Pookie's Got a New Log

That’s a pretty wide grip if your hands are outside the power rings. There’s always room for improvement I guess. Glad you found a way to make your deadlift better even if it’s just a bit

If you’re trying to drop weight, I think IF and calorie counting is the way to go, as long as you can stick to it. You might feel a little weak on your lifts though as the diet goes on

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It is a wide grip. I was advised to push my feet out further so I could get in better position which pushed my hands out.

The IF is more about playing with my insulin sensitivities than losing weight. I want to go up in weight, but I want to do properly and manage body fat. I’ve heard and read a lot of people touting the virtues of IF for a various list of reasons, but the one that seems to make the most sense is dropping blood sugar and resetting insulin sensitivity. I’ll probably do a couple of weeks of it just to see the effects. It’s been about 24 hours since I last ate right now (and I’m starving). I’ll probably eat the next three meals and then reset.

Then again, since I’m offshore and the food is only so-so on certain days, I might have to play around with which meals I miss. Or only allow carbs at lunch to manage spikes. I don’t know… we’ll see how it goes over the next few weeks.

I did something similar last year. I went Keto for two weeks in August (miserable). After I put carbs back in my body, I seemed to go above where I was previously in some lifts.

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Oh alright alright. I think we’re on different pages on IF. Didn’t realize you’re doing the version where you skip more than 24 hours. I got used to having an 8 to 12 hour window of eating per day but no skipping more than that when saying IF. I’ll be honest, I don’t know the ins and outs of IF, specially the version you do where you skip more than 24 hours or so.

Yeah, some people just really don’t do well without carbs. All boils down to moderation I guess

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I got to thinking about it more based on how it’s affected my wife. She lost 100+ lbs working out and doing IF. She does 24 hr twice a week and a few 36 hr fasts here and there. She also restricted her diet in between which I think will make the key difference. I still want to be in a calorie surplus but preferentially build muscle.

4/29 ME OHP Night for 2RM- Offshore

I was planning on doing back again tonight, but I felt so good I wanted to go to pressing. Worth it. My plan was to press my 1RM for 2. I thought that’s what I did last time I was offshore, but I actually did it for 3. Either way… I knew I had it.

185 x 3 (sleeves only)
225 x 2 (added belt and wrist wraps)
235 x 2
245 x 2
255 x 2
265 x 2 (Felt fantastic)
275 x 2 (NEW PR!)

Cut loose with the Ric Flair WOOOO! Was super stoked. Felt good to go up for a single but exercised restraint to end on a good note. It’s still there.

225 3 x 3

I think a lot of this is coming from greasing the groove and getting a tighter technique for OHP. I’m sure some of it is getting stronger, but I don’t remember a time since back in the day when I could consistently move up this quickly. I’m not quite ready to attribute it to anything else I’ve been doing beyond that.

On a side note- IF is getting a bit easier. Doing most days at 16 hrs no food. I’ll probably do another 24 hr one later this week.


4/30 Press Accessories

Slingshot bench
185 x 8
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 3 (slingshot and wraps)
365 2 x 3
315 2 x 4
275 2 x 8
225 2 x 6 (no slingshot)
185 2 x 10

Alternated between a closer grip (hands inside rings) and normal grip (index fingers on rings).

1 set of 12 JM presses 135
Felt ok, but not great
Triceps push downs- straight bar cable machine
70 lbs
50, 25, 25

Felt good and pumped coming out of this. To my thinking, the slingshot bench lets me overload triceps to work lockout. For OHP using leg drive, that seems to be a good bit where the fruit is.

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5/1 Back Hypertrophy and rehab training

Warm up and alternate sets of barbell rows with facepulls.

Barbell rows 10 x 8 225
Facepulls 10 x 12 70

1 minute rest after each set of facepulls.

First 7 sets of rows done slow for constant tension. Last 3 done explosive to take advantage of pre-fatigued state.

Tried moving to hang cleans and my shoulder sounded like a machine gun on the first one. 1 Rep 135. 10 reps of just the bar to try to work the garbage out of my shoulder. Next Rep still felt like garbage, but in my forearm. Shoulder was fine. Called it quits before I messed something up.

Wow that’s a good achievement. Good on her!

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5/4 ME Deadlifts

Shit night. Started off feeling good. 245, 335, 425 all went up good. 475 was a bit of a strain. 515 went up really well. Now at this point, I had the option to proceed in smaller increments and hit 535 and play it by ear. That’d be a reasonable plan. Fuck that. That plan is for bitches. I’m hitting 600 tonight. I’ll slow down after 565. We’ll i did slow down- right off the floor. I pulled and got the bar within about 3 inches of the bottom of my knees and ran out of gas. Before I dropped it, I did have the presence of mind to look in the mirror and saw the bar was WAY too far ahead of me. Stupid miss. Finished up with a few rackpulls. Dammit!!!

5/5 Deadlift Volume Night

Pissed off about the night before, I did a bit of a volume night.

5x2 425
2x3 385

Don’t remember what I did afterward.

5/7 DE OH press

8x3 185 (4 narrow and 4 wide)
1x8 135

Lateral flies

Cable cross

Hey @pookie79 where ya at?

Slacking on my log for sure. Not so much in the weight room, but things get hectic when I get back shoreside. I’ll get back to it tomorrow.

As long as training’s good, that’s fine

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Ok… finally getting back to logging. Days at home are hectic to say the least.

Today I had to sneak in a workout so I had to make it quick
Spent some time warming up shoulders with light dumbbell presses for sets of 20.
Barbell presses
135 x 8
185 x 6
225 x 3 x 3
185 x 2 x 5
135 x 1 x 8
45 x 1 x 20

Sucks… but that’s all the time I had.

Glad to see you back!

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Thanks. I really need to get better discipline about logging while I’m at home.

6/6/19- Offshore Volume Bench

185 x 8
225 x 8
275 x 3

First Pyramid- 315 w/ slingshot
Rest time limited to 10 secs per rep (10 sec for 1 rep, 20 sec for 2 reps). Rest protocol repeated throughout.

Second Pyramid- 275 w/ slingshot

Third pyramid- 225 raw

Fourth pyramid- 185 raw

135 5x5

Nice pump afterwards.

6/8/19 Cardio for the fatboy while offshore
5 min on a manual treadmill
HIIT on rower
20 sec work w/ 40 sec rest x 5 (I wanted to puke)
10 min on manual treadmill

6/10/19 Back Hypertrophy Offshore

Alternating sets of lat pulldowns and cable rows
150 x 10 3 sets
140 x 10
120 x 10
100 x 15
80 x 20
60 x 25

Smith machine rows
255 x 12 5 sets

Dumbbell hammer curls
35 x 12 3 sets

6/11/19 Offshore DE deadlifts

295 for 12 singles

alternate sets of 6 GHR and 10 back extensions for 3 rounds

I’m happy… had time to get a little accessory work in tonight and not feel like dogshit.