TRT Doctor Needed in Dallas-Fort Worth Area

LowTHoss you satisfied with your dr? Does he follow Dr. Crisler plan regarding “pinning yourself and labs tests” ?

Southlake Guy was a joy to work with. He will work with you. Doesn’t push one way or another.
I suggested a few things, and he provided pros/cons, very flexible. So I am going to give it a shot.
He does take a whole body approach, so I would be willing to let him analyze more than your T/E/P.

[quote]philli4093 wrote:
Southlake Guy was a joy to work with. He will work with you. Doesn’t push one way or another.
I suggested a few things, and he provided pros/cons, very flexible. So I am going to give it a shot.
He does take a whole body approach, so I would be willing to let him analyze more than your T/E/P.

Is there any way I can get this Dr’s name and/or contact? This is so frustrating, I can’t PM anyone, we can’t post Doc’s names.

Can someone please help me out here?

[quote]Hardasnails wrote:
I have Dr i work with be glad to help you in that area PM me for info [/quote]

Could you leave some way for the dr name. I just got off the phone with my 11th attempt to find a progressive, competent dr in the dfw area. I know the Pm rules regarding number of posts but really after all are we trying to help each other? Sorry for the frustration but I do not believe in just commenting to get my posts counts up so I could Pm someone. The education on this site is great but the realities of trying to find some one good who cares about you and not about robbing you blind or just plain intimidated by the fact that some one like me might know more about this since its concerning my freaking health. Sorry for the rant. Anyway, Hardasnails this rant was not directed at you, its just the frustration of it all spills out. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

Can anybody PM me the info of the Dr. here in DFW. I’ve talked to so many clinicians that just want money upfront or a ridiculous amount per month for TRT. Thanks.

Would it be possible for you guys to just post your Doctors info? I too and looking for a knowledgeable TRT Doctor as well as a GP.

This would cut out all the PM’s and who can and who can’t business.

Thanks much, T NATION !


Trying again

I’ve got a TRT doc in McKinney/Allen, but he only does the test cyp, no HCG. I have probably called 15 different offices and absolutely NOBODY does HCG. I’ve been on test since June 2012 (pellets and then started test cyp once a week in Sept 2012), and my nuts are high and tight. I’d love to find a doctor that will work with HCG to get the “other side” of TRT addressed.

Anybody in the North Dallas area have a good recommendation? PM would be great.

Can someone please PM me any info in the Fort Worth area

Guys - my suggestion is book a flight to DFW to Detroit and take the short drive to East Lansing Michigan and meet with Dr. C. He is no BS, does things the right way in my opinion and follows the protocol’s KSman describes with a few tweaks, but nothing you could not modify the exact way described on your own. Add up all your wasted time and energy and it will seem like a bargain. After your initial visit all other interaction can be done over the phone. The office definitely has some quirks and he could make much more money / make it easier on the patient if he did things a little different but he was great to work with. Honestly all Dr. offices are a hassle these days. I did not get any of the ego stuff I have heard others say about him.

My guess is those people read the forum and try to tell him how to do his job and show little respect. If you want more information on how his office works and more detail on the pro / con’s let me know - I would be glad to expand.

[quote]Hardasnails wrote:
I have Dr i work with be glad to help you in that area PM me for info [/quote]

I’m a n00b when it comes to this forum, and I can’t send PMs yet because I haven’t reached that level yet.

Would it be possible for you to send me a PM for this Dr’s details???


I don’t see hardasnails around here anymore.

If that’s the case,

does anyone else know of a open minded doctor who will prescribe TRT?

I don’t know, in Indonesia we barely have any docs who can openly help with TRT problem. Well, does anyone here could recommend me a Dr maybe from Singapore or Malaysia concerning this? I am currently in Kuala Lumpur and really wanna check my testosterone level. Been having a problem recently with this and have no idea how to finish it… help pls? maybe any recommended people?

Kaner Med Group in Bedford, Dr E. is a PA and he is very good with TRT, AI and HCG. He lets you self inject.

[quote]Mike984 wrote:
Kaner Med Group in Bedford, Dr E. is a PA and he is very good with TRT, AI and HCG. He lets you self inject.[/quote]

Would Dr. E’s first name happen to start with K? I am trying to find a good TRT doc that will allow me to self inject and actually understands this stuff.

Look at the guys at UANT (Arlington)… I see the PA there.
I self inject and he prescribes… No issues on that… BUT he’s no expert in this area by any means, and learned
more from me (and still not as medically helpful as I need…) my issue (after a year of seeing him) wasnt really root cause low T, but seems to be high E (estradiol); after getting him to get me some anastrozole, within 2-3 weeks my libido came back (after being gone a year +). Now its acting kooky again, but he didnt change my regimen, so I, as well, need to find someone who is very familiar with this in the DFW area…
i’ll use the clues from the other posts to search… not sure if I can PM or not (even though ive been on this board 10 yrs probably…) lol

[quote]freakysteve wrote:
Look at the guys at UANT (Arlington)… I see the PA there.
I self inject and he prescribes… No issues on that… BUT he’s no expert in this area by any means, and learned
more from me (and still not as medically helpful as I need…) my issue (after a year of seeing him) wasnt really root cause low T, but seems to be high E (estradiol); after getting him to get me some anastrozole, within 2-3 weeks my libido came back (after being gone a year +). Now its acting kooky again, but he didnt change my regimen, so I, as well, need to find someone who is very familiar with this in the DFW area…
i’ll use the clues from the other posts to search… not sure if I can PM or not (even though ive been on this board 10 yrs probably…) lol[/quote]

Steve, I hear you on everything you’re saying! I was in your shoes a couple of months ago, though I was fortunate to get a doctor that didn’t only prescribe me testosterone injections but also Anastrozole AND hcg to prevent shrinkage of my testicles from the t treatments. Now when you say you have low t, what range were you in when you started the program and what are your numbers now? I went through three trial clinics before landing the perfect doctor. He didn’t just give me t treatment and said later, he explained everything and what the use of the other medications were for. I went from 225 and sky rocketed to 800s within a month. They also use quality brand not generic, which to me I think is really important. I strongly recommend the doctor I see, im based in fl and I understand youre looking for dallas, but the medical center here in florida is strictly for men and will fly patients out to their nearest location. They are about to go nationwide so down the road it will be easier, but if your desperate and want a change, id recommend going now, they teach you how to self inject, so hopefully next time you need a follow up they will be in Dallas. Good luck man!

[quote]Mike984 wrote:
Kaner Med Group in Bedford, Dr E. is a PA and he is very good with TRT, AI and HCG. He lets you self inject.[/quote]

this is the guy to see. I’m 19 and he gave me adex test c 200 my week and hcg