Trainer Re-Created The Colorado Experiment

Tons. Cellphone cameras and Youtube make it pretty easy. We’ve had twice a year Photo/Video Check-ins for the last nine years, so we know that a bunch of us are actually walking into a gym once in a while. The next one’s coming up in August, BTW, since some of the new guys must’ve missed the one in February.

We’ve had dozens of people enter the forum’s 5-month long physique challenge each year for the last five years, so we know that a bunch of us can buckle down and work for results while supporting each other.

There’ve been countless “How Do You Train?” threads specifically asking standout members to go more in-depth discussing their methods and experience. There’ve also been flat-out callout threads where someone is blatantly asked to put up or shut up. Sometimes they do put up, other times they shrink away and stop posting, sometimes both.

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I have no group Scott.

Don’t assume anything: take that statement at 100% face value.

I read a fair number of the logs here and I’d say the majority have some sort of “evidence of life” in them, be it videos, competition results or some sort of tracking device.

No, it isn’t ironclad evidence that would stand up in court. But it is evidence of life.

Levrone has admitted he was very gifted not only in genetics but especially in how well he responded to steroids! Viator in the Colorado experiment was theoretically not on the juice so it’s hard to compare the two. I’m a skeptic of the Colorado experiment but I can easily see that a guy like Viator who was already big before the experiment and a one in a million freak loses weight after almost dying from an infection when he cut a finger off , loses tons of weight and then eats like a pig and is trained by Jones and gains so many pounds back. I’m sure if Jones had Levrone back then he would have used him! You’ll notice with the exception of a few like Eddy Meuller Jones always used one in a million freaks for his promotions but who didn’t ? I know this is hard to believe but even I was turned down when I suggested putting me on the cover of the Nautilus Bodybuilding book! Ha ha !!

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It would be fairly difficult to have a group as an admitted hard solipsist (forgive me / yourself if you are not a “hard” solipsist, just what I / you remembered).


== Scott ==
I have no idea what a solipsist is?

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Thats definitely a “fitness industry” thing, not an Arthur Jones thing.

Theoretically with muscle memory that is currently being alleged that exists with people who have previously done anabolics, having banked extra micronuclei in the muscle tissue, would allow him to achieve some level of his previous physique even in the absence of steroids. This may or may not be the case, but I believe it is a possibility for certain. Especially considering he didn’t even make it back to his Mr America level size or conditioning. He was definitely in prime position to grow considering he hadn’t trained in so long, had already lost a ton of weight and then lost extra weight from intentionally imposing a starvation diet. A rebound was inevitable.

Solipsism in it’s hard form is a belief that one’s mind is the only thing that exists.

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So would I… I don’t know jack or shit about true scientific method . Nor do I know the ends or outs of university level research.

But ironically my son is a grad assistant working on a masters in sports physiology. Plus has done research in the field and presented finding at conferences.

According to him most colleges would not publish a study with only 3 active research subjects. Not saying someone is lying but its definitely not the norm based on his view point he presented.


Four pounds of muscle a day? That was the claim for the first week I believe.

Then they would do well with the Metrons from Star Trek , ha ha


It’s not all muscle, it’s fat and water as well. I know they claim fat loss, but I really don’t trust the fat measuring protocol they used that measured him at 3% or whatever, he barely had visible abs.

Four pounds of fat and muscle a day is hard to believe.

That’s really more of an average, but it’s not just fat and muscle. Water, probably makes up a large proportion of this weight, the glycogen stores, subcutaneous. Probably drank a lot of water before weigh in to make the scale move extra. It’s partially just a rebound from starving himself to then force feeding himself.

If your meaning Casey? No at no point was he ever truly 3% bf the ultra ripped era didn’t start till much later until maybe the late 80s the earliest.


Virtually all of it.

Just from myself, I have met/visited with several posters who are local and will likely be hanging out with one of them some time shortly, used to peripherally work at the same company as another, randomly bumped into another at something unrelated…

And They have also hung out, lifted had regional T gatherings, etc.

Then there are competition records provided by different posters and accompanying video of BB comps, Pl meets, strong man comps,…

Then other posters who have gone on to varying levels of fame or success like Jackass/super training crew/Mark Bell, Alpha-Brian Alshrue, and various others. Flipcollar,

It’s all real, and quite a lot of it is very well documented and verified through second and third parties.


Exactly. Whatever fat measuring method they used on Casey is definitely obsolete and inaccurate. He was maybe 15% at the end of the Experiment and even that seems somewhat charitable



The photos were not the best…but I still see increase in thickness of the muscles from the before and after pics…this cannot be denied, even if there is an increase in the waist

He no question gained a crap ton of weight. Muscle, water, fat. It can’t be denied. I merely am suggesting the Bodyfat measuring methods were certainly off