Xbox 360 Hard Drive Upgrade

[quote]jtg987 wrote:
awesome sounds good too easy, I’ll probably get call of duty in 2-3 weeks, play halo 3 for awhile and get used too the controller(ps and n64 gamer)

apart from COD 4, gears of war and halo is there any other games people recommend? I’m not massively into sports and don’t really get nfl[/quote]

Dude… Mass Effect is awesome, and you can’t go wrong with the Orange Box… (5 games in one… Portal rules!)

But really, I recommend more than any other 360 game… Ninja Gaiden II. Get that shit!

[quote]jtg987 wrote:
awesome sounds good too easy, I’ll probably get call of duty in 2-3 weeks, play halo 3 for awhile and get used too the controller(ps and n64 gamer)

apart from COD 4, gears of war and halo is there any other games people recommend? I’m not massively into sports and don’t really get nfl[/quote]

I’m the opposite of you (into sports, not so much FPS games), but I will say that BioShock is an impressive game and one you should consider.

[quote]Djwlfpack wrote:
jtg987 wrote:
awesome sounds good too easy, I’ll probably get call of duty in 2-3 weeks, play halo 3 for awhile and get used too the controller(ps and n64 gamer)

apart from COD 4, gears of war and halo is there any other games people recommend? I’m not massively into sports and don’t really get nfl

I’m the opposite of you (into sports, not so much FPS games), but I will say that BioShock is an impressive game and one you should consider.[/quote]

Oh, fuck-shit. How could I forget about Bio-Shock?

In order of should-gets:

  1. Ninja Gaiden II
  2. Bio-Shock
  3. Mass Effect
  4. Orange Box

Ninja Gaiden II is DEFINITELY the most hard-core of the bunch, and you’ll be extremely humbled by how much you get your ass haded to you.

Bio-Shock is an incredible narrative FPS with dynamic environment-and-surrounding oriented fireplay. The graphics are incredible as well.

Mass Effect is fucking cool. A bit slower paced than the other games, but it has a LOT of replay value.

Orange Box… what hasn’t been said about it?

[quote]SSC wrote:
Mass Effect is fucking cool. A bit slower paced than the other games, but it has a LOT of replay value.

I second this. I really loved Mass Effect. The dialog choices and voice acting were top-notch. Many times, I felt like I was playing a movie, instead of a video game. It is definitely worth playing again.

You can’t upgrade the hard drive. By ‘upgrade,’ I mean swap out the stock drive (whether it’s the 20 GB or the 120 GB) and put in your own.

It’d be nice to put in a 300 GB notebook drive, though.

For those of you that are interested I just got Soul Calibur IV the other day, from what little I played (had to go to work) it is tight as hell. I can see Yoda being exploited though since he is so short. Didn’t really have time to sink into the Character Creation either.

I’m like the only person that really didn’t care for Bioshock, the story/atmosphere was great just couldn’t get into it. When I first played Mass Effect I had mixed feelings about it, but afterwards I’d say it was one of the best RPGs I’ve played (still not on par with KOTOR in my opinion). I just did all of the sidequests in the beginning, and for those that have played the game know they get VERY repetitive.

Has anyone been playing Battlefield: Bad Company? Online in the demo was freaking fun, but I was having some issues with weapon damage. So use to killing someone in 3-4 shots in COD4 and in BF BC it seems like it takes an entire clip.

I’m in summer school right now so I won’t be on that much but if any T-Nationers wanna game in the aforementioned titles the gamertag is Pebilstilskin.

[quote]En Sabah Nur wrote:
For those of you that are interested I just got Soul Calibur IV the other day, from what little I played (had to go to work) it is tight as hell. I can see Yoda being exploited though since he is so short. Didn’t really have time to sink into the Character Creation either.

I’m like the only person that really didn’t care for Bioshock, the story/atmosphere was great just couldn’t get into it. When I first played Mass Effect I had mixed feelings about it, but afterwards I’d say it was one of the best RPGs I’ve played (still not on par with KOTOR in my opinion). I just did all of the sidequests in the beginning, and for those that have played the game know they get VERY repetitive.

Has anyone been playing Battlefield: Bad Company? Online in the demo was freaking fun, but I was having some issues with weapon damage. So use to killing someone in 3-4 shots in COD4 and in BF BC it seems like it takes an entire clip.

I’m in summer school right now so I won’t be on that much but if any T-Nationers wanna game in the aforementioned titles the gamertag is Pebilstilskin. [/quote]

Two things:

  1. No one cares about Yoda. Its all about Vader

  2. Your gamertag sucks. You should have picked “BigBoobs84” or “Assman69”. Your tag is just “blah”

[quote]PonceDeLeon wrote:
You can’t upgrade the hard drive. By ‘upgrade,’ I mean swap out the stock drive (whether it’s the 20 GB or the 120 GB) and put in your own.

It’d be nice to put in a 300 GB notebook drive, though.[/quote]

Would it be a problem if you just kept using the 20BG HD? I’ll probably buy an Xbox 360 very soon.

[quote]Shire wrote:
PonceDeLeon wrote:
You can’t upgrade the hard drive. By ‘upgrade,’ I mean swap out the stock drive (whether it’s the 20 GB or the 120 GB) and put in your own.

It’d be nice to put in a 300 GB notebook drive, though.

Would it be a problem if you just kept using the 20BG HD? I’ll probably buy an Xbox 360 very soon.[/quote]

ok long story short, it ended up coming with no hard drive so I bought the 20 gig, and its big enough.

I’ve clocked halo 3 and COD 4, both games were great. I ended up buying GTA 4 and Gears Of War, I don’t like either. San Andreas was much better than GTA4 and for some reason any time I play gears of war I feel sick.

I’m really looking forward too MK vs DC(first game I ever hired was the original mortal kombat when I was 5, thanks mum). I also have all the stuff too use xbox live but I can’t really be bothered setting it all up with my wireless cause It’s going to be one of those things that consume the whole day and that’s before I get it working.

overall the xbox was a great purchase but now I’m stuck waiting for MK vs DC

Halo has to be the most overrated franchise. Story is cool, but gameplay? I’m more of a Gears guy.

And COD4 has to be one of the best games ever made; the controls, the action, the characters. Fucking flawless.

I don’t have a 360 yet but in the meantime i can own you guys in halo2 on xbl if anyone still plays it.

Lol I play CoD4 and Halo 3.

Red wolf 752