Trump Gauntlet is Now Officially Dropped

What I was trying to say and apparently not being very clear is that Lindsay Graham like many human beings is acting partly out of jealousy. As I said certainly Trump says many outlandish things and is deserving of ridicule. But Graham, I think, is lashing out for different reasons along with the fact that he doesn’t want Trump to become President.

And my point was that this is nothing new. Carter brought out similar responses from people of his own party many years ago. and he was not a uniting individual. That is the connection that you failed to see for some reason. Furthermore, he went on to win the Presidency. And what I meant by letting you know that piece of history is that Trump while hated by many on May 2, 2016 could very well become the next President regardless of the many today who dislike him.

Lastly, there is really is nothing completely new historically in politics. Sure Trump is a new sort of phenomenon. But people have hated politicians before and they wind up winning.

This is caused by human beings who are so very emotional that they change their minds easily. A short time ago I put up a lengthy post on the many Presidents who trailed between March and May by large numbers and yet won the White House in November.

I am not saying this will be Trump. But I am saying that this could be Trump. Especially when he may be faced with the worst candidate the democrats have nominated in years.

And therein lies the reason that I give Trump a very good chance of beating Hillary. In two words “Turn out”.

When Bernie goes away because of Hillary does anyone honestly think that Bernie’s people are going to vote for Hillary? Sure some will. But many will just stay home especially the youth vote which was crucial in both Obama wins. Trump’s supporters while there may not be as many will all go out and vote regardless of the weather or any other cataclysmic event in their lives. He has created a movement with many zealots. I have had several debates off line with Trump supporters and they are quit scary how dedicated they are to that guy. Frankly, I don’t get it. But, I am not blind and can see it clearly.

One more reason why I think Trump can beat Hillary is the open investigation by the FBI. I have never known the FBI to dedicate 200 agents to a case and x number of months on a case and come up with nothing.

I would say there is about a 65% chance there will at least be a recommendation for indictment. And I think that will be enough to keep her from winning. This is of course if this all comes out after she has the nomination.

But…that hasn’t happened yet.

Yep. Republicans ride the wave of Obama’s tenure, and take control of Congress, state legislatures, and governors’ mansions at levels not since before the New Deal.

How do the Republicans capitalize on all this good fortune for the crown jewel of elections? Take leave of their senses and end up with, unless something radical happens at the convention, a charmless, hated careerist ideologue and a mouth breathing, con man demagogue (who is by all measurements, not even a Republican).

Clown show.

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Whatever one may think of Cruz, just listen to him unmask con-man Trump. Now, watch the willful ignorance of Trump’s supporters. Their complete and total unawareness of on the record, factual, Trumpisms. I don’t know if it’s due to an inability to do basic research on their own candidate. Or, some kind of personality worship which wipes from memory anything that would harm their faith in him. Yes, chumps indeed.

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It seems Republicans don’t care about charm, nor do they care about the label of Republican, because the party has fucked over it’s voters for years (maybe decades).

Trump is talking about issues like Carrier Air Conditioning moving to Mexico, and that means 1400 jobs in Indianapolis are gone. You are talking about “the party”, when people watch their jobs being outsourced by “the party.” Why the fuck be loyal to a party who ended up fucking you over on a royal level. That is not to say I don’t believe in the principles “the party” was founded on, but at the end of the day, you make no friends when you’re a part of sending jobs elsewhere.

You keep missing the boat, would you give a fuck about a label if your job was sent elsewhere ?

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Zeb, again, not what I was talking about.

Its very simple. Trump doesn’t have majority. Nobody is “ignoring the people”. Bringing up how Carter was also non-uniting doesn’t change that fact. At the last contested convention ('76) there was no clear will of the people either. If Trump doesn’t get a majority of votes you cannot say he is the will of the people. Carter has nothing to do with that fact.

If you want to talk about Trump’s ability to win with his high negatives, sure, we can talk about that… but my original point stands.

It’s cool to see that Indiana Trump dude/Sen. Cruz exchange.

I’ve seen it on the news, cut up and edited in different ways.

Sen. Cruz looks really smart and patient and well spoken above.

Some of the other clips I’ve seen make it look different. Like Cruz is a real bully, and the Trump guy is acting all heroic.

Conspiracy Theory; Does that Indiana Trump supporter look a lot like the guy from Meet the Press?

Edited because I hit send too soon

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Ya, I saw the unedited exchange, the Trump supporter sounds like a complete and utter moron. So do the rest of the idiots screaming in the background.

Cruz: What do you like about Trump

Idiot #1 Everything

Cruz: Name 1 thing.

Idiot #1 Everything

Cruz: Name 1 thing.

Idiot #1 (10-second pause) - The wall.

Idiot #2: Something about queer politicians or something…

Cruz: Donald was fined for hiring illegal immigrants.

Idiot #1: Lyin Ted, Lyin Ted…

Cruz: Adults talk to each other. They don’t yell at each other.

Idiot #1: Lyin Ted


" Time to drop out…SIR!"

“Are you Canadian?”


Cruz: If Trump doesn’t make it to 1237 you gonna call on him to drop out.

Idiot #1: Oh he will Lyin Ted!

I don’t disagree on a lot of this, but what I don’t understand is how these people have been voting GOP for all this time and are, as you put it, GOP voters?

The GOP has had a pro-free trade, unabashed platform for outsourcing jobs as part of a global trading regime for decades - how has it been screwing over its voters? Did the voters worried about losing their jobs overseas not understand that the GOP never represented their interests and expressly communicated that?

When did the GOP promise to protect American jobs through policy that would conflict with its dedication to free trade?

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I think this is the year where GOP voters finally woke up, because they see it happening in front of their very eyes. This is not limited to the GOP, as Democrats see the effects of cheap labor and how that harms society in a variety of aspects.

On a local news network, a number of Bernie supporters admitted they would vote for Trump seeing ol’Bern isn’t going to win the nod. For them, it was more about the not-establishment vote than it was a pro-Trump vote.

Both sides have been disillusioned for years, but this is the election where they look to act on it.

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That’s what many in the GOP don’t get. Trump will draw many votes from the democrats. I have no idea how many cross over and vote for him currently (when they are able) but it is a large number. I think he draws the knuckle heads from every part of the political spectrum.

your original point of Trump not having the majority of votes? Um yeah that’s pretty obvious in such a hotly contested race with so many candidates. Yeah…great insight. Sorry thought you were going somewhere else with all of that.

“The whole thing is ridiculous,” Trump said. “What is this? Right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it.”

As the anchor mentioned the photo that allegedly included Cruz, Trump continued: “I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting? It’s horrible.”

Read more here:


Trumps supporters don’t give a fuck about the party. They care about their jobs, and their families.

After being lied to for YEARS by the GOP, they could give two wet shits if Trump implodes the party.

And to be perfectly honest, neither do I anymore.


Biff Tannen =Donald Trump!

Tired Jeb, Little Marco and Lyin Ted worked pretty effectively for Trump, against his rivals . What if Cruz or Christie had called Trump “Biff Tannen” on stage, sometime last summer?

Donald Trump in 1998: Bill Clinton Is a ‘Victim’ of ‘Unattractive’ Women

Many moons ago, Trump said Bill Clinton was a ‘victim’ to an ugly group of female accusers.