Stupidest Personal Trainer Quotes

Wrestling coach at my gym… “you know jason, you can do your dips on the lat pulldown machine.”

some random gym bitch…“for real brute power you gotta isolate and do a lot of machine work, take like 20 second rests, NO LONGER!”

[quote]Babalu wrote:
some random gym bitch…“for real brute power you gotta isolate and do a lot of machine work, take like 20 second rests, NO LONGER!”[/quote]

This makes me want to scream and pull the rest of my hair out!

Ah, we’re talking about athletes who sprint.

[quote]wufwugy wrote:

a grade that decreases speed by anything more than 10% (yes, i think that’s right) will deleteriously alter sprinting mechanics. this is bad for athletes who sprint.[/quote]

So, I do research on an Air Force base, and my former office mate is a Lieutentant from Idaho, and I swear he looks just like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite… he argued with me for at least 30 minutes that turning your palms forward while doing pull ups worked the triceps and with the palms facing you the biceps are worked… I wanted to kill him!

Trainer: “You can’t lose weight just by doing heavy weights.”
We were discussing the necessity of cardio. Well, you gotta watch your diet very carefully, but it’s doable, since I’ve done it. I kinda tuned him out after that.

[quote]ME wrote:
he argued with me for at least 30 minutes that turning your palms forward while doing pull ups worked the triceps and with the palms facing you the biceps are worked[/quote]

I’m amazed there are so many accounts of people not being able to tell whether bis or tris are working.

It wasn’t a trainer but I once had a GP tell me that during a bicep curl, the biceps move the bar up, and the triceps move it down.

I tried to explain the concept of an eccentric contraction to him to no avail. He smiled condescendingly and looked at me as though I were some nutter telling him the world was flat.

You guys have to watch “The Biggest Loser” on NBC. Just about everything that comes out of the female trainer’s mouth is redarded. One of the guys she was training tore his quad this week. Gee, I guess that’s what happens when you have 380 pound completly deconditioned people run wind sprints. To top it off, the guy who tore his quad was a former Iowa wrestler who had lost his way. Hmm, do you think you need to teach a former elite athlete that high intesity excercise won’t kill him, or maybe just slowly rebuild his confidence? And she’s going to be a millionaire and train celebrities - WTF?

I was doing Clean and Jerks… (205… not like olympic amounts)

The a-typical trainer walks up to me… hat with a pony tail sticking out the back… He has on combat boots and a fanny pack.

He has a huge upper body I’ll admit… but his legs were TINY and that was obvious even under his parachute pants (which he was apparently two legit to quit… wearing).

So I have the weight over head he stands really close to me… well i let it down and almost smash his head in…

He POKES me in the shoulder and approaches me like a puppy that pissed on the rug and told that

“Those won’t make you big or strong, they’re just a football exercise”

I refrain from eating his soul and look at my friend (who payed for my golds membership…good guy) and my friend is laughing his ass off.

So I just leave the bar on the ground and tell him

“fine you put that overhead…or just rack it… go ahead”

I lean against the rack…

He like snorts at me and tries to stiff leg deadlift/clean it from about 2 feet away and just ends up rolling it into his combat boots really hard.

He never ended up getting the weight up.

Fucking fag. No offense to fags. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh man…I have my stories…
Back in high school at my private gym I had just come across T-Nation. This was back when Androsol and MD6 were the next big things. Of course I was still new to all of this stuff (hell I even bought creatine serum at one point) but I was cocky about it and thought I knew eveything (which I still don’t and never will).

Regardless I used to stop people in the gym from buying the gym’s “exclusive” supplement line aka as Apex if any of you are familiar with it.
A few examples:
The manager tried to sell DHEA to a man with high blood pressure for weight loss. So lets think about that for a second…
If DHEA worked like it was supposed to elevating Test levels that would increase erythropoietin (did I spell that right) levels increading red blood cell count, hematocrit, the viscocity of the blood and thus blood pressure.
Great for a high with high blood pressure…

Next is when they tried to sell everyone pyruvate…this was 4 years ago and I read the studies back then…and guess what; everyone in the pyruvate studies was obese and took 36 grams of the shit. Not to mention that not anyone could explain to me how pyruvate would aid fat loss being a component in the Krebs Cycle. It wasn’t until last semester that I came across a certain paragraph (yes just one) that mentioned anything about it…
“Fat burns in a carbohydrate fire,” meaning that the substrates of carbohydrate oxidation fuel fat oxidation.


I’ve had a home gym for a few years now and…so… I kinda miss hearing this kind of stuff. I would think it would tend to provide:

a) a lot of laughs which could help make for an altogether more entertaining day.


b) a stimulus to piss you off and therefore increase your intensity and focus.

[quote]Proteinpowda wrote:

The manager tried to sell DHEA to a man with high blood pressure for weight loss. So lets think about that for a second…
If DHEA worked like it was supposed to elevating Test levels that would increase erythropoietin (did I spell that right) levels increading red blood cell count, hematocrit, the viscocity of the blood and thus blood pressure.
Great for a high with high blood pressure…

Next is when they tried to sell everyone pyruvate…this was 4 years ago and I read the studies back then…and guess what; everyone in the pyruvate studies was obese and took 36 grams of the shit. Not to mention that not anyone could explain to me how pyruvate would aid fat loss being a component in the Krebs Cycle. It wasn’t until last semester that I came across a certain paragraph (yes just one) that mentioned anything about it…
“Fat burns in a carbohydrate fire,” meaning that the substrates of carbohydrate oxidation fuel fat oxidation.

THE END! [/quote]

I do not have a fucking what you just said.

[quote]throttle132 wrote:
I’ve had a home gym for a few years now and…so… I kinda miss hearing this kind of stuff. I would think it would tend to provide:

a) a lot of laughs which could help make for an altogether more entertaining day.


b) a stimulus to piss you off and therefore increase your intensity and focus.[/quote]

Or, you could put on your headphones, turn the volume up and mind your own business. Most of the dumbest shit I have ever heard came from other weight lifters…especially newbies or first year college students who think everyone else is clueless.

I don’t think I have ever had a personal trainer just walk up to me and try to tell me (or sell me) anything.

[quote]Minotaur wrote:
Bastard Guy wrote:
danmaftei wrote:
I had a guy tell me a deadlift was like a squat with the weight in front of you.

ummm, yeah. they really aren’t so different.

I was going to say the same thing. I could’ve sworn I’d read Staley describe them somewhat that way in his “Science of Martial Arts Training” book.

Robert Monti wrote:
What are Kegels?
Contractions of the Pubbococcygeyaleeles, uh, the PC muscles (what you clench when you want to stop peeing in midstream). Supposedly, if dudes do them, it gives them better control over ejaculating. And if chicks do them, if gives them good muscle control, down over “there”, ya know? :wink: He said it was to “strengthen the entire pelvic wall, the real homebase of the abs.” Okay Don, sure, whatever man. Good on you, I guess.[/quote]

“down over there” - Australia?

Sooo, didn’t really intend for this to be a debate on weather or not there was such a thing as an inner or outer chest. He’s got crappy insertion points, he wanted to know what he could do to work more on a weakness, as his outer chest was MUCH bigger. Her response to an exercise suggestion was, eat more carbs, not more food or calories, just more carbs. Guess you had to be there…

[quote]HoratioSandoval wrote:
You guys have to watch “The Biggest Loser” on NBC. Just about everything that comes out of the female trainer’s mouth is redarded. One of the guys she was training tore his quad this week. Gee, I guess that’s what happens when you have 380 pound completly deconditioned people run wind sprints. To top it off, the guy who tore his quad was a former Iowa wrestler who had lost his way. Hmm, do you think you need to teach a former elite athlete that high intesity excercise won’t kill him, or maybe just slowly rebuild his confidence? And she’s going to be a millionaire and train celebrities - WTF?[/quote]

You know, I watch that show primarily to spot errors. I think the show spreads misinformation not only from some of the things that the trainers say and do but by airing comments from the participants.

For instance, one of the ladies was complaining that one of the guys lost a whole bunch of weight, yet he took naps during the day, and how could that be? Well, if you go to Dan John’s site, he noted that one of the keys to his fat loss was that he was able to get 9 hours of sleep. I was reading an article the other day stating that lack of sleep and/or poor quality sleep suppresses the production of leptin, a key hormone in regulating fat metabolism. Lack of sleep also contributes to the production of cortisol, which increases fat storage and contributes to muscle loss.

And to top it all off, fat guys tend to sleep poorly because obesity is a leading contributor to sleep apnea and snoring. So, the fact that this guy took naps during the day probably contributed to his weight loss rather than detracted from it.

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
I was doing Clean and Jerks… (205… not like olympic amounts)

The a-typical trainer walks up to me… hat with a pony tail sticking out the back… He has on combat boots and a fanny pack.

He has a huge upper body I’ll admit… but his legs were TINY and that was obvious even under his parachute pants (which he was apparently two legit to quit… wearing).

So I have the weight over head he stands really close to me… well i let it down and almost smash his head in…

He POKES me in the shoulder and approaches me like a puppy that pissed on the rug and told that

“Those won’t make you big or strong, they’re just a football exercise”

I refrain from eating his soul and look at my friend (who payed for my golds membership…good guy) and my friend is laughing his ass off.

So I just leave the bar on the ground and tell him

“fine you put that overhead…or just rack it… go ahead”

I lean against the rack…

He like snorts at me and tries to stiff leg deadlift/clean it from about 2 feet away and just ends up rolling it into his combat boots really hard.

He never ended up getting the weight up.

Fucking fag. No offense to fags. :stuck_out_tongue:

Got my vote for best story. Almost lost my job I laughed so hard. And I got someone at my gym exactly like that…

[quote]Rich wrote:
There is no inner chest.

While I was doing GHRs on a lat pull down station - “Wow good idea for quads!”

“Squats will stunt your growth.”[/quote]

How do you do GHRs on lat pull down station? Or you just had your feet underneath the seat or something? Sounds interesting.

To do GHRs in the Lat pulldown station:

kneel on the seat, and lock your feet under the thigh pad. To couterbalance yourself (if you cannot do full GHRs), you can hang on to the rope and add weight. Sort of like the assisted pullup machine.

[quote]Massif wrote:
Proteinpowda wrote:

The manager tried to sell DHEA to a man with high blood pressure for weight loss. So lets think about that for a second…
If DHEA worked like it was supposed to elevating Test levels that would increase erythropoietin (did I spell that right) levels increading red blood cell count, hematocrit, the viscocity of the blood and thus blood pressure.
Great for a high with high blood pressure…

Next is when they tried to sell everyone pyruvate…this was 4 years ago and I read the studies back then…and guess what; everyone in the pyruvate studies was obese and took 36 grams of the shit. Not to mention that not anyone could explain to me how pyruvate would aid fat loss being a component in the Krebs Cycle. It wasn’t until last semester that I came across a certain paragraph (yes just one) that mentioned anything about it…
“Fat burns in a carbohydrate fire,” meaning that the substrates of carbohydrate oxidation fuel fat oxidation.


I do not have a fucking what you just said.[/quote]

In terms of the physiology or in terms of how I presented my story?