Tren NPP Mast and Dbol

My source just added some M-deca wonder how that would work out. Personally I don’t think il ever use deca or npp having used tren first

Sex or Pornhub & chill… You gotta beat the demons out…
I got high hemocrit too most times had it for years on TRT & blasting…To keep mine in check I dump blood once a month and take a aspirin daily…also hydrate…If you do that it will stay good… at least it does for me… Im about to start my first NPP cycle kinda excited… Had those shitty Tren sides b4 so I think im ready… 4iu of HGH b4 bed helps along with melatonins for me

I’m not noticing the nandrolone now, but I feel as though when I’m off it I will feel its absence with regards to my joints. I’ve been able to dumbell shoulder press without pain on this blast, something I’ve avoided for years. @iron_yuppie

Agreed, nothing beats tren, but I believe its also preventing me from gaining the weight I want. And the insomnia is annoying, I fall asleep just fine, but I wake up every 2 hours. Other than that, no sides to speak of. @zeek1414

I did a blood test before this blast and my hematocrit was normal, I will donate at the end of this blast anyway, just because its a good thing to do, never know who might need some blood. From my experience on NPP, I found 350mg didnt really do much, maybe I didnt run it long enough I dont know. @thehebrewhero


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So just thought I’d drop a final update here. The 5 weeker has come to an end, the blast did evolve slightly as in the last week NPP went up to 500mg and I dropped the Dbol and added in TRT test so as the nandrolone cleared, I was left with just Testosterone.

I gained 10lbs off this 5 week blast with some increase fat, but not a lot at all. The first few weeks I kept my diet strict, but then I was just not getting in the calories so I stopped counting macros and tried to eat as much as I could. Strength shot up until yesterday where I pulled a muscle in my trap while dumbell shoulder pressing, this will probably set me out the gym for a few days.

Overall a good short blast, results just as expected, nothing spectacular, just some recomp. I think next time I will start the NPP much higher, around 500mg minimum.


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