Winny Giving Me the Sh*ts

Lmao you guys are going in circles. @big_boy_today I think the term weight is being very loosely thrown around in this argument. Is it possible to build muscle in a deficit? Yes. Is it possible for the little numbers on the machine you call a scale, to go up whilst in a deficit? Under certain conditions, Yes. There’s nothing to argue here. Both scenarios are plausible. As @unreal24278 said, take enough water-retentive steroids and you WILL gain net weight in a deficit. Under normal conditions - then yes I would agree with you, you are going to lose bodyweight faster than you build any amount of muscle that would compensate for that loss.

Actually you’re wrong whether we are talking about muscle gain OR weight gain. Get your moronic bullshit off of this forum ASAP.

suck my dick im not going anywhere

Perhaps everyone is throwing around terms loosely? Are we talking about a 5 calorie per day deficit held for a week, or are we talking about actually dieting? This part of the convo came up in the context of cutting on a cruise. Turned out unreal meant muscle gain, not weight gain.

Innapropriate remark to make

No, it wasn’t.

As a matter of fact Ive seen you curse people out. Ive seen you drag another member’s name through to mud in post after post even when they weren’t active or defending themselves. Don’t pontificate to me. You might have a tad bit of medical knowledge (not degree from any college at all though, obviously never practiced) and it is appreciated for what it is worth, but you have a fair amount of growing up to do yourself.

Curse people out… I’ve never been agressive when unprovoked …

Are you talking about when I told a guy to “get the fuck out of here” in response to him calling others a bunch of names? Or the time I called a guy an asshole following his tirade of insults towards a myriad of other members?

As to the other members, you’re talking about weightliftingwithoitlimits, I use him as an example regarding what irresponsible use of AAS looks like. I’ve also used the name (forgot) of this one 19y/o kid who instantaneously hopped on a gram of gear + massive amounts of insulin.

It is an innapropriate, potentially homophobic remark to make… one steeped in immaturity. You made a comment about how it’s “impossible to gain weight in a deficit when on AAS” (a comment that simply isn’t true), weightliftingwithoutlimits failed to lose weight on 2g tren/wk even when on what one might call a serious deficit. You were called out for being wrong and thus got aggressive

Upon me calling out that a remark such as “suck my dick” was innapropriate to make, you’ve doubled down and made an attack on my character, talking about my level of knowledge (or lack thereof). My knowledge base is a prospect entirely irrelevant to this conversation at hand…

This isn’t worth my time, don’t bother responding. This isn’t an argument worth having (for either of us).