My Quest for 1400

[quote]mrodock wrote:
Looks like things are going well, good work! Can you link to the Lonnie Lowery article?[/quote]

And it was Shelby Starnes…my bad

Well, today I hit another PR, this time in the squat with 515 pounds, which is a 65 pound PR. I’m not going to lie but it was a fucking challenge. Today was the first day in my new squat suit and it was a pain in the ass to get into it and get it set. It took me 4 sets, 10 total reps and an increase in 165 pounds just to get me into the suit. when I finally got in it, it hurt so bad on my quads. All I could do was laugh. To make matters worse, the legs were rubbing right on my old sun burn and ripped a bunch of skin off. Even though there was a hitch in the push, which you will see in the video, the weight came up pretty quick. I was pretty fired up when I got it and just knowing that I got it that easily just makes me know that I can have a big squat come meet day.

All we did was squat today, since it was my third max effort day in a row, plus breaking in a new suit, my body felt good but my CNS was done.

We did the squat out of the mono lift:

1x10 - bar
1x5 - 135
1x5 - 185
1x3 - 225
1x3 - 265
1x5 - 335 – suit on, straps down - not seated
1x3 - 405 – " " "
1x1 - 445 – " " "
1x1 - 495 – " straps up, knee’s wrapped - not seated
1x1 - 500 – suit on, straps up, knee’s wrapped, finally seated, PR
1x1 - 515 – " " " " , PR
1x1 - 545 – WALKOUT ONLY, suit on, straps up, knee’s wrapped

As you can see, it took me a while to get the suit seated but once it finally did, the suit felt really good. Will still take me some time to get used to it being that tight as it is a new suit but damn did it feel good. Even having my knee’s wrapped again didn’t feel awkward like last time. I’m not sure what I did but I did feel much more comfortable psychologically than in previous max effort days with the squat.

Will be nice to have a lite speed day tomorrow for upper, my CNS is pretty fried.

Here is the video of my 515 PR

Shitty, I know…

Yikes, I forgot about posting for a few days. My bad.

Work has been busy, life has been busy and training has been…well, busy.

Let’s see, we last left off with me hitting a PR on the squat. Pat on the back is now over. My next session was an upper day and we cut my speed bench short because I was having some soreness around my bicep brachialis that made it super uncomfortable to push in any plane. So we did some high volume, light weight auxiliary movements.

Yesterday was a pull day, so we spent some time doing speed pulls out of a deficit. To do this, we quaded over a mini band and only used 35 pound plates to get me closer to the ground. Felt fine being that low until I put my belt on, then I got a little light headed as we were moving fast with short rest periods (30 seconds).

We finished with a killer circuit of glute/ham raises with band tension, reverse hypers with heavy weight and some light chest supported rows. I then did some ab work and we were done.

My dad (OT) was able to get me an electric stim machine from the owner of his PT clinic and that should be here next week sometime. So I will be hooked up to that for all little nagging injuries. I also just set up a sweet deal with a local message therapist to work on trade, so I will be getting weekly massages as well.

This weekend should be fun because I’m going white water rafting with a buddy of mine. Should be interesting.

Just read through the log, looks great. Good luck with the speed work.