My Experience at the Excalibur

Well done dude…

You seem to have the key ingredient for success… Desire!
Go get it!!!

I honestly think DG could carry as much as 250, especially in the upper body. If you look at how much his torso is ‘filled out’ now, you see that there’s plenty o’ room left for more muscle.

Rattler- I believe Ferrigno was 6’5, and 325 at his last Olympia appearance,… so start eating -lol


How’d I miss this until now?

Gerdy your good attitude and determination to reach your own goals is inspiring. Great work and best wishes in the future.

lookin good DG.

Great job DG. I look forward to seeing your progress over the next couple years!

Thanks a ton everybody!

I finally got the results. I finished 6th out of 13 in the Novice heavies and 8th out of 15 in the Open Heavies.

4 of the guys who beat me in the novice also beat me in the open.

Again I’m not happy because being the best is what I always shoot for, but I can’t complain at this.

A few years and several lbs later I hope to have a different story :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks again everybody.


good job Gerdy. Build it brick by brick.

good work DG. impressive stuff. your time will come.

Straight up, this is nothing but impressive.

Any lack of motivation I have about the gym was just erased…

Keep it up and you’ll go insane far.

Thanks man…thats the goal.

Thanks for the help in the ‘getting more cals…’ thread.


[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
The Mighty Stu wrote:
Great stuff DG, considering your age (I know you must be getting tired of hearing that -lol), you are soooo far along bro. Yes, your tall frame will fill out in time, but even now, that quad sweep is just sick!

Oh, and the guy in the red trunks? He only lost because of all the politics involved in these sort of shows.


Sad thing was…the other two fat guys in the show were retarded.

This guy was not. He didn’t speak any english I believe either. lol

I seriously don’t know what several of the competitors see in themselves to want to compete.DG[/quote]

Probably the same thing that makes every body think they belong on American Idol…

Anyways you look good. Good luck with bulking/filling out…