Vegas Shooter Kills 50+

I would call them what they are: negative behaviors. Not every behavior is influenced by culture. Unless we want to start using a term like micro-culture. So a kid who behaves poorly is the result of his home micro-culture. My problem is that once we start labeling everything as cultural it becomes off limits for criticism, to the leftists at least.

The hoops a school has to jump through to get a kid expelled make it so that no one wants to go through it. I am not lying when I say there are high school freshman aged 20 who are technically considered illiterate. The school will not kick them out until they are legally too old to be in school. And some of these schools combine junior high with high school so that 20 year old man is in school with 11 year old girls. What suburban school would tolerate things like that? The crazy thing is that the worst kids somehow manage to get the best legal defense, I assume paid by the state. No one is defending the rights of the good kids and their parents are not able to afford attorneys.

The lowest grade a student can get is a 50. So if a student should get a zero the teacher has to record a 50. This is done so that the kid will always have some chance to pass and the school’s dropout numbers will not look as bad. This isn’t inner city culture but the leftists who run the schools. They are the ones who create different standards for inner city kids when it comes to how poor behavior is handled. So if you want to say that inner city student behavior is cultural, fine, but it is because of leftist/neo-marxisy culture.