Big Boss Doing Work

Congrats on making the team! I’ll be 32 in a month, and I wish I’d started earlier too.

Congrats BB,

Wondering if you could explain to me how you were able to eventually get your leg up so high. I’ve been working a lot on my kicks, but right now I’m rib kicking. I do a lot of stretching of the legs and I’m wondering if theirs some sort of technique I can use to get my kicks higher. Thanks man.

Hey, a big man who knows how to use his body is fucking dangerous. Nice work. What got you in to martial arts?

[quote]chigurh wrote:
Congrats BB,

Wondering if you could explain to me how you were able to eventually get your leg up so high. I’ve been working a lot on my kicks, but right now I’m rib kicking. I do a lot of stretching of the legs and I’m wondering if theirs some sort of technique I can use to get my kicks higher. Thanks man.[/quote]

Well,I was naturally flexible as a kid…almost BJ Penn-like…lol. Then I started growing and getting big…but I still retained a good amount of flexibility due to studying Tang Soo Do and Hapkido.

Without knowing more about your training and your body type,my advice is first of all to warm up properly. Really pay attention to activating your hip flexors and entire posterior chain…even your calves and arches. Practicing high kicks with proper technique(i.e. opening up hips,gettin heels off floor,etc.) you will develop a degree of flexibility. So really pay attention to your kicking technique. I sometimes would just practice high kicks after training…trying to kick higher each time. I would also suggest getting a quality foam roller.

There is really no special technique…you just have to be consistent with whatever methods you use. Everybody has a different limit on their flexibility…and sometimes it takes years for one person and maybe a month for another to get near that. This is a gradual process…so listen to your body. Hope that helps some.

[quote]TheBigV wrote:
Hey, a big man who knows how to use his body is fucking dangerous. Nice work. What got you in to martial arts?[/quote]

Pretty same as any kid…Bruce Lee,ninjas,and nunchuckas…lol. I started in Tang Soo Do when I was young. Then wanted something more practical after almost getting my ass handed to me in an incident I had during first months of being a prison guard. The only thing available was a Combat Hapkido/Kenpo/Small-circle Jiujitsu hybrid system being taught by a former Marine,FBI agent and current TABC investigator. I really learned a lot from him.

And not so much the physical techniques,but learning to be aware of surroundings and lots of what-if scenarios…and think under pressure. We would sometimes train in our work attire…blind-folded with bags and pads on the floor. Lots of good awareness training. He used the same training for city and county SWAT teams. It helps to learn from someone who has to have that level of awareness and has experience in those situations on different levels of law enforcement.