My Fiancee is Struggling Desperately to Lose Weight

At least there was a little bit of thought put into this one, instead of just asking “How did I get big bicep(s)? I don’t want to work any other body parts”.

Great trolls have 10 years of experience, others have 1 year of experience 10 times over.

Back 10 years ago this thread would have slipped under the radar due too traffic volume. No one would have remembered the one from a year ago.

It’s always on a Monday.
Garbage toss



Such a good question. I get that they’re bored like @Chris_Colucci said, but I can’t understand how this is entertaining.

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Bless you @Chris_Colucci for keeping our home clean.

I think there is something deeper and more insidious behind it.

Troll guy goes “I’m going to ask the same question year over year and watch the same people fall for the same crap over and over!” as validation of his belief of his own intellectual superiority.

But I’m a big fan of those FBI/psy-ops team dramas though. :nerd_face:


Yeah, it’s definitely some weird pathological issue. It’s kind of like how I’ve known a couple people who would tell blatant lies, sometimes in stories INVOLVING me, while I’m there listening, so they know and I know it’s a lie, but they’re just telling it, and they seem to be believing it. Definitely could be what @SkyzykS said too, or a combination of both. There are the trolls that are ‘trolling’ just to get a rise out of people, and then there are the ones like this, where there’s no rhyme or reason to what they’re doing.

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I thought my one buddy was doing this until someone else told the same story. Then I was kinda baffled, like maybe he heard the tale too, but no. There was one very good explanation.

Blackouts from bacardi & coke.

It all goes back to that whiney kid named Dave who started with grievances about his own lack of manhood about 5 years ago.

He didn’t like his step dad, all of the guys at work were morons but better at their job than him, of course he smokes weed, but that had nothing to do with it, yadda yadda yadda…


What’s hilarious… most dont get that on here some of us just play along for shits and giggles . Just giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

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I would never… :joy:


Oh? So…im the only one ? Huh …learn somthing new everyday.


That was hilarious


Remember the kid who was like “My roommates are inconsiderate, they have too much sex” and then said “Plot twist: my roommates are my parents”? THAT was great.


That was an awesome twist. He might not have even been trolling. Just tired of hearing his mom get her soul snaked.


Mmm gonna have to side with this quite a bit. We psychology weirdos actually refer to it as pathological tendencies. It shows up within a looooooot of individuals. Mostly varying in terms of severity. It can range from lying, to OCD, to ideations of negative societal and interpersonal interactions, but can even range to smaller gone-unnoticed types of behaviors like saying “ouch” even though whatever caused impact wasn’t painful to any degree whatsoever.

It’s usually characterized by intense emotions/feelings, that are perceived as uncontrollable. Concerning OP, not to be pretentious or rude, but it seems like he’s prone to, or at least shows something similar to pathologically lying. What I find odd, is that he sticks to the exact same scenario, granted maybe he thinks his audience will be different each time?

And…(could be wrong), if he does it to complete online strangers I’d assume he probably also does it in social situations, or to even closer people he/she knows. To complete strangers, it’s uncomfortably irrational (and it is by all means), but to the person exhibiting such behavior, it’s not so much about the person/people witnessing said behavior, and more so the individual feeding into whatever irrationality that fuels why they behave the way they do.

It’s kind of split between various theories as to why, but I’m leaning more towards the side of stuff like upbringing, trauma, emotional disturbances, etc. Some studies point to neurological causes, and it may very well be, but I’m siding more on the emotional aspect of things.

Of course OP could just be into irritating people online who he’s never met before. But his tactics are…peculiar to say the least.