An Uncommon Pursuit

Hey Skid… some good weight on your exercises!

We had a couple of Emu farms up here, kinda like Ostrich. It is actually red meat, low in fats and cholesterol. I tried it a couple of times, and found it to be delicious! But as it became more popular, the prices steadily rose. Most of the farms around here have closed now… don’t know why.

Thanks Big B. Hope to get 'em a lot higher soon.

Getting my calorie counts figured out and understanding exactly just how much I need to eat. It’s a variable I’ve never bothered to control in the past, but a seemingly important one. I’ve reached this level before, but because of inadequate diet, I get sick, overtrained or injured about now.

I’d like to avoid that.


2 hand Plate pinch
90x5 (rep PR)
110x1,1 (weight PR)

1 hand Plate pinch

Supporting Grip
Rotating D Handle lift (1 hand)
200x3sec (time PR)
210xfull stand (weight PR)
190x3,3 reps

Looks like my hands are getting stronger…

Been thinking about the partial squats: I have wasted a bunch of time doing them at the higher pin settings.

It’s only when I get to the 20" box height that the glutes start getting involved. I suspect that in doing partials in the top part I’m changing my motion - it doesn’t replicate my actual squat path. But if I start from just below pin 6, the glutes do the work through the whole path.

I’m debating whether to drop weight and start doing partials from pin 5 exclusively. I had good results from that before I injured my back and it’s a good indicator lift for me. If I can do three reps at a weight from pin 5, I can do one parallel squat with it…usually. But I will likely have to substantially drop poundage to make that work.

The other option is work the reps up to 8-10 at the current weight and height and start bringing up the weight till I hit 415 again. Then I can resume dropping the pins.

I think I’ll do the latter. I don’t want to lose the neural stimulation of the poundage to my upper and lower back. I’m racking the bar really good these days due to the tightness the poundage requires.

Not perfectly, but I’m not twisting and favoring the right shoulder so much as I used to, and my upper back is feeling stronger. I’m no longer caving at the the bottom of the full and box squats.

I may add some more good mornings at different heights to work the lower back and hamstrings more as these are definitely as weakness. Pin 6 GMs really help my lower back at the squat bottom whereas the pin 5 GMs really nail the glutes and hamstrings.

It would be cool to experiment with reverse band box squats as well. Average bands for reps and small bands for singles would be just about right.


Jump rope: 8 rounds 20sec skip 10 sec rest
DB Swings
50 3x20
100x 2x10

That feels better. It’s Soldog’s fault - he’s shamed me into cardio!

Let us know how this works out, Skidmark. It makes sense to me given the shoulder problems you are working out, especially if you are giving more attention to the areas that you find are not being sufficiently brought into play by the partials.

Don’t feel bad Skidmark. He shamed me into thinking more maturely while I was dong my cardio.

You have a great workout going there

There ain’t no shame bros - otherwise I’d be shamed by every one of youse guys sessions… ;-}



1-arm OH BB Press
65x3 (thought this was a warmup - NOT!)

Wide grip Pullups

High Bottoms up Bench (3rd pin 2" off chest - wide grip)
225x3(!?),4,4,4 WEAK!

40’sx8,8,8 WEAK!

1-Arm DB Row

Clearly, I am an arm bencher. My close grip bench at that height is only 20lbs less.

This was an excellent session in that it pointed up some pretty severe weaknesses.

In the overhead press, my right scapular stabilizers were being stressed hard, indicating they are weak. Left side I could have gone for 5 reps at the top weight I used. I dropped back to 65 for reps because I have been launching the weight off the right shoulder to make it through the sticking point. I need to slow down and push through the sticking point, strengthening that set of muscles.

On Bench, I have been using a closer grip for the last year(pinkies on the power rings or even closer in) and it’s hurt my overall bench. My tri’s are getting stronger,but at the expense of the chest. Think I got form right, though, my right lat started cramping because I was actually using it instead of the shoulder traveling forward to relieve the stress. So this was a good weight to use - just not the weight I wanted.

Concentrated on slowing the descent of the DB on rows on the right side. I can bring the weight up, but I’m not controlling the down portion as well as on the left. Every rep was pulled from the floor.

My whole right upper back is feeling it now.

Nice work Skid!

Weak… I think not! Freakin’ wide grip pullups with 90 pounds hanging from your balls ain’t weak brother! Your an animal!

I’m lucky if I can get my lard ass off the floor 3 reps with just my body weight! Pathetic… but that is why you guys give me inspiration, and something to shoot for. Kinda like a bench mark I guess.

I like how you are in tune with your body, anfd the cause/ effect of the movements you perform.

Me… I do “stuff”… get sore… say “ow”… and do it again. I have so much to learn from my friendly Jedis!

[quote]bunny7568 wrote:
Nice work Skid!

Weak… I think not! Freakin’ wide grip pullups with 90 pounds hanging from your balls ain’t weak brother! Your an animal!

I’m lucky if I can get my lard ass off the floor 3 reps with just my body weight! Pathetic… but that is why you guys give me inspiration, and something to shoot for. Kinda like a bench mark I guess.

I like how you are in tune with your body, anfd the cause/ effect of the movements you perform.

Me… I do “stuff”… get sore… say “ow”… and do it again. I have so much to learn from my friendly Jedis![/quote]

Well - seeing as how you outweigh me by 95 lbs, I’d say we’re about even on the pullups. I only get to count 160 lbs of my bodyweight as “weight” (I subtract the estimated weight of my arms) so that plus 90 = 250lbs.

Thanks for the good words, but my bench is pathetic right now. It’s been better in the past and I think I know how to get there again. But I’ll have to pick exercises I hate to do…

I hate flies. Maybe wide dumbbell presses would work just as well.


Abs and forearms

Wrist curls
50’s 3x15

Reverse Curls
30’s 2x15

Weighted Crunches
100 1x20,1x15

That’s all I got gas for. Up too late last night. Time to eat and hit the hay.

Haven’t done weighted crunches in a while. Two fifties ends-up on the upper chest. That’ll keep your attention.

Thanks Skid… but I feel like the penguin who watches his cousin the seagull sore gracefully over the landscape, while he just plod along…

[quote]bunny7568 wrote:
Thanks Skid… but I feel like the penguin who watches his cousin the seagull sore gracefully over the landscape, while he just plod along…[/quote]

My God - this is classic!

Guys my size can develop great relative strength. We can be really strong for our size, but what we really want is to be your size and to have your potential.

Bears live a lot longer than seagulls.

Nice ab work, Skidmark, and thanks for the reminder. I have been thinking about putting in weighted crunches for some variation.

Thanks Geech.

I don’t like 'em that much, but I just couldn’t face doing a weighted plank for a full minute that day. I don’t feel 'em in the lower abdominal area, which is where I really want the stress. Need strong lower abs for the squat and dead.

I know that the physiologists say there’s no difference which end of the abs you stress - that the training effect is the same, but I feel it differently in the planks over the crunches.

And if that were strictly true, you wouldn’t need muscle all the way down - you’d have a sheet of tendon from about mid stomach to your pubic bone. So I think the physiologists are full of crap on this one.

But crunches are a nice change, when you feel like doing a lower stress exercise.

Lower and arms

425x2 (rep PR)

Partial Anderson Squats (pin 6-3")
365x8,8 YEAH! Boost weight.

High Good Mornings (pin 6,Arched back, close stance, bent leg)
255x5 too light
275x5,5 just right

BB triceps extensions

BB Curl

Good session. Didn’t do any full range legs, but that fit well with how I was feeling today.

Pleased with the DLs. Hamstrings were complaining and I got a bit of shimmy halfway up on the heavy set, which has never happened before. Need to work the hamstrings directly with some sumo half deads or leg curls.

If I can do 2 at 425 with a full reset between reps, then I can pull my old max of 465 for one. I’m rehabbed, man. Time to go for it.

Partial Squats were popping. I got all set on the first rep of the first set to really grind it up, but the bar practically hopped off the pins. Even the 8th rep was easier than the 4th and last rep of the last time I did these. 375-385 next time.

GM - bar is set on the pins at about the level of my short ribs. I can really concentrate on getting the glutes and hamstrings to pull the weight up. That’s back to old levels too. Add 5 lbs next time.

Not going up in weight on the extensions until I fix form. They’re turning into JM presses rather than extensions. Shoulder is feeling good, still some concern on the lifts but pretty solid overall.

Dunno how much to work the curls. they did point up an upper back weakness though, so I think more rack pulls and shrugs are needed.


Way to go Skid! and congrats on the official declaration of “Rehab complete!”

Very glad for you to see those DL numbers in the 4s; looks like you are getting everything right. Time to report back to that physical therapist, and then keep moving on.

Thanks guys!

All I gotta do is up the kcals and more PRs will happen, I think.

WOW! Good golly… you are def kickin’ ass. You are ready to go…
Strong triceps!