UnKillable Kleinhound 2: This time he's more unkillable-er

I prescribe u 3x / week sumo deads

Squat and dead looked real smooth mate. I have decided that bench is a bitch !! Good work.

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Strong as fuck man

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Thanks brother

Admittedly 12 weeks of the same program and I’m a little bored, only a few weeks of peaking to go though so I’ll see it through. That’ll be a first haha

Well I haven’t made it to the gym yet this week with shift changes and OT and wedding planning. BUT I plan on going tonight and doing some conditioning
Maybe this

Had a good chat today with a retired STAR operator. We talked about training and preparation for selection etc. It’s still a looong way off, but we also spoke about them being aware of people well ahead of time and being physically prepared well ahead of time.
With that being said, I’m going to cut the peaking phase and focus on my engine. I’ve PRd the Olympic lifts and big three are feeling better than ever.
I think the main goal is have (special forces) needs to remain the goal. I’ll be following (attempting) the comptrain programming as I find it to be intelligent, very challenging, and also measurable

It’s time to be Unkillable again


Ooooh just reading this made me excited and want to train. Get at it man.

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Full send mode

Part 1. Calisthenics practice
6 rounds of easy rowing + 10 chins and 20 pushups
1:30 for first three rounds
2:00 for second three rounds
Was meant to be muscle ups but I want to build up my chins/pushups again

Part 2. Diddly squat
3 rds
800m run
20 toe to bar
10 front squat at 85kg

Part 3. Body armour
30 second kB rack hold
30 second kB static squat
Max time L sit
2 min rest, 3 rds

Man I ruined myself on the first run, went at 4min km pace like a moron. Wanted to do part 2 sub 20 (lol) and only managed 29:32
Gonna take some time to build up


Hope your special day went well today mate. Congratulations.

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So is crossfit

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Thanks brother. Had the best day of our lives. Truly special. No training today lol


Had some days off since my wedding just enjoying time with my wife, but will be back at it soon


Bit of a de-load-ish week in the comptrain programming

5 rds
400m run
15 overhead squats
(I did KB front rack squats as there wasn’t a free barbell)

Then some hspu practice and strict chins practice


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Just reading this stuff makes me feel sick!!

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Yeah, that definitely looks like active recovery.

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I thought these guys only existed in the Resident Evil movies!

I haven’t accepted it yet, but I’m still having an internal chat about my training. Training has been my sole hobby most of life. I paint myself into a corner with a preset training week and put my sessions ahead of all other events.

I’m not getting younger. I don’t think I’m going to get much bigger without 110% effort. I think I could maintain my physique but not my 1RM strength by backing off. I’d like to figure out how to loosen up on the training and improve (and then maintain) my conditioning while basically staying in maintenance mode for everything else.

CrossFit might fit the bill but I don’t have the space or equipment for most of those workouts. If I can drop my obsession with pre-planned sessions and strength goals then I might be able to give HIIB a run.


Have you been introduced to Mr. Alsruhe? (I know you have, but I think his programs would fit the bill here.)

Hahaha yeah they’re south Australias answer to swat. Thankfully no Nemesis zombies though

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