Winter Diet

Which program are you using?

It is from a book he no longer publishes and doesn’t talk about much b/c it’s a book half about steroids half about training. He wrote the training part while Anthony Roberts wrote the steroids part. Thib is pretty anti-steroid use so he no longer talks about this book.

I am using his general mass gaining phase but will be transitioning into the arms specialization next week. With the power lifting I have great chest and back development but little arms.

So I’ve been sick the last 2 days but still been able to keep up with the diet! Lol today is ME bench day so we shall see how it goes.

(Btw I work in some PL with Thib’s plan, like on his high volume day I do speed bench and on his low volume heavier load days I do ME bench.)

So the diet was as usual today except dinner was KFC: chicken breast with skin removed, BBQ Beans, Coleslaw, and water to wash it down.

I treated myself to a cheat meal since my workout was as follows:

DB bench- 60sx10, 70x8, 80x5, 90x5, 100x5
cable crossovers- 2x10 at 35lbs each
push press: 135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 175x2, 185x1
standing pitcher raises: 45lb DB’s for 2x10
close grip bench: 3x5 at 185
v-bar tricep ext.- 2x15-20 at machine max

Tomorrow is deadlift and back day, going for a new PR on deadlift!

So it looks like I have my diet pretty well locked in. I have been able to drop my BF % slightly into a range I like more while still gaining mass. My strength level has also been going up.

7am- 2 scoops Metabolic Drive in water, 1/2 banana, bagel with butter or cream cheese
10am- English muffin with egg white, turkey sausage
12noon- chicken breast, 1cup pasta/ground beef mix (Barilla plus pasta), 1.5 cups mixed veggies
3pm- either a Muscle Milk shake or a PB sandwich with 1 scoop Metabolic Drive
5:30pm- Pasta with ground beef and garlic bread (if itâ¿¿s a heavy workout that day otherwise I leave out the bread)
7:30pm- Ultimate Orange shake
8:30pm- Surge
9pm- 1/2 banana
9:30pm- 3 skillet steaks with a medium sweet potato with brown sugar and cinnamon, salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil
10:30pm- Metabolic Drive Complete with Flameout

So yesterday’s workout:
Bench 6x3: 155, 185, 205, 185, 215, 185
Bench 1x5: 235
T-Bar Row: 8x3 at bar plus 3x45 and a 25
Incline Bench 3x10 at 155
Cable Rows 3x8-10 at 200lbs
Pec Deck 2x15-20
Straight arm pulldowns 2x20

I FINALLY got someone to spot me on bench so it’s the first time I used a barbell in like 5 months. I had been doing DB bench but I was able to do the 110lb DB’s which is as high as my gym has.

hey pierce i need you to validate one of john babcock’s claims… he says that u two went into the gym last year and leg pressed and that u two roughly leg pressed the same amount which he claimed to be around 4 plates on each side or 360lbs… True?
I was quite skeptical that u two would have similar strength levels in ur legs

also ur incline bench is weak u pussy

you guys know how to throw down!!!

I understand the motivation to eat more to build more mass and strength. But why eat so much more than is needed? All that extra junk cannot be metabolized the way you want. It just goes straight to fat.

Why would any one want to get fat and aren’t you concerned at all the this constant gain/lose cycles will eventually mess up your metabolism?

Look forward to any responses

No one wants to “get fat,” but rather maximize muscle gain. Once you take into account the energy required to support existing muscle, the caloric costs of heavy, frequent resistance training, and the massive energy it takes to actually create new tissue, you HAVE to eat that much.

I know Thib advocates a slow and steady approach to muscle gain, but I’ve found that I gain much faster overall if I just eat with a purpose. There is no real consensus of what is “needed” so I’d rather over shoot a little, then minimize my gains.

Here’s an article that does a good job of explaining why.

Short answer though, I don’t give a shit about being lean right now, I’m not as big or strong as I want to be, and I want to get there as fast as possible.

Plus food is rad.

[quote]Brant_Drake wrote:
No one wants to “get fat,” but rather maximize muscle gain. Once you take into account the energy required to support existing muscle, the caloric costs of heavy, frequent resistance training, and the massive energy it takes to actually create new tissue, you HAVE to eat that much. I know Thib advocates a slow and steady approach to muscle gain, but I’ve found that I gain much faster overall if I just eat with a purpose. There is no real consensus of what is “needed” so I’d rather over shoot a little, then minimize my gains.

Here’s an article that does a good job of explaining why.

Short answer though, I don’t give a shit about being lean right now, I’m not as big or strong as I want to be, and I want to get there as fast as possible.

Plus food is rad. [/quote]

Best post ever.

[quote]HotCarl28 wrote:
hey pierce i need you to validate one of john babcock’s claims… he says that u two went into the gym last year and leg pressed and that u two roughly leg pressed the same amount which he claimed to be around 4 plates on each side or 360lbs… True?
I was quite skeptical that u two would have similar strength levels in ur legs

also ur incline bench is weak u pussy[/quote]

John and I have maxed out the leg press before (10 plates total or is it 12?) and did it for 30 reps. Now these were not all together but rather total reps. This was also back when we rowed, but yea for his size he has insane leg strength.

My max incline press was 225x3 but my shoulder has been bothering me so why push it on that exercise? My upper chest is fine at the moment but when it’s lacking I do incline flies and they work just fine. But if you want we can have a dip off :stuck_out_tongue:

lol… im just fucking with u about ur bench… but that is really surprising about john… he just looks like a big pussy to me

[quote]Brant_Drake wrote:
No one wants to “get fat,” but rather maximize muscle gain. Once you take into account the energy required to support existing muscle, the caloric costs of heavy, frequent resistance training, and the massive energy it takes to actually create new tissue, you HAVE to eat that much.

I know Thib advocates a slow and steady approach to muscle gain, but I’ve found that I gain much faster overall if I just eat with a purpose. There is no real consensus of what is “needed” so I’d rather over shoot a little, then minimize my gains.

Here’s an article that does a good job of explaining why.

Short answer though, I don’t give a shit about being lean right now, I’m not as big or strong as I want to be, and I want to get there as fast as possible.

Plus food is rad. [/quote]

Thanks for the reply and the link. Good article. I looked at your bio and see you are already pretty big and strong.

As a 40+ lifter, I am just a little more reluctant now to gain fat weight, even if it may be at the expense of some extra lean body mass.

Good luck to you and your program. Please post your results. I am interested in the final gains in mass and strength.