Squatting and My Back

During my squat session today I noticed I could feel tension in my back. It probably has to do with my form. Are there any tips for preventing messing up my back or should I invest in a good belt or something?

Your abdominal wall and lower back muscles will be the best belt you could ever own(barring PL comp type of weight) if you learn GOOD squatting form. Can you get video shot from the side of you squatting under weight?

Pick up a copy of ‘Starting Strength’ by Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore, it includes over 50 pages of highly detailed info on proper squat form(and equal space dedicated to bench, overhead press, deadlift and power clean), including treatment of common form issues. Read it, read it again and practice practice practice.

Also check out Boris Bachman’s Squat RX videos, they helped me clear up a lot of my own nagging form issues.


Thanks for the help. I think I’ll invest in one of those belts as well as pick up that book sometime soon. I have been using those squat rx videos in the past and they really helped me get more depth in my squat.

[quote]entro wrote:
Thanks for the help. I think I’ll invest in one of those belts as well as pick up that book sometime soon. I have been using those squat rx videos in the past and they really helped me get more depth in my squat.[/quote]

You’re going to invest in one of those belts? I think ATG meant NOT using a belt, and working your lower back and abs in creating a strong support base.

Awwww my bad. I guess I misread his post. Any tips on what I could do to work this into my current program? I’m currently doing beginning starting strengths program.

You don’t need a belt until you get competitive. Before that it will weaken your back. If you’re doing ‘Starting Strength’, follow the program as written. Your back will get stronger from doing the program.

Like the above said, heavy compound lifts, performed standing, and with good form and attention to breathing and abdominal tension will build strong low back and abdominal muscles.

Follow coach Rippetoes form instructions, press, clean, squat, deadlift and row, you will build a strong and injury resistant lower back ASSUMING that you don’t have some form issue that you can’t perceive, which is why I asked if you could get someone to take video footage of you squatting.

I’ll see what I can do about getting that video. I’m going to have to look for a video camera, because the only thing I have is my phone, which would be pretty poor quality. I’ll try and get a video up within the next week or so.

How much do you squat?