Lordstorm88's Progress Log

i changed the first post so i thought i’d post what i changed in the diet in case you didnt notice

1)chicken or some other meat or tuna, banana, about 500 ml of milk 1.5% fat and reduced lactose
2)again some meat+and some veggies
3)again some meat+brown rice before workout
4)again some meat+chocolate milk after workout
5)again some meat+some veggies+apple
6)again some meat+some veggies
7)cottage cheese and maybe some meat

the veggies vary and usually are corn, peas, chili, cauliflower, broccolli, carrots, and other stuff i dont really remember haha. sometimes ill throw in some orange juice too. whether i eat meat or not depends on how many meals ive had and how much protein ive gotten. generally i try to eat about 1kg of meat/fish per day which is around 250 grams of protein. add some protein from other stuff and i reach 300-350.

[quote]lordstorm88 wrote:
Squat 2580, 1485
Standing military press 3550
Pendlay Rows 5355

on squats i tried putting my shoulders back and my head back but i still felt pretty uncomfortable on that bone on my spine and my shoulders kinda.

maybe it will go away with time we’ll see.

anyway i focused a lot on technique and i think ive got most of it right, the instructor there told me it was fine too… and them being the crappy instructors they are told me i should do a quarter squat instead of full ones. and btw it felt MUCH easier to squat all the way down this time than last time. last time i was really “afraid” that my balance would be bad and i’d fall back. now it was fine.

one “problem” if it even is one is that i dont think i can take a deep enough breath… cause ya know when you were fat and you just started exercising…(well its been 3 months now) its kinda hard to get a deep breath when you are flexing your abs, and trying to keep your back, shoulders and lower back tight… and flexing your legs and your hips.

but it sure is fun! ;)[/quote]

When squatting you should be trying to fill your belly with air. That will provide more stability for your spine. You have to breath with your diaphram. When you breath in your belly should go out.

When grippingthe bar, try bringing your grip in close to your shoulders. That will tighten your back and make it easier to keep the arch and make it easier to find the natural grove to set the bar in. Use a thumbless grip if it makes it easier.

[quote]lordstorm88 wrote:
i changed the first post so i thought i’d post what i changed in the diet in case you didnt notice

1)chicken or some other meat or tuna, banana, about 500 ml of milk 1.5% fat and reduced lactose
2)again some meat+and some veggies
3)again some meat+brown rice before workout
4)again some meat+chocolate milk after workout
5)again some meat+some veggies+apple
6)again some meat+some veggies
7)cottage cheese and maybe some meat

the veggies vary and usually are corn, peas, chili, cauliflower, broccolli, carrots, and other stuff i dont really remember haha. sometimes ill throw in some orange juice too. whether i eat meat or not depends on how many meals ive had and how much protein ive gotten. generally i try to eat about 1kg of meat/fish per day which is around 250 grams of protein. add some protein from other stuff and i reach 300-350.[/quote]

Looks good.
Treat corn like grain. It is a grain actually, not a vegetable. Small guantities, like in a frozen mixed veg package, don’t matter much, but it’s higher calorie than most veg.

yes im doing both of those. close grip+thumbless. thats the weird thing. it can get closer i guess, but my elbows wouldnt be pointing down, they would be pointing out. maybe i need to put the bar a bit more back. one more thing though, from the weight my shoulders hurt too and are red now. not complaining of course but just want to be on the safe side. ive heard it probably more than anything… an injury and what it does

and yes i eat corn along with peas, chilis and carrots.

but anyway i doubt corn would keep me from losing weight haha.

today i couldnt really squat, my shoulders kinda hurt and last time was the first time i did pendlay rows so they need more rest. i think i need to mention something though. for years and years i was kind of a nerd and for years when i would be at the computer i would put my left leg up on the desk and lay it there for hours. right now my left leg is more flexible than my right… i can still put it behind my head, something which if you had no exercise as a kid you cant do unless you are 2 years old haha.

now i dont know if that produced an imbalance now that im all grown up but either way my left leg kinda didnt feel so “strong” today, and it being more flexible, when i squatted down into the hole it felt like it went further down than my right leg and since its the left leg (therefore weaker) it was hard to get back up. that and also my left leg today is more sore than my right one so maybe it was all just in my mind.

anyway i wont consider that i did much squats today but

3580 bench press
15115 deadlift

and i definitely need to go get chalk. 3 of my callouses have got cut open

keep your callouses filled down. Pull with the bar closer to your fingers so the skin doesn’t bunch up under the bar.

ok so today i went to find chalk and didnt but i got gloves and protein whey.

it smells like chocolate milk haha.

now it says i should only take 28 grams every time which is 20 grams of protein, but i need more like 40-50 is that ok if i take more?

I often take a double scoop of protein. I’m 200 lbs too so I like a bit more.

I haven’t heard good things about gloves but its a personal choice.

well i went again and i definitely have a problem with my left leg

i had to drop the weight like 3 times, so i gave up and then i went and did

military press 555+2552.5
pendlay rows 5

then i decided to try and concentrate on form and did squats 2570 only

well with or even without even a barbell… just with bodyweight when i squatted down and sat there my left knee hurt a bit and my left leg was having a lot more trouble staying like that than my right leg.

now im guessing that either i have a flexibility issue cause of the reason stated above… or hopefully its simply that my left leg hasnt been trained enough during my oh-so-full-of-activity sedentary life. apparently im guessing that when i try to squat back up my right leg is more powerful and squats up and then my left leg lags behind and has to squat even more weight and cant therefore my dropping the weights.

anyway any suggestions? and btw my right knee didnt hurt at all, but i did notice that when i squatted up with just the 70 kgs it was hard to keep the weight on my heel on my left foot, instead it went on my toes.

should i go see a doctor about it? should i just go low weight and hope that my left leg catches up in 2-3 weeks and then continue?

You may have an issue that the doctor can sort out. Is there any pain associated with it?

I think that your weakness in your left leg is just an imbalance that will work itself out but to be safe, it’s best to have it looked at. It could be something like an IT band irritation which will only get worse with squatting.

yes thats what im thinking, i have left arm imbalances back when i started which have been reduced by now, but i did a lot of upper body work and little lower body so im guessing in a month or so it will be ok.

anyway im thinking ill just go with a bit lower weight and not worry about it too much, ill set some fast PRs once im done with the imbalance :wink:

as for pain, its certainly more sore… now my knee did hurt yesterday when i squatted, and generally my left leg “hurt” way more than my right one. im not sure though if its PAIN or if its just “pain” of the muscles which isnt really a problem

If it’s just muscle soreness it may be that you are finally using weights that are challenging to your stronger leg so you are starting to get soreness. That’s good. That will even out over time. You may want to alternate workouts between heavy squats and unilateral exercises like split squats and lunges so you can make sure you are working each leg evenly.

The soreness should be in the muscles, not in the knee itself. Of course at my age, arthritis is there all the time but at your age, any pain in the knee be symptomatic of something else.

well i tried again but apparently i realized i got almost every problem a new trainee could

when i squat way down (ATG) my knees shoot more forward than my toes, my back tends to round a bit, and sometimes i have to use the front of my feet to go back up

should i try lowering the weight or will this just fix on its own? i just feel kinda bad cause my bench is above my squat anyway…

squat 3580
bench press 2580+1582.5
deadlift 15120 (last time i couldnt bring it all the way up (my back would remain rounded at the end instead of becoming straight bu) but this time i could, next time ill try for 125)

Look for the “Squat Rx” series on YouTube.

Don’t worry about your knees going past your toes. That’s an old myth. Watch some olympic lifters and watch them.

Things to worry about:
Knees tracking over toes, concentrate on pushing out your knees.
Keep arch in lower back.
Keep weight on your heels.
Keep your upper back tight with your shoulder blades squeezed together.

Don’t worry about the weight until you get your technique sorted out.

Front squats and overhead squats will help with your technique. If you get on your toes with a front squat you’ll fall forward.

Remember that if it was easy, everybody could do it.

yes ive watched squat rx quite a bit, i will again, i usually do about 10-15 stretching exercises before i start, i hope that will help in time. anyway, ill try with even less weight focusing on technique till my body is flexible/strong enough. i just hope taht by the time im done with the technique it wont be too “late” to get beginner’s gains out of it.

oh btw can i do the stretching exercises any time any day? like if i stretch 3 times a day instead of 3 times a week(before workout) will that make me more flexible much faster?

[quote]lordstorm88 wrote:
… i just hope taht by the time im done with the technique it wont be too “late” to get beginner’s gains out of it.[/quote]

Beginner gains don’t time out. What will happen is that as you progress closer to your genetic potential you will have to stress you body harder in order to make gains. This is the “Progresive Overload” principle. As you close in on your potential, you will take longer and longer to recover from this progressively stressful workout. Right now as a beginner you can recover every 2 days. Soon it will take 3 or 4 days. At that point you will want to cycle every second workout heavy/light. You can do this by back squating one time and front squating the next, for example, or repeating the heavy workout with warmup weights. Some will start splitting the workout into lower/upper and doing each with less frequency. There are arguments for both. It’s an intensity/volume/frequency tradeoff.

You will find as you advance that there will be more of these tradeoffs and comprimizes. You will have to prioritize training goals and periodize your training. The further you go, the more complicated it gets and the more important the subtle variations become. Each little gain will require more and more work to achieve but it’s a gradual change. Each little improvement becomes it’s own reward.


ok so i focused quite a bit on technique on squats today, and i’d say the biggest problem is my lower back, which creates the rest of the problems. like i said before when i squat very deep it tends to round, which makes me have to lean more forward if the weight is a lot, and hence i have to put the weight on my toes to keep balance. anyway i think i also need to warm up a lot more whenever i squat. i did a few overhead squats and stuff. anyway… now i know that you need to “push” your butt back, but also you need to sit down. my question is which one should i prioritize? should i keep my butt as back as possible or as down as possible cause after some point it just kinda rounds if i try to do both. now im guessing there isnt really an answer, and i should just try to do whatever as long as my back remains straight and the weight is on my heels. thats what i tried for today. anyway im going to thessaloniki 22nd december, ill try to find a gym there for the couple weeks ill stay with my family and maybe bring someone to the gym and have him take a video of me and ill upload it.


military/overhead press 2457.5+1555
pendlay rows 2365+1367.5+2370

i really like how fast the weight goes up though :smiley:

im also wondering, since the most… undeveloped area is my lower back at the moment, whether i should add 1*5 deadlift the days i do overhead presses and pendlay rows.

ok i was kinda sick, im still a bit but i didnt have much temperature so i went anyway today. i did a lot of bodyweight squats the past few days so that really helped in flexibility, and i think ive almost got it right. anyway i tried to do them as perfect as i could and

squats 3565
bench press 2580, 1582.5, 1585
deadlift 15130
pendlay rows 6370

i did a lot of other random stuff and tried to do some clean and jerks, i was able to do 60 kgs

so here we go again

squats 1565, 1570, 2575
overhead/military press 1555
after that my left leg hurts kinda much, and it hurt in the previous workout too but this time more so i decided to do a few clean and jerks and then go, i didnt really count them but i did a 70kg clean and jerk

im not gonna go till next monday, im letting my left leg heal, otherwise its kinda pointless, maybe ill go for bench press and to do the overhead presses and pendlay rows