Neighbors Peeing on My Grass!

Stick it in their poopers?
Hit them?

Seriously go with fire crackers scares the shit out of them. Hopefully they won’t shit on your lawn in the precess.

Get a lion,and train it to piss on their lawn.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Walk out of the house with your M-4 and say, “I blow a hole in your face and then I go in the house… and I sleep like a baby. You can count on that. We used to stack fucks like you five feet high in Korea… use you for sandbags.”


Awesome reference, great movie. I’d talk to the neighbors first. If that doesn’t work, catch it and keep it captive until you can sell it to someone (preferably from a place not close-by). No reason not to make some money in the process, right?

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
Talk to the neighbors?[/quote]

neighbor hood meeting

Has anyone said fence yet? If not…fence

Don’t listen to any of these guys. Settle this once and for all!

Challenge the dog to a dance battle:

Man vs Dog Dance Battle Music Added - YouTube (with music)

[quote]Fuzzyapple wrote:

Seriously go with fire crackers scares the shit out of them.[/quote]

Shit, you’d get hit with felony terrorism charges if around here if you did that, especially if you’re an 18 year old mexican honor student.

[quote]super saiyan wrote:
Don’t listen to any of these guys. Settle this once and for all!

Challenge the dog to a dance battle:

Man vs Dog Dance Battle Music Added - YouTube (with music)[/quote]


[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
7 words to put into effect:

Advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage.[/quote]

I love that movie. I can see it now.

If his property backs up to yours, I have a good one. The kudzu vine tip triggered this for me. Plant a hedge of bamboo along the property line. Border it on your side with edging but you might have to go down like 12". On his side, it’ll take over and crowd out anything in its path.

Look up on google, the “dirty dozen” of invasive plants and stock up on them, maybe sneak over and plant them on his property. There’s one that’ll get into his siding and can even crack cement if it finds a way in.


The best solution would probably be to (A) video tape the dog doing it, AND (B) capture the dog while he is on your property. Hold the dog hostage until they come to YOU with their tail between their legs to ask for their fucking dog back. When they do so, you can inform them that you caught the whole thing on video and that they “bes’ keep the dog off my property, ya hear?” (As they leave, perhaps thrown in a “Go on, git!”)

Seriously though, swift, decisive action is required or else this—and other shit—will continue.

Calling the cops early on to report this is not a bad idea, either. At some point, as this escalates, they will call the cops on you for something related to this. Hopefully at that point your stack of calls will be five-feet high and the cops will know who the jackass really is.

I was driving through my neighborhood and there was a sign out in someones yard that said “don’t shit in my yard” I cracked up, when I drove through an hour later it was gone.

If you love your lawn that much I would get a fence or wall put up. I planted a lawn with seeds and I know how frustrating it is when parts of it die off.

I’d just put up a fence. If you don’t want to or don’t have the money to, make sure you see that it is in fact their dog. Just wait for it one night, walk outside and when they call the dog back tell make it known that you don’t want their stupid dog on their yard.

If that doesn’t work, fuck antifreeze, get some raw hamburger meat, and put chunks of broken glass into it. Then hurl it into their front yard. And then go buy some ear plugs, because that dog will be screaming until it dies. I’m sure they’ll get the point then, and no, it won’t come back to you.

I didn’t read any of the replies. Haha. But if the dog’s urine is killing your grass, it has some disease or imbalance which is affecting its renal function (possibly diabetes).

That was just what stuck out to me, thinking like I do.

wow I’m just glad its not my dog peeing in any of your yards, shit.

[quote]Unaware wrote:
Xab wrote:
Urine, canine or not, is high in nitrogen, which is a natural fertilizer for all plant life. If the dog was pissing in the yard, it would help the grass grow, not kill it.

If you had a dog you would realize that is not the case. [/quote]

Bullshit. I live in an apartment complex with probably 50 dogs (and I have one), all of which have to be walked outside to piss and shit. Please believe we do not have polka dotted grass.

Check for turf grubs before you do anything. They’ll eat the roots of the grass and cause massive damage to otherwise nice healthy lawns.

Dig about a spade sized chunk of grass, root and dirt of the affected area and dice it up fine with a planting trowel. If you find fat little grubs through-out then you have the culprit. Grubex works really well.

If it is grub damage, you can have a nice chuckle at the fact that your neighbors blew a couple of grand to fix a problem that $25.00 would fix just as well.

[quote]Fuzzyapple wrote:
Has anyone said fence yet? If not…fence[/quote]

Would it be barbed? Lol but that solution seems so simple and effective that it makes us all look like idiots.