Dr Freaked Out Over Bloodwork

Right on man. Thank you. Good looking out.

I like my TE anyways.

I know why she said it. If you pin two times per week with prop as @iron_yuppie already showed, you’ll have a very high peak on the first day but you’ll be low on days 2 and 3. I think she hopes that you are lower on these two days to promote cardiovascular health. But that’s stupid.

50 mg two times per week:

Instead she should help you find the right dose by ordering bloods often through the first months. I would guess with your response even 100 mg/week is too much. She didn’t even think about dose-response it seems.

All in all, she doesn’t do a good job at all. The best she can do is get bloods for you, otherwise you are better off not listening to her TRT advice.

Enanthate provides more stable levels with 2 times per week. Test prop must be injected daily.

If you have enanthate, then do enanthate 2 times per week with (my suggestion) 25 mg per shot during the first month and then get bloods.

That’s what i planned on doing after all the forum feedback so thank you again.

  • enanthate 2 times per week 25 mg per shot during the first month and then get bloods.

Sounds good to me.
You can also try subcutaneous injections for a slower release.

i already do suq q. been doing sub q for years after i saw this video and other suggestions


thanks again for your feedback. i am taking this serious. i read the article you sent “How I Added 100 Pounds to My Deadlift”

Great stuff.

I can not follow his advice exactly due to my work schedule. I can consistently train EOD with proper nutrition, rest and sleep.

I put this together based on what I could from his set up and what feels best for my injuries. I am still learning about Hypotrophy. Does anything look over worked, over looked or redundant with this set up? I plan to start tomorrow since you took the time to help me. I am going for it!

Lat Pulldown Overhand Behind Neck (accessory lite)
Lat Pulldown Underhand to Chest (accessory lite)
Dips (accessory lite)

Bent Row (accessory lite)
Shrugs (accessory lite)
Chin ups (accessory lite)

Dumbell Pullover (accessory lite)
Neck Press (accessory lite)
Hammer Grip Pull Ups (accessory lite)

MAIN HEAVY LIFT IS LEG PRESS (i can not squat)
Skull Crush (accessory lite)
Incline Press (accessory lite)
Pull Ups (accessory lite)

again EOD, so days 2, 4, 6 are no gym, brisk jog maybe 30 mins

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There has been some discussion that pinning more often with shorter esters more closely mimics the daily cycle of endogenous test production with daily peaks and troughs. I had an MD explain to me that daily cycles, or weekly cycles (one pin) are virtually indistinguishable by the body, so no need to pin more often.

However, we all know the problems with Big Pharm’s recommendation of every two weeks, so I think it’s best to find our what works best for you. Obvs, the previous answers show the drawbacks with Test Prop.

One not mentioned is the greater PIP experienced with Prop.


In the sense of the article your workout structure would be good, the problem would be the overall stress of the workouts. Also, the order should always be from most strenuous to least (so Dips are usually more strenuous than Lat Pulldowns)

You are like me in that regard, I also only like compound movements but we have to keep in mind that these are more taxing on the body. You can only grow from a stimulus if you can recover from it. So if you can recover from these kind of strenuous workouts, then good for you. I could not so I would suggest to switch out some of the compound movements for isolation exercises. So do 1 big lift, 1-2 accessory lifts and then 1-2 isolation movements. I’ll give you an example:

Lat Pulldown Overhand Behind Neck (accessory lite)
Lat Pulldown Underhand to Chest (accessory lite)
Flys or triceps pushdowns (accessory lite)

Bent Row (accessory lite)
Chin ups (accessory lite)
Shrugs (accessory lite)
(This day would be very taxing for the CNS if gone too heavy)

Hammer Grip Pull Ups (accessory lite)
Neck Press (accessory lite)
Dumbell Pullover (accessory lite)

MAIN HEAVY LIFT IS LEG PRESS (i can not squat)
Incline Press (accessory lite)
Pull Ups (accessory lite)
Skull Crush (accessory lite)

Don’t underestimate the impact of pull ups. It’s a compound movement with a lot of muscle groups working coordinated and there’s no way to do it really light (besides of your body is relatively light and you can easily crank out 15-20).

wow, thank you so much. I will give it a try.

I always knew dips were major. I am not a big fan of leg press, however, i did not want to ignor them.

What if i swapped leg press as a main lift to dips and went super easy on leg press?

I ask because currently i literally barely work the leg press. I do not even put weight on the bar. I almost consider it more of a stretch. This is due to my broken knee and my legs look and feel fine since i dropped squats.

I can kill the dip though. I really can. I can dip 1.5 times my body weight. So can i murder weighted dips followed by accessory and iso?

Dips and weighted dips are great, but are brutal on your rotator cuff. Be very careful especially with that amount of weight. What does your lower body routine look like, it sounds like it’s limited by your injury? What bones did you break?

Yes they are tough on cuffs but if there is one thing i can brag about its my dips. I can kill it and feel fine so i love them. I am excited i can use them as a main lift.

I broke my knee in motocross. I also have occasional hip and spine aches.

I do not have a lower “routine”.

Just stimulation from lite leg press and deadlifts.

Deadlifts work the legs quite a bit.

How much playing around have you done on lower body days? Tried stuff like GHR, hip thrust, leg curls / extensions? With a knee issue, I think staying away from 1-5RM is probably wise, keep things a bit higher rep.

Got it. With your injury and accompanying orthopedic issues, you’re smart to keep your routine to your pain tolerance. Closed kinetic chain types of exercises should be best, outside of squats since they bother you. Have you tried static stance lunges. Agree with @mnben87 that deadlifts will activate lower body a lot. Personally if I neglect lower body I don’t make the gains with my upper as much, it just adds a different level of muscular/neuro activation. Congrats on the recomp by the way, great job!

I have not tried those. I just feel exhausted after deads. I am currenly 130lbs, lean (see pictures), and i can pull 135lbs on each side plus bar.

I feel i am strong. I came to the forum for tweaks and you all have been awesome, so, thank you for all your help and replies.

I think my body is ready for a change up. I will track my progress and report back in 12 weeks.

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If you can’t squat, then don’t. The leg press is pretty much useless in my opinion anyways. It’s only good for people who can’t squat (yes there’s more nuance but I’ll stick to blunt statements for now), but won’t give you the same bang for your buck at all.

If you don’t like the leg press, away it goes, I say.

Instead I’d try:

Main movement: DL
Accessory: some quadriceps exercise you can do
Accessory: hip thrusts
Isolation: as needed, maybe leg curls or something, maybe

You could also try to do athletic stuff after DLs that spares the knees on leg day, like prowler pushes if you can do them. Just a thought.

Hell ya, thanks man. I will post results in 12 weeks.

Have an awesome day

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again, thank you everyone for all the feedback.

i am planning ahead. i am going to start pinning again on 2/5. the day after my next blood work. can i get a confirmation that i should pin 2 x per week TEST E SUB-Q and try to set it up 84hrs apart?

Saturday 5am
Wednesday 5pm


hope all is well. i have been off t for about 32 days. i went in for labs two days ago and the results are starting to come in.

i would love to get some feedback. there is almost 22 different results that came back, what labs should i post and discuss?

btw: i can already see a few of the numbers

my TSH went from 0.36 (on t) to 0.72 (off t)
my T4 stayed the same 1.1 to 1.1
my ESTRADIOL went from 52.6 (on t) to 18.3 (off t)
my T3 is 43 (off t). she did not take it the first time.

my non fasting CHOL went from 360 (on t) to 365 (off t)