Still Skinnyfat after Two Years of Training

I am a big fan of…
If what you are doing isn’t working, try something else.

This seems pretty low volume to me. @T3hPwnisher shared his favorite, so I will share mine.

I am assuming from your posts you have long limbs? If so you may have to work harder to see the results you want. You simply have more acreage to cover.


Once you start lifting, you are forever small and weak.


If the coach is so reputable im sure he SHOULD know… What the fuck is that coach doing when his clients are lurking forums for answers he doesnt provide?



OP, sounds like you need a new coach. Nobody here has the level of info you will get from meeting a coach in person and training under their guidance.

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I do want to clarify that I really share the BOOK rather than the program. The 20 rep squat program in Super Squats is absolutely fantastic, but for $10 that book teaches a trainee how to perform the core lifts, gives a few different takes on the 20 rep squat program, includes a FOLLOW ON 5x5 program to create basic preiodization, includes a very helpful nutrition section and then a good bit on mentality, alongside historical information. It’s a “whole package”

Hardgainers is an excellent program. The prowler for single leg work is a touch of brilliance. To get the full experience, I’d love for the trainee to read “5/3/1 Forever”, so they can also get all that other cool stuff. Complete Keys to Progress is great too. But both are a LOT more book than Super Squats, haha.


No, you weren’t. Height is one thing, but you haven’t even begun to fill out your frame. 10 years of squats, presses, deadlifts and food will. I agree with something like supersquats. Pick a simple but effective program, stick to it and you will grow.


Lately a lot of folks have been asking how I got the muscle size/body proportions i have now.
They all stare blankly when I tell them 18 years of consistent training (with a few breaks of inconsistency for grad school and such - but they don’t need to know that).

I started training at 15 too and have the genetics to build muscle better than a lot of folks. Dedication and time are what you need - add 5 years of consistency and by 23 you will be a force to be reckoned with. Also, I hit my full height at the age of 14, but definitely now at 33 have more muscle than ever.


I still feel like I don’t after 15 years.

It’s funny, I went to a friends physical therapy office when I was having some hip issues. He has me lay on my side so he could see if my psoas was lit up and he goes “damn dude, you can tell you lift.” He went onto explain how when the average person comes in he has a tough time finding their different muscles in the abdomen/hip area.
Usually I’ll be at family parties or something and get the “hey you still lifting?” Like yeah, I just hit a 20lb pr on my squat, not that you can tell. Lol


So much good advice in this thread. So much!

Y’all know I’m gonna ‘like’ this, but that’s just not enough—I’ve got no choice but to chime in: Between the Super Squats and 5/3/1 Forever, @YeerMimbing, you’ll be set for life!


intensity. try harder. harder than you ever have. check back in 3 months