The End of Women’s Powerlifting?

The Olympic Committee came to this same conclusion a few years ago, the fairness of such a decision obviously highly debated then as-well.

BUT, it’s worth noting (if I recall) that the base line hormonal levels in order to be eligible for the woman’s category did not change, and so in theory the playing field is still very much unchanged… (again, in theory)

Now, my understanding is that all USA Powerlifting competitions are tested, as per their own rules.Can someone comment if this is true?

In other un sanctioned competitions, where PED use is not banned, this decision would have a… very different outcome.

I am not arguing anything against that, I’m just telling you that you are wrong for using an offensive slur for transgenders.

Don’t use that word again.

I don’t think using slurs is “cool,” and I don’t use them myself unless making a joke to close friends (you know, like Michael Scott’s explanation of calling your friends r-tards when they’re acting r-tarded, but not actually calling mentally disabled people that).

That being said, they really don’t do much. I remember very clearly walking down the street with my cousin when we were children and a group of older white kids driving by in their car shouted, “N-ggers!” at us. Now, first of all, they were incorrect. Prairie n-gger is what I prefer to go by. I am not black. The drunk guy who called me the latter when I accidentally backed into him at the county fair when I was 17 was wise enough to know the difference. Smart fellow.

That stuff sucks and the people who call people those things generally suck (I don’t think @RT_Nomad’s a bad person), but, like, so what? What happened to sticks and stones may break my bones…BUT…words will never hurt me? I mean yeah they can technically hurt, but if someone calling me a slur is the worst thing that ever happens to me? That’s pretty awesome.

Just don’t think the biggest issue facing humanity is people calling each other rude names. I got more to worry about than that right now, don’t you?


It would be a non issue, because the trans would have lost. His numbers are like, pretty good for someone who is not a serious lifter (lifetime pb’s posted above).

I don’t follow powerlifting but one natty genetic female on this site comes to mind as having better lifts than him.

No man I disagree. I’m no expert or authority but if you have a biological male and a biological female both juicing at high levels. The male is going to be much, much stronger, all other things being equal.

Oh, yeah, no doubt.

I thought you meant this Jay Cee competing against juiced women.

Dude I could type up the most vile unhinged rebuttal and trust me, that sticks and stones will go out the window.

I believe sometimes you have to speak up, otherwise that person is weak. Personally I’m not letting slurs slide to me or anyone else I know. Any normal husband would speak up if someone is degrading his wife with words.

Oh but nvm that cause sticks and stones

Dang. No wonder we have crt!

Where words fail, fists prevail, huh? :rofl:

Just busting your stones a little. I can’t sleep on sunday nights.

Me neither,


I should go to bed now, I have work tomorrow. Then again, the vending machine at the office has Monsters.

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The pragmatist in me says sleep is the better choice. :+1:

They all are

You don’t even begin to entertain the possibility that somewhere in the world, there’s a trans woman who wants to play a sport because it’s - God forbid - fun?

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No…they are doing it out of ill will against women and taking the easy way of competition

they can’t compete in mens sports, so they compete against the weaker sex

how is that fun…more like pathetic


People who suffer from gender dysphoria.

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This thread reminds me of an old joke my grandfather told me in the 1980s.

What do you call a creepy man who sleazes his way into a women’s powerlifting competition like a total asshole?

I’m not sure, but don’t you dare call that person a tranny.


Well… I’ve been privileged to hear your opinion of slurs. What about the topic of the thread? Where you stand with people born male competing in women’s sports?

  • Do you support it?
  • Do you condone it?
  • Do you just not care or have no opinion?
  • Do you condemn it?
  • Or do have another descriptor that does not offend the cheaters?

I have made it clear that I find the cheaters in the same disgust as the roiders competing in natural bodybuilding contests.

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I suppose many want exactly that. In fact, I believe that is the case for most of them. Men transitioning to women are cheaters when they compete in women’s sports PERIOD. There is no wiggle room.

Slur n

  1. an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.

Seems to fit “roider”

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Not only am I now a female, but I also identify as 120 pounds. Scales are racist anyway.

All joking aside, have we jumped the shark from “biological sex is real but separate from gender”, to “biological sex is also a social construct”? If the left is still acknowledging the existence of a biological sex that is separate from gender, why don’t we stop calling it “men” and “women” divisions and start calling it “biological male” and “biological female” divisions?


Some might think it’s racist to have chosen such a specific segment of the population for this example.
