More Idiocy from

Actually, the original article was fine. It doesn’t say not to lift weights. It’s not an article about diet. It’s an article about effective cardio. Always doing the same workout IS bad. You really shouldn’t be able to watch tv when working out. Intervals are more effective than steady-state cardio (though not always appropraite when low-carbing or during a significant caloric deficit). Don’t hold the handrails. Using the incline is an effective way of getting a better workout. Most people definitely DON’T need to sip sugary sports drinks all afternoon.

You guys do realize most of the articles in that magazine are written by a lot of T-Nation authors. Same with mens health. I dont see why there is always so much hate towards these two magazines.

probably because nowhere do they emphasize “this shit is painful and hard and will require years of dedication”

instead of “be bodybuilder ripped in 30 days”

[quote]cyph31 wrote:
well all women seem to turn insane above the age of 15 so looks are a secondary priority for me before i assess if they are right in the head[/quote]

lol, truth!!

…but a damn close second

[quote]DouglasJ16 wrote:
trextacy wrote:
DouglasJ16 wrote:
Haha very true. Cardio, cardio, cardio…wait, what?? No shit you’re still out of shape and flabby.

Check this out

#1 is bullshit
#2 is directly related to the bs rule #1
#13 is questionable- I’d say there’s a fine line between ‘acting hot’ (?) and ‘acting like a cocky asshole’

#1 is probably true for most women. That’s just the way it is.There are exceptions…but that’s what they are, exceptions.

Yeah its a shame if you ask me. Someone who lifts weights seriously shows dedication and a solid work ethic. It also shows they care about themselves.

I think the thought process (for these women who don’t like built guys) is that if they’re built they must count every calorie and would rather lift than take her out and would rather add 5 pounds to their squat than take a vacation and have crazy awesome sex, and they must be stupid meat head steroid users (!!!) etc, etc.

(I’d also say this thought process in a guy equates to the tiny, metro, lets go shopping fella)

I don’t know about you guys but it pisses me the fuck off. I know a few guys who lift as seriously as I do and they’re HARD ASS WORKERS, extremely smart, good guys/friends and so on.

I’d LOVE to find a girl who cared about how she looked to the point where she’d eat right and work out–nothing crazy–but this bullshit eat pizza and ice cream then don’t eat for a day to try to ‘lose that weight’ is stupid and obviously doesn’t work but they don’t realize that.

I find that those who are extremely dedicated to training have another aspect of their life they have a passion for and strive to excel. For me its school right now. Again, a good quality…so what’s the problem people??

(Sorry for the rant, had to get it out)


I completely agree. I already have people questioning as why I would want to get bigger.

Is it just me or does that article pretty much bitchify women?

I love how #1 operates off the assumption that we train for women and women only.

Actually, that’s what everyone I meet seems to think too. Can’t I be selfish and do something just for me for once?

[quote]IronAbrams wrote:
I love how #1 operates off the assumption that we train for women and women only.

Actually, that’s what everyone I meet seems to think too. Can’t I be selfish and do something just for me for once?[/quote]

People who read the magazine probably do train for the attention of women.

Remember these suggestions aren’t for the readers of T-Nation, they are for a a different target audience.

You know what, that’s very true. I get tunnel vision sometimes… makes me forget the world outside of strength athletics.

Reminds me of the other day, I was squatting and was having a hard time of it because I forgot to bring my ipod. There was a guy doing curls nearby and he said to his friend “Man, I wish there was some pill that you could just take to get ripped- I hate this hard work shit!”

[quote]IronAbrams wrote:
“Man, I wish there was some pill that you could just take to get ripped- I hate this hard work shit!”[/quote]

HAH! Says 98% of the population…

That 2% isn’t crazy either…its just when people look at that 2% they know it takes lots of hard work and you can’t just buy that. Mmmmm, feels good to be in the minority.

I will trim down that stupid list about what women want to a smaller list:

  1. get WICKED rich

does anyon agree?

it’s more like

  1. get rich

  2. have a big dick

[quote]ukrainian wrote:
I completely agree. I already have people questioning as why I would want to get bigger.

Is it just me or does that article pretty much bitchify women?[/quote]

The author sounds like a picky bitch that has too much time to complain.

[quote]DouglasJ16 wrote:
Check this out

I’ll add one:

24) With many of us women, what we say, what we mean, what we think we find attractive and what we actually are attracted to are often quite different things.

As she obviously speaks in the name of the majority of women: Kind of hypocritical that in all of the 23 points, there is no mention of money, power, fame, intelligence and the like.

Whatever, I’m off to swiffer the living room.


so they essentially admitted they don’t know what the hell they want and if they did it would be some contradiction ? at least they aren’t lying about that

[quote]buckeye girl wrote:
ukrainian wrote:
I completely agree. I already have people questioning as why I would want to get bigger.

Is it just me or does that article pretty much bitchify women?

The author sounds like a picky bitch that has too much time to complain.[/quote]

Well, it’s a good thing that you agree with my sentiments on the author.

[quote]cyph31 wrote:
so they essentially admitted they don’t know what the hell they want and if they did it would be some contradiction ? at least they aren’t lying about that[/quote]

It wasn’t in the original article. I wrote that one.


[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
lol@ men look eneffective driving an automatic. bitch you look eneffective sitting in the passanger seat.[/quote]

That shit was fantastic. I spontaneous lol’ed and stuff. I will pull this quote out on an inappropriate amount of occassions over the next few days.