Whats a good chin up rep range/ progression

I have done

I worked my way up to :
10 sets of 2 reps

Then worked my way up to:
5 sets of 3 reps and 1 set of 2

Whats the best progression to get 10 full clean reps then after that when i do i add weighted chin ups

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP)
If you did 5 last time, try for 6 the next day.
Try for 7 next.
Then 8…

I’m a fan of having a pull up bar over the bathroom doorway so every time you go to use it - you knock out an AMRAP set. Good way to get 40-50 pull ups in a day.

You’ll probably find added weight to be disappointingly difficult - at least, I did.

I was knocking out 20+ bodyweight pull ups thinking I was a tough guy, so I added a 45lb plate my first weighted pull up. I got like 4 lol.

I’d aim for more probably 15-20 bodyweight pull ups before adding weight, then taking it slow… maybe 10lbs added to your bodyweight.

*If you notice you’re stalling at the low-mid teens on pull ups, consider getting a band to reduce weight so you can target higher reps. This happened to at least half the guys in my unit before we (mostly) all got to 20+ pull ups.


I find that doing a small number of reps multiple times a day rally helps with pull ups. Get a pull up bar for home and every time you walk past it do 2 pull ups. Do this 10 times a day for a few weeks and you will be suprised.

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I’d recommend training them twice a week, plus a testing day.

Day 1: set a timer for 5:00. Do as many chinups as you can in those 5 min. Whether you’re banging out multiple sets of 3, 4, 5 or just doing 1 rep and breathing in between, record it and try to beat it each week.

Day 2: Do 20 reps as quickly as possible. Once again, break this up however you find most efficient, record, and try to beat it each week.

Day 3: Do an easy warm up. Maybe some light underhand lat pulldowns or just a couple of sets of 2 chinups. Then do 1 AMRAP set to test where you’re at. Try to beat this each week.

Once you can do 10 straight, change day 2 to 30 total reps. When you can do 15, 40 total reps. 20, 50 total reps.

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Pavel has a a “Grease the Groove” approach, during the day, when you get the chance (he advised every hour), knock out some pull ups. He applied this to kettlebells, but if you can use this option, give it a try. This does not mean I do not agree with anyone above. And it has been years since I have read Pavel so I might be off.

Doing them in the gym for muscle gainz purposes as part of a full body workout routine

So I just wanted some sort of progression that I could follow till I can get 10 straight chin ups like a boss and flex on everyone

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I love pull ups!

In addition to frequency, like others have mentioned, I would mix in lots of hand positions: chin ups, pull ups, neutral grip, wide/narrow, and (if possible) ring pull ups. One thing you’ll have to watch out for is tennis (or golfer’s) elbow. This can come out of nowhere if you ramp up the volume or intensity too quickly, and it takes a long time to heal. So ensure you’re giving yourself some recovery days as well.

As for weighted, I honestly wouldn’t even think about this for quite some time. Why? Because you have so much room for progress using just bodyweight, and weighted pull ups are REALLY tough on the elbow. I can crank them out pretty well (I got 3 reps with 90 lbs hanging on me), but I find regular old pull ups are plenty to meet any vertical pulling goals I have.

A cool movement, that at first sounds gimmicky, is burpee pull ups. Given the limited amount you can do, this will allow you to get more reps in, get just a bit of help from the jump to the bar, and also help with full body conditioning and leanness that will help with your pull up progression.

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Amrap (as many rep as possibile) sets
1/8 amrap
1/6 amrap
1/4 amrap
1/8 stop
1/7 amrap
1/5 amrap
1/8 stop
1/8 stop
1/6 amrap
1/8 stop
1/8 stop
1/8 stop
1/8 stop
1/8 amrap
1/10 amrap
1/8 amrap
1/7 amrap
This is for body weighted and you can do amrap every set every workout too if you vant just increasing number of reps.

Step sets
Take how much you can do or little less and do:
Just go up and down as you can build up trough workout one of the exemples.

If you need more reps do cluster sets with rest of 10/15 sec. between reps

For weighted double progression same as amrap exemple for bodyweighted here you just progress reps then weight, when you achive what you want lets say 3x5 increase load and strt to build 3x5 again.
Or you can do singles Amrap with heavy weight

If you need to stregthned positions ISO holds Top position max hold
Between Top and Mid max hold
Mid max hold
Between Mid and Bottom max hold