Things That Piss You Off

After you have your eye held open by a contraption for 30 minutes, while having a wired toothbrush like thing scrape your cornea for 5 minutes straight, you could careless what touches your eye.

Also, I love my contact fitting appointments. My last two resident opthmalogists were really hot. Like, really hot.


I just did a thing that pisses me off. I more and more find myself writing in, like, telegraph style. I don’t know whether it’s doing chart notes all day long or my prolific posting over something like 20 years now, but I’ll do a quick skim of something I’ve written and be like, “Motherfucker, WHERE are the pronouns?” It’s not just pronouns, either, though no other example comes to mind. I just know that I do a lot of insertions if I proof myself knowing someone else will be reading (shared chart notes or emails).

Another thing that pisses me off about myself, with which I’m sure many of you will sympathize because it pisses you off, too, is that I write at such incredible length. Even I wish I’d STFU sometimes. So I build paragraph after paragraph but can’t form a complete sentence? WTF, self?

Although with regard to not shutting up, I found a pile of elementary report cards with my late mother’s things several years ago and they almost all had some variation on “Emily talks too much” along with a fairly frequent recurrence of “disrupts others,” and I am gratified that I have somehow managed to make a career out of not just my strengths, but also what is apparently a lifelong weakness.

I have worked hard to un-read this.

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It’s not just clavicles that get lengthened

Good morning. Ya speak your mind and try to help others. Not everyone is ready or able to listen. Not your fault but maybe one part of what you post, will help someone
that makes it worthwhile, plus you qualify your responses and forgive assholesish behavior. I’d say that’s strength. Just don’t waste too much energy on others who aren’t ready like I tend to do and wear yourself out. :hugs:

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Don’t worry about me - if ever I’m too involved I pull back. But really, that doesn’t happen. Advice is something you have to give freely without expectation. Helping people is like planting seeds - sometimes they grow right away, sometimes not at all, but sometimes later, long after the person has moved out of your life. I know that things people have said or tried to say to me had impact long afterward, when I was ready to make changes. So I don’t wear out. This really is what I do for fun.

I would say to you that you should spend what energy is comfortable for you on trying to help people, and then let it help or not, but you tried. Don’t get invested in their response, be invested in your own process. So like food at work - if I just have enough for my own lunch I eat it. If have a little extra, I share with a friend. If I have a whole bunch, I share freely. Let the nurse who looks me up and down while frowning have a piece of my cake - who cares, I have plenty. Energy is the same.

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If you think the residents are hot, you should see the attendings. Good lord, we’re beautiful.


Got caught. My cardiologist is hawt, and whenever he walks in my heart rate on machine goes up
I say it’s just my ptsd from everything and seeing him, reminds me😂

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 hangin out with the wife getting ready for bed around 12am and hear a house shaking “boom”. Thought maybe a tree fell on the house or a drunk drove into it. Grab a pistol and peak out the windows, the neighbor kids are having a bonfire. They only do that when the parents are out of town.

My best guess was a propane balloon bomb or wd-40 can in the fire. Figured they wouldn’t be dumb enough to do it again, lest the crabbier neighbors call the police. Five more minutes, 3 more explosions. So I go for a walk. Walk up to the party, 30 youths
 half underage all hanging around the fire, good tunes
 booz in abundance. They send the Zack Effron hairdo looking kid out to greet me.

“Hey guys, anyone missing fingers or got 3rd degree burns?”

“Oh nah, we just threw 4 tires in with the rims on. Didn’t know it’d be that loud. Sorry man, you’re not THAT neighbor are you?”

“No I’m the nice neighbor. Just don’t maim anybody alright? Maybe no more artillery. That guy over there hates everybody and would love to see you kids get busted. Also everybody is crashing here right? No driving?”

“Yeah cool we’ll behave.”

As I walked away it occurred to me I’m an old boring dude killing the buzz. That pisses me off, haha.


Better to be him than THAT neighbour though
 You did the right thing.

Na, man; I’d say as far as buzzkills go you were pretty cool about it all.

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Part of me was disappointed the confrontation involved the gun and a “go ahead, make my day” style comment

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Haha. Shooting youths for noise violations might be a tad un justifiable vigilantism. Maybe if it was Texas and I only shot them in the pinky toe.

In seriousness I’m a firm believer in the force ladder for civilians: awareness, avoidance, de escalation, escape, appropriate force. If you make it to force you’ve failed the first 4 steps.

Not to mention that when you CC any confrontation you’re in becomes an armed confrontation (your opponent could try and pull your weapon even if you don’t). Because you brought a weapon you’ll be held to a far higher standard. So ego fights and bar nonsense are out of the question. I’m the most agreeable person on earth. The DA’s around here usually charge both people in a fight
 So, not worth it.

I failed at avoidance on this occasion, but I knew that at least one of the kids was the neighbor’s kid and I was trying to keep them out of trouble.

We’re you hoping for:


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When go to my toolbox for a 7mm socket to perform a very simple job and find 4, yes four, 10mm but no 7, 8 or 9mm. I knew my toolbox was old, and I had some sockets missing, but damn, that pissed me off.

To piggy back on that - when my wife fails to put tools back in their proper place. A job that should take 10 minutes TOPS ends up taking twice as long when i have to search for the fucking tool.

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Absolutely! The older I get, the more jealously I regard my time. I HATE searching for tools instead of doing the actual job.

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And then he became Mr. White

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I can’t stand having to fudge it with crap\wrong tools when there is one for the job that is only like $10.00.


How I feel whenever I venture into the comments section of a news article


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