Synthol Pics (Disgusting)

[quote]harris447 wrote:

The side effects, besides people mocking you, canbe deadly. In certain cases, this crap can embolize, enter the bloodstream, go to your heart and kill you. This nearly happened to Milos Sarcev, a pro BB. Ironically, he’s known as one of the smarter guys in the sport. (Admittedly, not a competetive playing field.) he nearly died, and had to retire from BB because of the damage he did to his arms. Check out a recent picture of him with big, nasty scars on his biceps.

Nooh, not “inner chest” Milos ? ? ?

But seriously, not Milos. You have your information wrong. Milos is mentioned in the Balco case though.

[quote]Wreckless wrote:
harris447 wrote:

The side effects, besides people mocking you, canbe deadly. In certain cases, this crap can embolize, enter the bloodstream, go to your heart and kill you. This nearly happened to Milos Sarcev, a pro BB. Ironically, he’s known as one of the smarter guys in the sport. (Admittedly, not a competetive playing field.) he nearly died, and had to retire from BB because of the damage he did to his arms. Check out a recent picture of him with big, nasty scars on his biceps.

Nooh, not “inner chest” Milos ? ? ?

But seriously, not Milos. You have your information wrong. Milos is mentioned in the Balco case though.[/quote]

“Allegedly, IFBB pro Milos Sarcev had a scare recently when supposedly, some of the Synthol in his arms traveled to his heart. This sounds like an enormous amount of risk simply for the benefit of inflated arms and calves, but bodybuilders are not normal people.”

“As far as my views are concerned, I not only think it’s ridiculous, I think it’s dangerous. Not only are infections common, sometimes needing surgery, a few people have almost died from injecting Synthol. Milos Sarcev, a well-known professional bodybuilder, collapsed suddenly while injecting his bicep. The oil went through his circulatory system and collected in his lungs. He basically started to suffocate. If his wife were not there, he would be dead.”

I’m not trying to shit on Milos, but that’s what happened. Check out recent pics of his left bicep.

some have implants.

Me: “Hey man, those are some huge muscles!”

Synthol guy: “Thanks!”

Me: “You must be pretty strong!”

Synthol guy: “Uh yeah.”

Me: “Let’s find out. Wanna arm wrestle?”

Synthol guy: “Uh no thanks man!”


WTF is THAT?!?!?! Do people actually do this to themselves or were the pics “altered”???

I like the picture of the one guy with the hyoooge chest and arms.
Looks like he’s wearing one of those sumo wrestler suits they use at bars.

Really funny. They’re as bad as anorexics.

I’m going to play the devils advocate here and say that, those pictures are of synthol ABUSE. I know a guy who has used it before, and have spoken to others who have used it. Those pictures show people using ALOT (I’d imagine like 40 mls of synthol a week in each arm). The one guy in the black sleevless torn up muscle shirt looks pretty decent imo. Still it’s REAL FACKIN STUPID.

God I’m sorry, on second though I can’t even remotley defend that shit. Those people look terrible.

[quote]WideGuy wrote:
God I’m sorry, on second though I can’t even remotley defend that shit. Those people look terrible.[/quote]

whew…glad you came to your senses.

I’m gonna get a bunch of it and shoot it into my forearms and calves, walk around with one-eye closed and a corn-cob pipe going, “I yam what I yam.”

[quote]Galvatron wrote:
I’m gonna get a bunch of it and shoot it into my forearms and calves, walk around with one-eye closed and a corn-cob pipe going, “I yam what I yam.”[/quote]

I’m gonna pump it into every muscle, tendon, and ligiment on my body and steal your girlfriend.

[quote]cap’nsalty wrote:
Galvatron wrote:
I’m gonna get a bunch of it and shoot it into my forearms and calves, walk around with one-eye closed and a corn-cob pipe going, “I yam what I yam.”

I’m gonna pump it into every muscle, tendon, and ligiment on my body and steal your girlfriend.


I pity them, they turned them selfs in to freaks.

pic 23 is great. gotta love the counter in the background with a soda, a bud longneck, and a redbull can on it. Not exactly things that immediately pop into my head when I think “strong”.

These guys fit into 3 categories:

  1. Gay Metrosexuals (sorry for the redundancy)
  2. Idiots who have no idea of how disproportioned it is.
  3. Sumo wrestlers or people who want to be character models for “Poorly-Rendered N64 Sumo Game”

If the world continues as it is…someday there will be women and lesbians doing synthol.

ok … this is just killing me … i mean how funny is this shit?

“use synthol like me, and you TOO can get an ugly skank like this!”

and the ultimate irony … “FITNESS - WORLD”


