Robert Pattinson Refuses to Train for Batman

Devils advocate.

He’s an actor. In The Marathon Man Dustin Hoffman turned up on set looking like boiled shite, he’d stayed awake for some ungodly amount of time because the character in the film had. Laurence Olivier asked him if he was ok and once DH explained his method LO shook his head in disbelief and said “ you should learn to act dear boy”

Pattison is obviously great at acting strong.

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Also, you should go tell Daniel Day-Lewis, Robert DeNiro, Marlon Brando, and - gasp - James Dean, whom Pattinson referenced - that method actors don’t know how to act. Devil’s advocate, in this case, is just an excuse to keep arguing against something that should be painfully obvious - Batman doesn’t act strong, he looks strong, and Pattinson hasn’t done anything noteworthy in the movie industry yet, so he’s not ‘obviously great at acting’ anything.


Not true, he’s got emotionally retarded man child down to a T.


Superman is so much worse than Batman as a character, too.

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Honestly, this is actually the best argument for him playing Batman yet.


Just pad out his suit, no problem.

Also, I think you’re just hating on a fine actor there.

Ps: I’ve no idea what he looks like from the face down or what he said.

You’ve been more critical of Sean Connery and Dustin Hoffman as actors than you have of Robert Pattinson in this thread, so if you’re not just arguing for the sake of arguing, or trolling, we can just agree to disagree.

Eh I’ve not criticised anybody. I have been taking the piss from the start which I thought was obvious. I thought we both were. Unfortunately you appear to not be. Good luck to you, I couldn’t give a shit about batman, pattison et al.

Besides the fact that quoting LO as saying that DH needed to learn how to act, which sounds critical of him and his method, you made the switch from ridiculing the idea that someone playing a superhero would have to look at all like a superhero to full-on joking (aka trolling), so if you think “agree to disagree” is some super stern me-being-angry thing, you’re wrong - it’s just me seeing that you’re likely trolling and saying the conversation is going nowhere.

Why doesn’t he address the social issue and messaging of billionaire industrialists dressing up in fancy costumes and beating the crap out of underserved, poorly represented people who can only earn a living doing what they know?

Batman is an elitist prick, and this dudes all “Nah, if I start working out, the rest of you are just gonna feel bad about yourselves. I’m doing this for you…”.

My God what a tone deaf douchebag. :joy: :joy: :joy:


For real though the guy from “Mr. Mom”, Michael Keaton, played Batman.

I think that makes it fair game for just about anybody.

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It IS fair game for anyone, I don’t know that anyone explicitly said that RP couldn’t be Batman, only that refusing to do any training for a Batman movie that isn’t meant to be tongue-in-cheek a la Keaton/even moreso Adam West is just privilege and laziness, not activism.

Ah. Now I understand.

I would go with privilege and laziness disguised as activism.

I know I’m paraphrasing with heavy bias, but making it a male body image issue totally sounds like “I’d lift but I don’t want to make yall feel bad…”. You know, like the guys that don’t want to all of the sudden get all muscley like those body builders. :joy:

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I would always antagonize comic fans by asking “Did you ever read that weird Richie Rich comic where his parents got murdered so he learned karate?” When they said they hadn’t, I would say “Whoops, sorry, I was thinking of Batman”


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I can think of at least one person IRL that this would result in punches being thrown.

Not because it’s false mind you, but because it’s so accurate.

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Bore off mate

Robert Pattinson was fine in The Lighthouse. But the movie was so boring I couldn’t watch past the first hour.

Counter theory - its genuine activism. In which case its about as useful as the Judea’s people’s front suicide squad.
But he might think hes doing something worth while.

It just keeps getting worse! That just makes it a multi-hundred million dollar “Me! -athon”.

For the record though, all of my critique of this is completely tongue in cheek.

I’ll probably watch this like I watch most other movies- While I’m sleeping.

tis cool man.
I hate the idea that some soft fuck can’t hit the gym a few times to cash in his $10million. But yeah - I’m not one for heated internet comments either.