Tiny Super Jock

wow, my family life is really boring, yay for the new year!

Great front squats there.

whatt - up, KMC?

you, umm…really don’t 'spect me to read all thems words do ya?

vids tho - awesome pulls, son.

way to hit it hard-like.

You never disappoint the crowd. Great FS !!

crazy family dude, could have at least thrown in a pic of that cute kid of yours.

Yo people

thanks for bearing with me on the family stuffs.

Git - thank you I think that is 'normal ’ for my family
the crazy thing is no one really drinks!!!

PeteS I thought you might get a kick out of it.

Thanks you HARA- and yes NYC training meet up
coming soon

Matty- I say send both fam’s for a trip to the grand canyon

Lil-power thank you !

Edgy- thanks broman good to see you tooo.

If you read one post - read the family one.

Up- thank you . hmm pics of BIBJr coming up.

thought I would brak up training and social networking into two posts


pvc and mobility at home

moar at gym

row 1500m 6.38 hmmm

plenty of inner and outer cuff stuff
scap pushups face pulls back raises blah blah blah

A1 Seated OH press 65x8,95x8,115x6,135 x5,135 4x3
A2 HS high row 2pps 2x12 3pps 4x12

B Dip bw 3x20

C pendlay 185 5x5

TRX junk 3 rounds
facepull inverted row pushups pikes fall outs

those front squat singles killed me
feeble today.
felt like a slacker

seated OH press - these are difficult to get out of the rack
not sure If I like them - standing or with Db’s are better

HS high row, trying to deload from chins- these are a joke.
dips last set was like 15+5
bb rows kept the weight low

trx shit big swole

here is a vid - of trx fall outs- for mah fanz

Just catching up with you Kev. Your training is going super. Your recantation of Christmas was so “Harryesqe”. He will be so proud when he reads that… Glad you survived the holidays and here’s to a great 2012.

KMC, that was some family story…my family is boring for which I’m grateful, but I ain’t got no good stories either.

You make me want to do TRX fallouts! Along the same lines as my ab rollouts, I’m thinking.

Best wishes for a kick-ass 2012!


Happy new year and thank you.

Harryesque- If I could only wax poetic as Hel320.

Kimba hope you have a kick ass year as well.

The fam is ok- just kind of a shit show.
Thought you had a TRX, you would like these

Those were great looking fall outs. Those don’t look like electrical cords that you’re using so I’m wondering if you’re doing them properly. The jury’s still out. I was thinking of getting tow straps and short pipe sections. It’s only really good if you make a craft out of it.

I hope you had a great holiday with your boy and your lady.

nice vid. they remind me of rollouts, too. i wanna try!

Great post re family. Definitely needed a pic of BIBJr, maybe with his belly hangin’ out from all the eating…

Ola Amigo ! Good work and stories !

My training log tends to take a back seat these days to my soccer program. She Say and I had 400 kids playing in our league in the spring and fall of last year. 1st indoor program ever (in 10 years of doing this) is up and running. If anyone wants to ‘like us’ on faceboook I’ll mail you a GLUSC sticker fo’ free (a $4.99 retail value…fo realz)

This video is a nutty one I made from our indoor program:

kmcnyc: you remind me of ee cummings. The way you write.

And I’m wondering if O’s electical cord is plugged in when she does her fallouts. Then BB could give her a little zap if she’s not working hard enough.

The guy in the video wandering around was very irritating. I don’t suppose he could have futzed around with plates anywhere else could he?

Your video has inspired a trip to Home Depot. I’m going to make something like your fallout things with tow straps and a couple short pieces of pvc pipe. and duct tape.


Actually he is like the gym clean up guy- and he was stalking me all day
gym was mostly empty- but literally he was stalking me.

I think I gave him the finger right after he passed by

check out this video-

Homemade Suspension Trainer Tutorial - RossTraining.com - YouTube

Ross emanant made one
Actually I could have totally made a TRX but I had already bought it.

Hi Lexi - they are indeed like ab wheel rollouts-
I do them and some rotation stuff and reverse pike and I am TOAST

pg - yeah the fam is nutz - Im ready to stop all contact

good to see you here-
I am diggging that soccer vid.

Ratchet straps are the shit. Thanks for posting the video. That gave me a lot of good ideas. Home Depot sucks ass for informed staff on home improvement projects but they’ve been great for a lot of training stuff.

Some of his exercises with his feet up walking on his hands reminded me of horror movies. I think I’ll leave them out of the rotation. They’re scary looking

[quote]kmcnyc wrote:
good to see you here-
I am diggging that soccer vid.


Thanks homey ! Didn’t mean to hi-jack with the vid…thought I was in my log…

You’ve inspired me to strap some more weight on the bar!

whee, family craziness! Great workouts too. when i start doing trx fallouts, I am going to need a REAL BIG pad where my face is gonna hit the floor

Obs gals you liked the vid
Ross E is kind of my hero
Sen no worries
MJ good to see you

Mobile update so pardon my spelling


Mobility stuff

13x5,225x5,315x5,405 2x2, 425x1

Deficit stiffleg 4"
315. 3x3 275 2x5

Reverse bb lunge clean grip

135 4x8 each

135 2x20

1500m row time TBD

Have a great weekend