WannaBe’s Last Year Of “DYEL?”

Lol they sound like fitness is their passion :joy:

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Pretty crappy workout today. Definitely one of the worst since hiring the coach. Slept great last night, work wasn’t horrible, wasn’t tired, really thought I was gonna kill it lol but NOPE

Chest press
230 x 11
200 x 14

Seated cable flys
65 x 10
45 x 12

Incline iso hammer
95lb per handle x 8
75 x 12

Dumbbell lateral raises
35 x 20
30 x 18

Iso hammer OHP
90 x 10
77.5 x 9

Reverse pec deck
200 x 15
200 x 15
200 x 12

Pec deck SS tricep machine (prime) SS machine lateral raises
Pec deck
240 x 12
240 x 11

Prime push downs
95 x 15
95 x 17

Standing machine lateral raises
140 x 13
120 x 17


These kind of workouts can be real downers. Good thing it’s a long game.

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Why? Did you just not feel good or did you not get the numbers/ reps you needed?

Looked like a solid workout to me tbh

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My lower back is messed up so that made me a little uncomfortable and then just felt weak as piss. Seems mostly on chest stuff

5:30am workout :face_vomiting::face_vomiting: idk how y’all morning people do this.

Was supposed to be leg day but I’ve hurt my back somehow. Lower left back is super swollen and hurts like a mofo. Got a doctors appointment next week to make sure I’m just a vagina and it’s not messed up.

Did my first arm day today. Gonna take another 1 or 2 arm days before I get the weights dialed in to his desired reps for certain things.
Had plans to do a little bit of shoulders and back today as well too since I’ll be at the beach for a few days but everything hurts. I couldn’t even do lateral raises with 10’s lol. Fuck the morning

Rope push downs
90 x 11
70 x 18

Face away cable curls
40 x 12
30 x 18

Dip machine
250 x 16
235 x 20

Ezcurl bar curls
70 x 15
60 x 15

Single underhand cable extension
30 x 15

Preacher curl ezcurl bar
50 x 15

Seated skull crushers
60 x 26

Pin wheel curls
17.5’s x 25

Dips / SS alt dB curls
2 sets


It’s a hate for people while at the gym and a shit load of coffee for me!

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you (eventually) get used to it.

I personally do it out of necessity. My ability to push hard falls off the cliff after eating anything remotely substantial, so I have to get the hardest part of my workout done before breakfast.

@hustlinghat93 @anna_5588 i will say though, the gym was a ghost town, it was pretty cool to see! Shame it’s not a ghost town in the afternoon

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This is the main reason I go to the gym at 5 am. (My gym still has about 30-50 people working out in the morning - but it’s a big place).
I dislike when all the squat racks (there are 10) are taken by people who really need to go learn how to squat and deadlift.


Mate my gym has a few racks but one rack on a deadlift platform… And this prick always goes on that platform and does his half rep seated military press. Drives me INSANE


There’s a guy at the gym I go to who goes to the power rack, loads up 3-4 plates and does sets of 2-3in rom “rack pulls” :unamused:

Even worse, He has 2-3 buddies with him who hype him up and take videos

I don’t say anything, but good grief, I find it annoying

Next time ask him how many half rep sets he has left :joy:

It really was nice, but my body is already in bad shape and that early workout today felt horrible. I woke up at 4:30, chugged some water, then had a protein shake and half a bagel and hit the gym but I was still all froze up.

Those are the worst people!! It amazes me how much confidence they have though with there whole hype crew filming and going crazy. Must be nice to be that oblivious/happy lol. Also, forum is still acting up something fierce! I can edit and delete other people’s posts in here :joy:

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I train late in the evening usually after 7pm. My gym has 8 racks and most nights there are no more than 3 being used. On the flip side the dumbell rack in front of the mirrors is usually busy!!

Welp. Been eating absolutely out of control at the beach lol. Been getting enough protein and that’s where it stops lol. Bloated to the max and feel extra rough from all the junk. Very much looking forward to getting back and being back to normal eating and working out. Did manage an upper body session at a decent gym, but it was nothing great, left shoulder hurt the whole time.

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oof! That’s the worst part about overindulgence for me. I feel crap physically, guilty for eating so much AND can’t put the food to good use bc GI distress

Yea same here. It’s fun while I do it then as soon as I finish I feel like crap physically and then mentally for realizing what I’m doing lol. BUT, a few days of junk won’t derail me. Just a minor annoying speed bump. I’ll be back full steam ahead soon

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Bright side nothing makes an upper body session more productive then holding a bit extra water weight and bloat so you have that to look forward to

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