The Role of Strength

[quote]LoRez wrote:

[quote]BrickHead wrote:

[quote]LoRez wrote:
I’m actually a bit confused here as it relates to my own training.

I’ve been working in a 3x8-12 format for overhead press, using a linear progression (hit 3x12, add weight, work to 3x12).

The basic assumption is the more weight I can press for 3x12, the more developed – size-wise – my traps, triceps and delts will be.

Let’s say a goal is 1.5xBW for 3x12. Would I be better served focusing on getting my 2-3RM up to a point that I can do 1.5xBW for 3x12… or would I be better served by progressing in the 8-12 range until I get there?[/quote]
If your goal is simply hypertrophy then you shouldn’t really bother with anything under 5 reps or so
1.5 BW x 3 x 12 with overhead pressing?! That’s a 300 pound overhead press for 12 reps for a 200 pound man!

Anyway, the there is a THEORY that working both rep ranges for blocks of time will have a good effect on both high and low rep ranges. However, I do think if you’re interested on higher rep maxes, the bulk of the training should be with higher reps. [/quote]

Yeah, that was a bad choice of numbers there… that would have to be something in the ballpark of 400ish for a 1RM at 200lbs. 1xBW for 3x12 is plenty impressive.

Thanks for answering the question though.[/quote]