Your opinion of this routine split please

I planned on rotating between dumbells and barbells every 3-4 weeks and changing the order up a little every 3-4, is that a big enough change or do I need to get an entirely new split/change days?

I think i’m gonna aim for 3000 calories, 450g protein, 225g carbs, 33g Fat. I’m gonna try keeping it 60P/30C/10F, if I dont gain, i’ll up the cals.


One - I mean change most of the workout. Sets, reps, rest periods, and at least half of the exercises. T-mag is FULL of workout routines. Go back to issue #1 and start reading. Some of them are not appropriate for a beginner, but you can adjust them to suit your needs.

Your diet is fucked up. Again, go read Berardi. You need more carbs and healthy fat if you’re trying to gain mass.

Some things that might help would be knowing your age and height. If you’re 16, then don’t count calories unless your bf% is already out of control. Which is where knowing your height would help. If you’re 5’4’’ and 170, that’s different than 6’4’’ and 170. It’ll give us a better idea of what you’re having to work with weight-wise.

Also, you say you patterned your routine after your friend’s, right? Well, he only worked out each bodypart once a week, and you’re doing each of yours two times a week, except for legs. How does that work?

We also know that this is definitely your first time working out your lower body because you placed deadlifts the day after squats. I know DOMS isn’t necessary, but damn, there’s no way I’m going to be deadlifting the day after I squat. Just some advice.

And you missed the entire point of Demo Dick’s post that was displayed for you.

I’m 170lbs, 6ft.

I decided not to do the each body part 2x/week routine… so i went with my friends which is:
Day 1: Chest, Triceps, abs
Day 2: Legs, Calves
Day 3: Rest.
Day 4: Shoulders, Abs
Day 5: Back, Biceps
Day 6: Rest.
Day 7: Rest.

4 x 6-10 per exercise. (3 second negatives, pause, explode up)

1 Minute rest between sets for chest/shoulders/back, 1 1/2-2 minutes for legs, 30-45seconds for biceps/triceps, calves and abs 20-30 seconds.

Incline Dumbbell Bench, Flat Barbell Bench, Dumbbell Pullovers, DIPS

Squats, Stiffleg Deadlifts, Leg curls, Lunges, Calve Raises

Military Press, Arnold Presses, Upright Rows, Front DB raises

Weighted Crunches, Twist Crunches, Reverse crunches, probably Russian twists too. 3,2,1 TUT for abs

Palms Away Pullups, Deadlift, One Arm DB Rows, Shrugs
Incline Dumbbell Curls, barbell curls, Hammer Curls

Why is my diet “fucked”? I read over one of his articles (Which one do you suggest I read>) about pre and postworkout nutrition. After reading that, I think i’ll have whey with grape juice post and preworkout. He says people on high protein diets generally maintain and gain lean body mass more than people on high carb diets who generally have higher bodyfat %'s. So why is 60% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fat “fucked”?
These are the foods i’ll be eating:

Chicken Breasts, Oatmeal, Brown rice (Some days probably just Oatmeal because it’s quicker), Eggs, Whey protein, Milk, Cottage Cheese.

I’ve seen people who do the high carb diets, they “bulk” for a while. Gain 15-30lbs, most of which is fat, look worse than they did when they started. When they cut, they still look fat.

What are some foods that have a lot of Omega 3’s? How many Omega-3’s do I need?

I give up!!! Damn… Throwing in the towel…

One: Listen to these people - they know what they’re talking about. You remind me of myself about 7 years ago (I’m 26). I too was a beastly 6’ 170# when I started, and overtraining prevented me from making any substantial gains. I wanted to do the advanced training splits in the magazines right away, and I got nowhere. Your muscles will respond to less of a stimulus as a beginner, so why put in more work than you need to? Just listen to your body and pay attention to common signs of overtraining: fatigue, prolonged soreness, sickness, or you’re just not feeling it when you lift. Follow the advice of the T-people and you will grow.
As far as the diet, you might want to increase the carbs a bit, ESPECIALLY after training. 450 g of protein for a 170 guy is a shitload, but if you can afford it and you can physically eat that much, more power to you bro. Although I’m not sure you need that much…see what everyone else thinks.
Flaxseed oil and fish are two excellent sources of omega 3’s, and I prefer flax because of the lignans (fiber). Barlean’s is a good brand name and they sell flax in softgels or liquid. You have to take about 12 pills to equal a tablespoon of the liquid, so I just drink it from the bottle (no, I do not work for them).
I’ve put on 30 lbs of lean muscle naturally over about 8 years of training. That’s only a few lbs per year, but maybe you have the genetics to gain more. Good luck and again, listen to the people on this forum - they are the authorities. Period.

One more thing, One: Too much of anything will be stored as fat, even protein. Whether or not 450 g for someone your size is too much is debatable. Carbs are not the enemy like Atkins will have us believe, you just have to know when and how to eat high vs. low glycemic index carbs.

I don’t think i’m gonna do 450grams, i’m gonna lower the total calories to around 2500 so probably around 350-375g Protein, 188g carbs, and 30g fat.

fitone, why do you think you are more knowledable than my friend? It says in your profile you are 5’4, 145lbs and 12% bodyfat and you have been training for 15+ years. If you have been training for 15 years, I would assume you’ve never tried to get big or if you have, you’ve never found what really works.

One first of all I am 30 years old experince counts alot… I have been in this game for 15 years… I have been diagnosed w/ cancer and beating it while I am lifting weights check out the photo forum and I am natrual/ no steroids/

Done countless of amature natrual bodybuilding shows placed all in the top 3 in my weight class… Now I am not say I am better then anyonelse here at all… Actually there are far more members on this forum w/ more experince and knoweledge then I do…

Also this what I do for a living I train clients day in and day out!! And I get my clients results!

I just think your are missing the point on what we are trying to tell you…

Personally I don’t think I really think I need to give out my resume to u or anyonelse…

If you choose to listen you will but if you don’t you won’t…

Also remember I am 5’4" tall weigh 145lbs how much damn weight do you expect? you want me to be 175 at 5’4" at 12% that is natrually impossible!!!



I’ll try to help you out if you have question.

It is not good to low in fat on your diet. HEALTHY fats help keep hormone levels in check which means higher natural testosterone. Low fat usually decreases testosterone in men. Add in some flax and olive oil(virgin) or you can substitute raw nuts for the olive oil. What I do is add up all my fats from meats and then add flax,fish, and olive oil to fill my needs(which is 25% of my calories). Right now I am eating about 10g of flax, 10g of olive oil, and 20g of fish oil. Just mix the oils in with your shakes. Everyone is different and some may respond better to a 40P/40C/20F or a 40P/30C/30F. You have to experiment to find out what works better for [b]YOU[b/]. I would start with a 40P/40C/20F and then experiment from there. I personally use a 40P/35C/25F macro breakdown. Read John Berardi’s first article on Massive eating and he goes more in depth in the article. Also, just because it works for your friend doesn’t mean it will work for [b]YOU[b/].

As for your calorie needs. I don’t see any problem with starting with 2500 calories and the accessing from there. Just make sure you are getting in 2500 calories and write it down to make sure.

SRS mentioned this already, but I fear it may have been overlooked.

Your latter two workouts look solid. I may actually borrow the first split when I finish CT’s OVT.

Anything you do will produce results. Your friend’s program is perhaps more advanced than some would have you do, but to no consequence. It’s infinitely more solid than those most novices attempt.

Diet is certainly important, but in my opinion at least, far more so in a macro sense. You seem to have this down.

“I think i’m gonna aim for 3000 calories, 450g protein, 225g carbs, 33g Fat. I’m gonna try keeping it 60P/30C/10F, if I dont gain, i’ll up the cals.”

I’d actually modify this for somewhat more fat and less protein, if only to make it more easily attainable. Otherwise, go for it.

And do try to sleep at least 8 hours a night.

Good luck,

D. Indech

Sorry about the caps problem. Someday I’m going to get this right.

One, man, if you ask for advice, then please listen to the people who dole it out. Someone like fitone gave you some really good advice, and you just seemed to ignore it. If you want to listen to your friend, however long he has been training, then fine, but don’t ask for people’s advice then ignore it. I have been training for 10 years, and am 6’1" and 230 pounds, natural…is that big enough for you to listen to? well, listen to fitone.

what are you on this board for?