Things That Piss You Off

Some food I eat will give me horrible gas/diarrhea. My stomach will make these loud noises that sound like shitting. Now this isn’t too annoying when I am home but, when you’re in a big ol lecture class that’s silent, it’s not fun. Every time I feel that noise coming, I just hold my breathe and tighten my butt. Bruh it sounds like like you’re starting a car but imagine it in a watery gassy way.


probably a good idea to eliminate those foods. Just because a food is nutrient dense, doesn’t mean it’s healthy for you if it’s messing with your digestion.

A surprisingly high number of ppl are actually intolerant to egg whites, casein and avocado

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I don’t eat salad for this reason.

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I am exceptionally pissed off at wasting much of my adult life — from age 19 to now on and off — seven calendar years actually in theater — in Afghanistan.

I was first there in 2002. Last 2020.

I am fluent in Pashto and competent in Dari.

It was my life.

It’s beyond words.


Not really pissed, more annoyed.

Ppl who do bodyweight or light db circuits on the main gym floor.

Context: the school gym is divided into two floors- top floor cardio (machines, open space, dbs up to 15lbs, yoga mats, stability balls , bands and light kbs) and main floor (machines, racks, dbs up to 100). Due to COVID, there’s a capacity limit of 50 for the main floor and we only get 1 hour (closed after every 1 hour block for cleaning).

The upstairs area gets closed for cleaning but they do not seem to be monitoring capacity. The 9 am, lunchtime and afternoon lines usually average 20-30m.

So… when ppl do stuff on the main floor they could easily go upstairs, it’s annoying

Yesterday, I waited about 45min (30 in line and 15 for cleaning) to do accessory work. The capacity limit filled up but there were at least 10 ppl doing circuits they could be doing upstairs

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Watch Penguin Town on Netflix @Edgy. It’s SAMA for Penguins…

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I want to break this laptop so bad. I just want to completely destroy it with my bare hands, a crowbar, hammer etc. It will satisfy my soul.


Dude – Linux is your answer.


I thought 15 years ago that they would end up making computers simpler, easier to use, and more reliable. Nope. Still stuck with 20 minute updates.


People using chop sticks at Japanese restaurants and sucking at it. Like bro. Use the damn fork they brought you, it’s ok. I watched a lady attempt to eat her poke bowl today and it was so painful. Fork was right there on her table.

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Unfortunately, in corporate environments, you don’t really get a choice.

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Tech can be beyond annoying sometimes

If you’re looking for an on campus job, try to get one in your school’s tech center or whatever their name for it is. I’m in my 4th semester of working at my school’s, and I’m really glad I applied for the job. I’ve become very familiar with the processes and systems that my school uses, so I rarely get confused by things that other students do, I’m usually aware of what changes are coming to things so I’m not caught off guard when they do happen, I’ve gotten very familiar with the fulltime tech guys so I have several people to run questions by who can almost always give helpful answers, and I’ve learned how to do enough basic computer repairs, updates, virus removal, etc. that I’m considering having a little side job doing those things for other people.

That was an extremely long sentence, but since you’re in college as well, I thought I’d recommend it. I’m not a tech-y guy at all, but the job has taught me a lot of useful skills that will probably come in handy in the future as the world continues to revolve more and more around technology while many people still don’t know how to do much with computers.


Uhh, got a letter from the IRS saying that my taxes were off by $6. I now have to either mail a check, or send a money order for $6. I don’t even know where my checkbook is. What a PITA.

They probably paid more to figure that out and mail a letter than they are going to make…


I’ll probably have to go buy stamps, find my checkbook. It is costing me time. Just seems like they could send a letter saying add $6 to your next return or something.

Another thing that pisses me off is stuff like tabs. Can’t I just enter what type of car I have for my return or something?

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I don’t think you understand… The worlds balance is at stake over those six dollars!

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Car needs $1500 worth of work today.
Belts, powersteering fluid flush, gaskets leaking…

Son of a :rage:

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Good thing you got that promotion


The school gym still has an annoying 1 hour time limit thing even though the gym is rarely at capacity anymore AND vaccine mandate is in effect AND everyone is testing regularly