What Have You Achieved in the Past 10 Months?

[quote]guitarlifter wrote:
Haha, did 475 for 9 today on deadlift. :slight_smile: 700 lb deadlift, here I come (again).[/quote]


I started lifting right around when I turned 16, I was 5’10 205lbs. My maxes were: Bench-115 Squat-185 Deadlift-200. I turn 18 in January and I’m now 5’11 160 lbs with 10% bf(calipers). My maxes according to last time I tried to max out: Bench 225(Last July) Squat-300(Last april) Deadlift-365(Last april).

I’m pretty happy with my progress, I don’t really lift for strength, although I should probably start since I’m shipping to army bct this june after I get out of highschool.

In the last 5 months i added like 50 pounds to my Deadlift, mmm also i’ve lost a total of 46 (started at 264 lbs, now i’m down to 217.5lbs pounds and dropped 7.4" off my waist.

Now i can perform 6 correct chin ups.

Next goal: TO hit a lean 200lbs by january.

10 pounds on back squat, 15 on front squat, 225 x 20 back squat, better at chin ups

Bodyweight up 12-15 lbs (to 192-195) while still relatively lean (can see abs and quad separations)

Back squat up just about exactly 100lbs (300->405lbs)
Deadlift up 90lbs (350->440)
DB Flat Bench up 15lbs for 5 reps (85->100lb DB’s)

Been stuck at this bodyweight for a while. Having trouble eating >5000 cal a day. Boo.

In 6 months! Went from 175lbs to 206lbs similar bodyfat. All lifts went up more than 30%. I quit the boozing, upped the cal’s to 4200 and got lots of sleep. I Think the main reason ive done so well was because i started a log book for food and training and was competing with friends!

Put on 100 lbs on my deadlift and fully recovered from an injury.
Put on 60 lbs on my incline bench

18 inch left arm, right one is a bit less.
Grew half an inch in length, quarter inch girth.
Learned that less is more, for me anyways.

It’s been a good past couple months. Some of my milestones include:

Got my Deadlift up from 315x1 to 405x1 (So happy about this one)

Got a 225 x 1 Front Squat after only starting to do them in April.

Done 275 x 2 Back Squat

185 x 1 Seated Military Press

90 lb Dumbbells for 6 reps on Incline Bench

56 BW Dips in 3 sets

Maintaining a pretty lean BW of 185. Bulk starting soon.