UnKillable Kleinhound 2: This time he's more unkillable-er

They don’t fit my style, space, or equipment. I think I’m going to go through the HIIB 100. I’ll just go through them in order with no regard for days of the week. I might do one day a week or five. It’ll depend on how I feel. I’m not stressing about training or forcing myself to get a session in.


Didn’t time the gymnastics but was done in about 4-5 mins

Did the wod in 13:52


So nasty. What do y’all do after this? That the end of the workout? Do people really pay $200 a month to spend 13 minutes in agony and then go home?

Nope. Comptrain app is free

The way I figure too, that’s 13:52 of working time, no rest.

On a normal workout how much time is actually spent lifting?

Stupidly valid point and Very interesting question. Makes me wonder what that number would be.

Sorry brother I just re read what I typed and I hope it didn’t come across snappy!

You’re totally right it’s pretty bloody expensive to go to a legit Crossfit gym.

Most comptrain sessions go for between 45 and 90 mins. This week just happens to be more of a Deload.

A lot of boxes will have the 'mum and dad’s classes where it’s just 30-45 mins of work just for health

Whereas competitors will have blocks of strength, gymnastics, oly and metcon work

Haha although I didn’t get the “bro I love you let’s me BFF’s” vine from your post, I never thought it was said in any negative way.

It was short, to the point, factual, and brought up a question I’ve never heard before and is very intriguing!

Leg pump was real

Street sweeper 19:18

Took my time with the body armour
The alternating incline press toasted my chest


I started HIIB 100 today but I cut the sets in half. I’m coming off two weeks of rest and don’t want to kill myself. My session also took longer than it should because 15 calories on an elliptical takes way longer than 15 cals on a bike.

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Oh yeah man, when in doubt I just go 1 burpee = 1 calorie

Awesome job though, it’s such a fun program

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Burpees are awful! I gotta find something else. Today’s session calls for EMOM double unders alternating with wall balls. I can jump rope but I don’t have anything for the wall balls. I have a 15 lb bowling ball and a nine foot tall swing set but I don’t think that’s a good idea. I might just go in the back yard and do 10 minutes of my style of conditioning - tire flips, jumps, pull ups, and a swing set version of an ab rollout (I think it emulates a TRX move).

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I do 40lb thrusters instead of wallballs
And you could do tyre jumps instead of DUs

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Little light pump work today

Shoulders 1
1 min front db raise
1 min lateral raise
1 min rear fly
1 min rest

Shoulders 2
1 min arnold press
1 min face pull
1 min rest

1 min db curls
1 min cable overhead ext
1 min rest

I also split up each minute into 30 seconds strict with pause and slow eccentrics and 30 seconds of pumping out reps

Worked really well

Light weights but got a lot of blood in

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Scales the first part. Just did 20 min amrap of 30 cal row and 10 HSPU for quality
Rest was Rx


This looks like a marathon. How’d you do clean positions B and C? Did you do a high pull and then pause three times on the way down to the floor? And with C did you do the full clean and then pause on the way back to the floor?

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No so you stand it up fully, then lower to each pause, and then do a full high pull from the low hang, if that makes sense?

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So 5 workouts in one day? You are mental, I hope you realise that.

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Hahaha nah it’s just the way the app works, it’s more like 5 parts
But you probably could split them up if you had the time, and it would probably work better

An unexpected upside so far from comptrain is that (on the free app) you can’t skip ahead and see tomorrow’s programming, nor can you go back.

I’m a shocker for looking ahead and wanting to skip or stop a program, or for overanalysing if I miss a day

This way, I can’t look ahead, and if I miss a day I just have to keep moving forward
