Powerlifting Max Bench Arch

You really don’t see the irony? You believed so strongly in only one ‘right’ way to bench that you will confront a stranger on her Instagram to tell her she’s doing it wrong, just to make sure she doesn’t make the mistake of believing she’s making good progress heaven forbid, even though the standard you are holding them to directly caused you an injury?


She was not arching her back like that to prevent injury. Even though that is exactly what she told me.

I didn’t have to admit what she said. She defended her form saying it was less stressful on the shoulders.

I believe I got hurt because my arms are too long.

There is an article on T-nation that speaks on this subject. I can find and post it if you like.

I honestly don’t care if that’s your excuse for being injured. And the rest of your rambling completely missed the point.

I am still genuinely surprised you don’t see the irony though.


Long arms and heavy benching are a recipe for injury

Or becoming one of the strongest humans who ever lived. Jury is still out.


Take a quick tour through this guy’s post history, then come back and tell me this is surprising.


It is less stressful, less ROM and less vulnerable shoulder angles = less stress.

There are some long armed guys benching big weights and not getting injured. You probably got injured because your technique was shit, since I doubt you ever lifted anything heavy.

Yeah but that’s not even 2x bodyweight and he doesn’t have 6 pack abs, red lights from online non-competitive lifting judges.

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The even greater irony is that he can’t bench for shit, never could, and never will, yet he’s going around trying to tell people how to bench.

I’m going to start critiquing Olympic lifters’s snatch and c&j technique because obviously I know better. They should never bend their knees past 90 degrees under load, it’s a recipe for a knee replacement. A dentist at the gym told me so.


What about Reverse Grip?

I wish I had a wicked arch.

Just an FYI, you are arguing with a couple of people that have a very good bench press at a high ranking competitive level.

But since you don’t give a fuck about no logs, keep on keepin on dude. :joy:

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It’s alright dude, we’ll still be here benching with healthy shoulders until you realize the irony. Even if you never will, actually. We’ll still be here pre-habing injuries and working around injuries instead of telling off some random chick on the internet and bragging about it. You can ask us about the arch then, we’ll still be here.

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Do people still do this?

I think some federations still allow it. Tempted to try it, see if I’m stronger.

I’ll be honest. When I see stuff on line when people want to complain about things like this or other things like sumo deads. Unless the person complaining has actually has step on the platform a few times and earned some street credibility . I pretty much roll my eyes and give two fucks less.
For the record I don’t bench with much of an arch but that has to do with lack of mobility on my part.


I’m pretty sure you stay tight and have stable shoulder position even with minimal arching though

Well yes I try to pack the scapula as much as I can.

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Lots of people have been doing it lately it seems. Some with success.

What are you, some kind of wannabe cheater?

Just put a 2 board in your shirt like Dave Hoff.

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I’d of benched 490 at this meet then, lol


I think for comp it pretty much died with Anthony Clark, but I know throwers like it to get around jacked up shoulders.