head. and the “pain” seems to be coming from the muscles… its not bones or something so thats why i dont worry a lot about it.

and ill try the weighted decline sit ups thing. im getting more and more upset at the trainers there that keep putting me sissy exercises half the time and i have to nag them so that they add me a proper one.

anyway i hate abs too but oh well im keeping this program till christmas, afterwards im gonna start at least squats.

though im even gonna look for another gym after christmas since all the time there i havent seen not one person that did a normal deadlift and im afraid that they wont be allowed there.

anyway im really glad though cause i seem to have really fast muscle gains. my weight loss could be faster but heck who cares, it still is going pretty fast considering the muscle gains ive made

btw i have another question… ive noticed that my the weight i use for my back has barely increased in comparison to other muscle groups where in some exercises they’ve more than doubled.

tricep pushdown for example i think i started with 15 kgs and now im at 45kgs?

and i think for my back i started at 50 and now im at 60 at lat pulldown… or something like that

The increase in the tricep extention was due to the fact that 15Kg is a very small weight for tricep pushdowns. That makes it easy to get gains. You started heavier with the pull down so it’s harder to make gains. You should be trying to make steady gains on bench press, squats, deadlifts, bent rows or cleans, and overhead press. It’s hard to do while you are trying to lose weight but you are almost at your goal weight so you probably should be eating more soon anyway.

None of the other lifts matter. They will naturally increase as you work on the big lifts.

well i went today but didnt do much dunno why… i felt pretty … unenergized physically even if i was really great emotionally… and i got dizzy quickly.

BUT! i tried squatting, deadlifting, bent row, clean, overhead press with barbell and a few other stuf… and they were fun

a question though… is it better to squat deep with less weight or to squat … not that deep but still pretty deep with more weight? and i didnt really try much since my shoulders hurt a bit still from the previous workout

btw squatting correctly (not using your toes/knees but instead the back part of your feet) is way easier with weights rather than your bodyweight alone haha

It’s best to go as low as you can while keeping your back straight. When you go low your lower back will tend to curl under. This is due to tight hamstrings and can be trained. Put the weight up gradually. Try the Rippetoe starting strength program. It uses all those exercises and is guaranteed to make you stronger.

This program is good too. It’s similar but had dips and chinups in it and it’s a little better written:


well i read the rippetoe’s program, man that took forever to read… anyway ill try it out next time

ok so i did the first day

squat 3580
bench press 3577.5
deadlift 15110

man that was fun i got a question though… is it natural for starters during the squat… so like i squat down … then i try to get up and i use my legs and my ass haha… but i dont really feel like im using my shoulders till im at least half way up. is this normal for starters?

and some trainer came and told me i was doing the squat wrong, cause i bended forward, even if my back was the proper way during the whole time which is normal for starters. but he is the skinny trainer who only shows exercises to cute girls. ick, i wouldnt listen to him even if he was right haha

Squats are not a shoulder exercise. You shouldn’t be bending forward. There is a series of videos on Youtube called Squat Rx. The guy who did them is on this site from time to time so if you have a question about them, ask in a new thread. Here’s the link to the first video:

#2 specifically addresses your problem:

You’re right about using your ass. A lot of people try to muscle it up with their back but your glutes are a major contributor to the exercise, especially in the low and midpoint.


  1. As you raise out of “the hole”, you will be doing 3 basic things almost simultaneously:
    ** You will be pushing your butt upward
    ** You will be pushing your shoulders upward
    ** You will be extending your knees
    ** You will be forcefully contracting your upper and lower back muscles isometrically to maintain tightness in your torso

well the 2nd ** is what im talking about. im not sure if its directly connected to bending forward… as in… didnt feel like i was using my shoulder till half way up cause i was bending forward, but ill see next time i guess.

Focus on driving your head and shoulders back into the bar, not up.

ah ok that makes more sense… i realized that i did one more mistake even though i thought i had taken care of it . i let the bar sit on my spine kinda and now a bone there hurts. though i didnt know about keeping my head back till i watched that video you linked

btw thanks a lot for your help stu, you’ve been really helpful man :slight_smile:

It’s a pleasure to give advise to someone who appreciates it and listens to it. I’m glad to help. thanks.


Squat 2580, 1485
Standing military press 3550
Pendlay Rows 5355

on squats i tried putting my shoulders back and my head back but i still felt pretty uncomfortable on that bone on my spine and my shoulders kinda.

maybe it will go away with time we’ll see.

anyway i focused a lot on technique and i think ive got most of it right, the instructor there told me it was fine too… and them being the crappy instructors they are told me i should do a quarter squat instead of full ones. and btw it felt MUCH easier to squat all the way down this time than last time. last time i was really “afraid” that my balance would be bad and i’d fall back. now it was fine.

one “problem” if it even is one is that i dont think i can take a deep enough breath… cause ya know when you were fat and you just started exercising…(well its been 3 months now) its kinda hard to get a deep breath when you are flexing your abs, and trying to keep your back, shoulders and lower back tight… and flexing your legs and your hips.

but it sure is fun! :wink: