Mayweather-Ortiz 24/7

All he do is win.

Episode 3

Part 2

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
By the way, anyone who thinks that Floyd ain’t gonna look sharp for this fight - even Uncle Rog can’t land a shot on him.

holy crap.

Talk about evasive movement.

Isn’t this in two days time? Holy lack of forum action Batman.

^^ Hahaha! Right on.

2 days to go indeed. Can’t wait.

You come at the king, you best not miss…

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

I’ve got to disagree hard with this. If he lost the fight, it might damage him only slightly, because inevitably there’d be a rematch.
Overall maybe, but i disagree with you when it comes to what I think matters to Floyd. His peeps. Floyd is very much in touch with the average think he can fight on the block slap boxer thinks, and sees that many of them would see a loss as a major tarnish. They might still love him ( like Tyson) after a rematch but the legend of his invincibility would be over.

Might be true, but they are the majority. Even among his fans I’ve had tons of arguments that he hasn’t really fought anybody like Pac.

I still think he might go down as one of the best fighters of our time, but if he wants a legacy like Sugar Ray and Joe Louis he has to fight Pac.

[quote]Airtruth wrote:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

I’ve got to disagree hard with this. If he lost the fight, it might damage him only slightly, because inevitably there’d be a rematch.
Overall maybe, but i disagree with you when it comes to what I think matters to Floyd. His peeps. Floyd is very much in touch with the average think he can fight on the block slap boxer thinks, and sees that many of them would see a loss as a major tarnish. They might still love him ( like Tyson) after a rematch but the legend of his invincibility would be over.

Might be true, but they are the majority. Even among his fans I’ve had tons of arguments that he hasn’t really fought anybody like Pac.

I still think he might go down as one of the best fighters of our time, but if he wants a legacy like Sugar Ray and Joe Louis he has to fight Pac.

Mayweather couldn’t have a legacy like Sugar Ray’s if he fought everybody. There simply was not the level of competition there throughout his career. Same goes for most everybody who fought outside the era or the weight division of the “Three Kings”.

He has never beaten a great fighter in their prime and weight division (Although he has fought some very good ones). This did absolutely no harm to another fighter you mention, Joe Louis, who fed on bums for most of his career. The key is that Joe Louis fought everybody, and Floyd Mayweather did not. I don’t think anyone could have a huge problem with the fights that Floyd has taken, but they could definitely take issue with his activity level in his later years. There were some real tough fights out there for him (notably Paul Williams) that he did not take. People are not going to forget that. And if the Pacquiao fight never takes place, people will always wonder how Mayweather would have fared against another ‘great’ fighter.

All of this said I think history is probably going to be kinder to Money May than the internet is.

I agree completely duffy.

At best Floyd can work to a Rocky Marciano legacy. A flawless record, but against less than legendary competition. However, Marciano also took hard fights. Floyd has either avoided some, and dominated others so that its tough to say he was tested/vetted.

Also, Leonard vs Hearns vs Haggler vs Duran is so special because there were four kings trying to fight each other. Leonard was/is a prick, but he proved himself many times over.

We are talking about Ray Leonard right?


Robert A

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
You come at the king, you best not miss…

Awesome video.

I watched it with the sound off though. Not a big fan of Eminem…

brain fart

Oh Floyd.

That was completely unnecessary. He was owning Victor aside from one headbutt.

Also, I don’t think Cortez said box. I’m not that familiar with boxing technicalities. Is that reason for a DQ?

[quote]rundymc wrote:
Oh Floyd.

That was completely unnecessary. He was owning Victor aside from one headbutt.

Also, I don’t think Cortez said box. I’m not that familiar with boxing technicalities. Is that reason for a DQ?[/quote]

Fuck Ortiz! If amyone should have been DQ’d it was Ortiz. I do not blame Mayweather in the least, the fight was on and payback is a bitch!

yeah, real classless on his part. But I think most people know where he was coming from with that. He’s a young guy in the fight of his career, and got caught up in the moment.

I think Floyd will come out of this looking worse than Victor. He threw those punches when Ortiz had his guard down. Legal I’m sure, and he’s done this before (Gatti and Mosley I believe). But it’s never looked this questionable.

Vodka breath Merchant blowing up in the interview isn’t going to help either (fuck that guy, horrible commentator nowadays, attention whore, needs to go).


Merchant was fucking hilarious. As for the fight itself,both parties were fucking up. Mayweather throwing elbows and Victor with that headbutt. Floyd was dominating the fight so that cheapshot was not necessary.