Sexy. Tough. New to Site.

[quote]Hallowed wrote:

[quote]Hot Tamale wrote:

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:

[quote]Hot Tamale wrote:
Oops! The pic of Wetwang didn’t come out! Oh well, here it is just for you doubters!![/quote]

I don’t buy it. Please post a picture of yourself with a wetwang.[/quote]

Ummm… okay… now where did I put that thing…[/quote]

pffffftttttt amateur!
Now is when you turn on the quesioner and ATTACK![/quote]

Okay, okay!! Here I am with the wang! Happy now?? The wang is wet, REALLY!!! I SWEAR!!

Another train wreck.

HT - there is actually a scaffolding company in London called Mammoth Erections.

[quote]Cal Jones wrote:
HT - there is actually a scaffolding company in London called Mammoth Erections.[/quote]

Haha that’s awesome. Actually, the cities and websites I cited on that comment are all real!..I found them when I was googling “funny website names” and “funny city names”, ironically because I’m anal retentive about being accurate about anything at all, even if I just made it up! LOL :slight_smile:

[quote]minimaltechno wrote:
Well then if its that, then I’ll do the responsible thing then and contact this Sarah Hulburt, point her here because I would sure as hell want someone to if it was me.[/quote]

Don’t try the FB account though, that’s a fake as well. I tried contacting it. I’ll try the ‘fan page’. Can someone post a link to the blog? Or am I looking right at it?

edit: I may actually contact her law office where she practices, and notify her directly since the fb pages could both be fake as well.

there. Let’s see if this gets a response.


[quote]ThePerfectDrug wrote:
omg. [/quote]

Well if it was me I’d damn well hope that someone would notify me that someone was using my identity to creep.

AQ, why do you care? It seems kind of personal. If she’s fake, it isn’t like there haven’t been a crap load of posters show up and post fake shit over the years. In fact we’ve had plenty of real ‘hey look at me! look at how strong I am’ people post stuff for our admiration, only to disappear.

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
AQ, why do you care? It seems kind of personal. If she’s fake, it isn’t like there haven’t been a crap load of posters show up and post fake shit over the years. In fact we’ve had plenty of real ‘hey look at me! look at how strong I am’ people post stuff for our admiration, only to disappear.[/quote]

I suppose you’re right. This one just seemed particularly creepy

This one is incredibly creepy.

Maybe because it’s hard to discern which is even real or not.

She almost had me.
I dont understand her motive. Very strange.

I dont do facebook either.


I’m new to this site. You guys are really good people for going out of your way to contact the real Sarah. Well…hopefully that was the real Sarah.

[quote]maym wrote:
I’m new to this site. You guys are really good people for going out of your way to contact the real Sarah. Well…hopefully that was the real Sarah.[/quote]

I got a weird response, basically a threat. IF, and that’s a big IF the person with the FB page, and the person posting here are both the real Sarah, then she is one of the most immature douchebags I’ve seen in an actual professional position. The Ohio Bar must be about as hard to pass as hamburger U.

copy and paste it here?

[quote]Dasher wrote:
copy and paste it here?


Yeah AQ we wanna see!

Well, I guess its possible that OP is the real SH… but I REALLY DOUBT IT.

Although maybe she earned the fake OPSH as an enemy just by being a douche.

Either way, I don’t like and I don’t want.

[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:

[quote]Dasher wrote:
copy and paste it here?


x3… i must be bored.

  1. Welcome to new girl. Hai!
  2. Ohh, might be a creepy troll posting private information on TNation. Must save new girl.
  3. Hmmm, might not be a troll but we don’t like new girl. Douchebag!
  4. Screw her…post private message information on TNation. Win!

Is that about right?

Yes sir.

I never claimed to be mature