Pot and Drinking While Using

I know a lot of people who smoke pot and drink while on cycles of steroids. If you do either one excessively you’re gonna have problems. If you have 2 or 3 beers once a week, you’re not gonna have much of a problem.

If you’re a pot-head or an alcoholic, you’ll have problems if you add steroids to the combination, then again you might be a self-destructive dipshit to begin with and you’ll probably fuck yourself up regardless of what drugs you’re using.

Yeah but I’m not talking about that. I want to know what actually happens, beyond stress to the liver. What values and ratios are affected, etc. I’d like it if someone who knows about these things could give a good breakdown of the actual reasons why one should stay away from alcohol on a cycle.

I am in no way encouraging the imbibing of such, either, just so you know. I’d just like to know what happens to test, estrogen, protein synthesis, what other problems or sides could occur. It seems that most of the people who have so far posted on this thread have not given any REAL reasons why it would be so bad.

I’m just curious.

[quote]benchaffleck wrote:
I know a lot of people who smoke pot and drink while on cycles of steroids. If you do either one excessively you’re gonna have problems. If you have 2 or 3 beers once a week, you’re not gonna have much of a problem.

If you’re a pot-head or an alcoholic, you’ll have problems if you add steroids to the combination, then again you might be a self-destructive dipshit to begin with and you’ll probably fuck yourself up regardless of what drugs you’re using.[/quote]

[quote]World1187 wrote:
And I mean that you need to seriously sit down and maybe talk to someone about this… like a shrink…[/quote]

That’s funny. I wonder how that dialogue would go.

Shrink- So what are we here to talk today to talk about.

Me- Well… um…I smoke a little scooba-doob most nights after we put the kids to bed, sometimes with a couple brews or glass of wine. I am concerned it may be interfering with my training and my… er…um… supplementation.

Shrink- What sort of “supplementation” are we talking about.

Me- Oh, nothing radical. Every three days I shoot 3 cc’s into my ass of oil from these little vials I bought from a friend that some guy he knows mixed up in his garage. I believe the oil contains testosterone enanthate- but shit- who knows? Right? This gives me about 20 times the test that my body would make naturally. I also shoot trenbolone acetate. It’s a powerful androgen that makes cattle get big. Some guys that know some guys that know some guys that I know cook this up from cattle implants using a recipe they found on the internet. I also eat 100 mgs per day of anadrol. It’s a liver-damaging androgen that they prescribe to AIDS patients other folks with severe wasting diseases. When I come off these drugs, I will take a breast cancer drug for a few weeks. But this reefer is the real problem.

Shrink- [speechless]

[quote]InTheZone wrote:
Pinto wrote:
World1187 wrote:
And I mean that you need to seriously sit down and maybe talk to someone about this… like a shrink…

That’s funny. I wonder how that dialogue would go.

Shrink- So what are we here to talk today to talk about.

Me- Well… um…I smoke a little scooba-doob most nights after we put the kids to bed, sometimes with a couple brews or glass of wine. I am concerned it may be interfering with my training and my… er…um… supplementation.

Shrink- What sort of “supplementation” are we talking about.

Me- Oh, nothing radical. Every three days I shoot 3 cc’s into my ass of oil from these little vials I bought from a friend that some guy he knows mixed up in his garage. I believe the oil contains testosterone enanthate- but shit- who knows? Right? This gives me about 20 times the test that my body would make naturally. I also shoot trenbolone acetate. It’s a powerful androgen that makes cattle get big. Some guys that know some guys that know some guys that I know cook this up from cattle implants using a recipe they found on the internet. I also eat 100 mgs per day of anadrol. It’s a liver-damaging androgen that they prescribe to AIDS patients other folks with severe wasting diseases. When I come off these drugs, I will take a breast cancer drug for a few weeks. But this reefer is the real problem.

Shrink- [speechless]

ROFLMAO… That is fuck’n funny.

[quote]Hagar wrote:
InTheZone wrote:
Pinto wrote:
World1187 wrote:
And I mean that you need to seriously sit down and maybe talk to someone about this… like a shrink…

That’s funny. I wonder how that dialogue would go.

Shrink- So what are we here to talk today to talk about.

Me- Well… um…I smoke a little scooba-doob most nights after we put the kids to bed, sometimes with a couple brews or glass of wine. I am concerned it may be interfering with my training and my… er…um… supplementation.

Shrink- What sort of “supplementation” are we talking about.

Me- Oh, nothing radical. Every three days I shoot 3 cc’s into my ass of oil from these little vials I bought from a friend that some guy he knows mixed up in his garage. I believe the oil contains testosterone enanthate- but shit- who knows? Right? This gives me about 20 times the test that my body would make naturally. I also shoot trenbolone acetate. It’s a powerful androgen that makes cattle get big. Some guys that know some guys that know some guys that I know cook this up from cattle implants using a recipe they found on the internet. I also eat 100 mgs per day of anadrol. It’s a liver-damaging androgen that they prescribe to AIDS patients other folks with severe wasting diseases. When I come off these drugs, I will take a breast cancer drug for a few weeks. But this reefer is the real problem.

Shrink- [speechless]

ROFLMAO… That is fuck’n funny.

hahaha that was a good one . i guess smoking weed dont sound all that bad when you say it like that. but realy i found when i get done working out . if i smoked a joint it calms me down . and helps with eating . dude i whould demolish a baked chicken in no time lol