The Flame-Free Confession Thread II

Hah, isn’t that how you guys call a spoken exam?

Btw, I did it. Just graduated with 100/100. :muscle:t3:


Yeah that makes much more sense :joy::joy::joy:

Absolutely amazing news mate, congratulations!

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Thank you man!

Well, oral means by mouth, hence spoken, and since we actually say an oral exam in my native language, rather than a spoken, although they literally mean the same thing, that’s why I thought they would be interchangeable.

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In Britain, we’d say oral exam.


Hah! Take this, @j4gga2

Jk man lol

Nothing like a good pull in a hotel !!


Honestly it was probably the best pump I’ve ever had :drooling_face:

Must be the extra test!


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Confession: My wife ordered Shakeology a couple weeks ago (chocolate), and it turns out she dislikes it immensely. Rather than throw it away I’m using it, the confession is that I swore I’d never use anything like it, but I’ll be double damned if I’m gonna see that money wasted :joy: I mean, shit, it’s got 16g of protein per scoop in it :man_shrugging:

Edit: Also, it tastes awful.


Can’t have those women getting big and bulky with our manly 25g scoops!


Sunk costs… ignore them…

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wholesome thread change:

i confess that my reason for existing, even when i do not care about myself; is simply to help others. that is all. so long as i am smart enough to create positive change, i have a purpose and to think otherwise is errant and foolish.

i learned a lot from helping others. especially in the hospital. two friends of mine are not going back to their foster homes (where they were being consistently raped and grossly mistreated) because i was able to convince them to tell the psych about their situation.

in order to help others, however, i must take care of myself. :slight_smile:

PS: i want to pursue psychology.


That’s a good credo I and many others have gotten a lot of mileage out of.

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hopefully it also serves me well. i think it will.

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Sometimes saying no to others is saying yes to yourself.


I was listening to a Dan John interview the other day in which the question asked was “how do you make yourself happy”. His answer? You can’t make yourself happy, go make other people happy and your happiness will come.

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So much truth in this. My dad has/does helped so many people it’s ridiculous. Constantly trying to help other in any way he can. His quality of life suffers greatly because of that. He just can’t turn it off though. Not a bad trait by any means… but man it’s tough to watch sometimes.

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And just in case you may be facing that situation, probably best to hedge your bets and always say no.


Is this a euphemism? I’ve been saying yes to myself for years!

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