To 'Lose Fat and Gain Muscle'

I did both

I lost about 30lbs and I could guarantee I’ve put on at least 5lbs of lean muscle mass on top of that.

No, I’m not done yet.

[quote]B rocK wrote:
PonceDeLeon wrote:
Love handles just in time for Valentine’s Day, eh? Fatty!

So, you are saying that 8 weeks was better for you than 6? Was the 6 week period after a bulking or cutting phase (I take it cutting) ?

Yeah it was after cutting.

I would assume it should be kept similar for either cutting or bulking. Mainly because I would think my body would see either as a change or a period to adapt/catch up. [/quote]

See, I’d love to know if it is possible to come off a cut and utilize the rebound affect to gain LBM at a greater rate than what you are normally capable of. I started a thread on this a few months back and the consensus was that it is an observed phenomenon, but I don’t think most people go about it this way as the potential for rebound FAT gain might be too great.

I’d love to see some studies as to the amount of time it takes for the body to adjust to a new weight set point. I’m guessing it is anywhere between 8-12 weeks for as the median range for the weight lifting population.

I know that for me; it wouldn’t be very optimal to utilize the rebound affect. Mainly because when I started REALLY gaining weight it was b/c I added a significant amount of carbs and after a cut my body is pretty sensitive to carbs and i’d blow up like the marshmellow puff man.

I do have a friend who cut down to 8% and was able to (after 8wk maint. phase) gain about 10lbs in 6 weeks of which a great portion was lean mass b/c he was still under 10%.

But I agree with ya Ponce, I’d like to see some studies…hard facts are always better then soft banter between two guys with only personal experience.