An Uncommon Pursuit

Really good workout. Question? I never feel deadlifts in my hamstrings. Think this may mean I’m using too much back and not enough leg? When I’m deadlifting now I’m doing my reps really quick without setting up between reps so my form may be off but I don’t think I’ve ever felt them there.

[quote]hel320 wrote:
Really good workout. Question? I never feel deadlifts in my hamstrings. Think this may mean I’m using too much back and not enough leg? When I’m deadlifting now I’m doing my reps really quick without setting up between reps so my form may be off but I don’t think I’ve ever felt them there.


<Removal of a long rambling treatise that didn’t answer the question>

<insert new long rambling treatise which likely won’t answer the question either>

Hard to say. It’s likely that you have a fine strong set of hamstrings and so never notice any strain on them. I’ve always been weak in that area, so I notice when they start whinging or when they’re working hard.

I’d need to see a video of you doing deads before I could give an opinion on that one. I’ve done the touch-the-floor deads for reps in the past and my hips come down less and less with each rep until it’s an SLDL. Others manage to keep form to the end - I can’t, so I have to set up for each rep. I don’t know that any form (short of injurious form) is so important or more advantageous for throwers.

My goal is to have a big deadlift for my size. Your goal is to throw farther. A certain form makes it possible for me to lift more weight - it’s Sports Specific Preparedness training for me - technique work.

Will a certain form on the deadlift help you throw farther? That’s what I don’t know. DLs for you would be General Physical Preparedness training. They develop more strength which can then be trained for your sport. But if it ain’t broke don’t set fire to it.

Catching up on your log Skid. WOW, I’ll say your rehab is complete, that’s some strong stuff my friend. Great work!

Thanks DZ.

Honestly though, I feel as though this is a beginning, as if I’m just starting out. I’m looking forward to what happens next.

Last time I got to this stage I felt beat up and internally tired. I’m feeling pretty healthy these days and like the party’s just starting.

I think I’m managing my training loads and recovery better than I did then and consciously taking planned deloads rather than limping into them from being hurt.

Benching 600 with One Hand

Guess my back doesn’t hurt so much after all.


Abs and grip
1 hand hangs

Alternating 1-hand hangs
BW 2x5rounds @ 10 sec per hand 100sec total hang time per hand

IronMind Pinch Block lift (2-hands)

Weighted Planks

Suitcase DL and Hold (straps)

[quote]skidmark wrote:
Thanks DZ.

Honestly though, I feel as though this is a beginning, as if I’m just starting out. I’m looking forward to what happens next.

Last time I got to this stage I felt beat up and internally tired. I’m feeling pretty healthy these days and like the party’s just starting.

I think I’m managing my training loads and recovery better than I did then and consciously taking planned deloads rather than limping into them from being hurt.[/quote]

That is really a solid way to feel.

[quote]skidmark wrote:
Benching 600 with One Hand

Guess my back doesn’t hurt so much after all.


That was you? I’m impressed. Wish those guys could have gotten out of the way of the camera a bit.

[quote]Elaikases wrote:
skidmark wrote:
Benching 600 with One Hand

Guess my back doesn’t hurt so much after all.

That was you? I’m impressed. Wish those guys could have gotten out of the way of the camera a bit.


No no no. That’s Mike Hummel who has only one hand. Not me. I have two and can only bench ca 250 after intravenous Wheaties.

I was just noting that if a guy with one hand can bench 600 lbs I have no excuses for not being able to do more.

I’ve been involved with 2 Paraolympics as an official. Before I was involved I use to think it’s amazing what these people with handicaps can do. Afterwards, all I thought is it’s amazing what people can do, period.

wow, your weights are way up. dead 425 for 2 reps at your weight is awesome and curling 135 for reps. You make me feel like a wuss.

wow, your weights are way up. Dead 425x2 and curl 135 for reps at your body weight. You make me feel like a wuss.

nice work

nice work

something is wrong with the site it keeps double sending or keeping things I’ve edited…sorry.

Thanks Big E, but I don’t think “wuss” is a term that applies to you.

Beast? Yes. Wuss? No.

So I went ahead and bought 50 lbs of ground ostrich meat. Should arrive Monday or Tuesday. I am sick of being calorie challenged. This should take care of some of that. I intend to eat about 1.5-2lbs of some sort of protein a day. We’re getting our Gras-fed half-beef and half a lamb this weekend as well. Screw my milk allergies, I’m having yogurt and whole milk until I put on 10 lbs.

I’m back at pre-injury levels now, but it won’t last long if I don’t get average daily calories up. I’ll get sick, or hurt or just plain stall.

Here’s the plan.

3600 cals/day most of it from meat and fat. Breakfast - Oatmeal bacon and eggs or rice, fruit and a birdburger.
Mid morning sanck - Protein drink mid morning nuts and raisins or peanut butter+jam rice cakes
Lunch - bird- or hamburger(s) for lunch + Vitamins
Afternoon - 'nother protein shake
Dinner - Some sort of beef or lamb for dinner with veggies and rice
Yogurt and fruit before bed

Water through out the day.
Pizza and ice cream on the weekends.

I’m going to get to 190lbs and then see if I want to continue to 200. The extra weight should improve my lifts, particularly bench and overhead. I need more chest mass simply to move more weight.

Weight lifting plan

Increase squat first. Let the other lifts grow if they will but don’t focus on it. Partials, full range and a supplementary. 1 heavy DL variation session each cycle. Goal weight 405.

My Dl always runs 100 lbs ahead of my squat so it may come up naturally as squatting gets better. Goal weight 500.

Bench next. Isolate and integrate. 2 movements per session. One pressing, one rotational or DB based with competition-width grip. Bench will take the longest as it is the furthest away from final poundage. Goal weight: 315 Intermediate goal:275

Overhead press. - same strategy. Heavy singles alternating with rep work. Build up the muscle around the scaps for greater stability, heavy ab work, and really focus on technique. Goal weight: 205

Based on advice from a freakishly strong lifter I know, I’ll be moving overhead press and vertical pull to lower body day. As the weights get heavier, OHPs and Bench tend to rob each other of intensity otherwise.

Whats your % BF. Must be low

Looks like a good plan: I am looking forward to seeing the specifics of your schedule probably as much as you are to the ice-cream! Go do it.

Definitely a well thought out plan. Looks like 600-700 kcal excess over your daily expenditure. So maybe 10 weeks for your first 10 lbs or so. I’m looking forward to see your progress because I’d like to do something like this in the fall.